Cities: Skylines Reviews
Cities: Skylines is a pretty damn good city building sim game for consoles. It's got its problems and it's incredibly limited in its scope, but if you're looking to kill more than a few hours with one of the most therapeutic game in some time, this is it.
Classic city simulation genre from PC is letting us design, make and manage the dream metropolis on PS4. Concrete jungle, industry valley or green eco-city – it all up to us!
Review in Polish |
Colossal Order has created one of the most enjoyable city builders in recent memory and despite its small budget, Cities: Skylines celebrates the joy of building in enjoyable fashion.
Still one of the best games in the genre, Cities: Skylines – Xbox One Edition, is the best city sim on consoles.
Cities: Skylines – Xbox One Edition does make a few mistakes along the way, but it provides players with a great and mostly feature-complete city-planning experience that has been sorely missing in the console space.
If you harbour even the slightest desire to build then you have to experience Cities: Skylines. It provides most of the complexity of Maxis' 2013 Sim City but isn't bogged down with restrictive city size and a focus on co-operative building. The customisation and mods will keep this game alive for a long, long time and Colossal Order are due great praise for their embracing user created content.
Cities: Skylines is definitely a must-own for fans of the genre, or gamers with a nostalgic itch for SimCity that EA certainly won't scratch.
Cities: Skylines is the spiritual successor to Simcity you've been waiting for.
Even on PlayStation 4, Cities: Skylines is still the greatest city builder around.
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Uptown fun.
There's already a decent roster of maps, ready-made cities, building designs and more to download, and the game's not even hit the shelves yet. It's a sign that Colossal Order cottons on to the reason people like these city-building games; they want freedom, not restriction, streamlined, easy to use systems, not needless complexity. In that sense, Cities: Skylines is a resounding success. In summary - here's the city-builder you've been waiting for. Enjoy.
Cities: Skylines is the city-building game we all wanted, but never got -- until now.
Cities: Skylines comes highly recommended.
Ultimately there's less micro-management in Cities: Skylines than in SimCity, but it in no way feels like something cut-down or "cloney." No, Cities: Skylines is its own game - an impressive feat considering the lineage of the genre.
Well-built and considered – mods will keep this one going
It is, after all, the best city simulator released since aeons before, and with signs of a lot more to come from the mod community and the developers, the future is looking seriously bright for Cities: Skylines that could see it become the king of city simulation.
Cities: Skylines somehow lives up to the unfair expectations heaped upon it, presenting one of the best city builders in years.
Cities: Skylines on Xbox One console is the same great, complex and unique city builder, avaiable on PC from 2015. For all console gamers, this game is the perfect city building simulation.
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Some missing features, specifically the ability to speed up time, holds Cities: Skylines back but it's still a competent city builder.
I hope every building simulator fan out there gives this DLC a try because it's jam-packed with considerations to be made definitely worth investigating!