Cities: Skylines Reviews

Cities: Skylines is ranked in the 89th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
86 / 100
Mar 10, 2015

A handful of flaws, but this fun and addictive city-builder still climbs high.

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Mar 12, 2015

Colossal Order's 'Cities: Skylines' is an entertaining city building game on a scale like no other, and it may be a perfect replacement for 'SimCity'.

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Dan Stapleton
Top Critic
8.5 / 10.0
Mar 10, 2015

Cities: Skylines is all about building huge, bustling cities, but they don't need us to save them from disaster.

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No Recommendation / Blank
Mar 18, 2015

That distinction between the two doesn't retroactively make SimCity a better game. A failure is still a failure. It does, however distinguish a visionary-but-broken game and one that works enough to please an itch without pushing boundaries. Skylines is a merely competent game that's smart enough to let the community innovate for it. All its problems and all its genuine innovation will come from the creative ambition of its players. It's comforting in a way, because with that you feel that you share your struggles with a larger community, but there's still the nagging feeling Cities: Skylines lacks a magic of its own.

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8 / 10
Mar 18, 2015

The true successor to the SimCity legacy, and even though it only restates what was great about the original it still does a better job than the last decade or so of official games.

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Metro GameCentral
Top Critic
7 / 10
May 4, 2017

A reasonable port of the PC original, and certainly the best SimCity clone on consoles, but missing features and awkward controls narrow its scope and appeal.

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8.5 / 10.0
Apr 21, 2017

True to its PC reputation, Cities: Skylines is the best city-builder out there today

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Top Critic
8 / 10
Mar 11, 2015

Smart attention to details like zoning and policy decisions make Cities: Skyline the most authentic city-builder you can play.

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Luke Plunkett
Top Critic
Mar 10, 2015

You want to build cities? This game lets you build really big cities that look awesome.

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Mar 12, 2015

Cities: Skylines isn't perfect, but it's an excellent city builder and a great launch for developer Colossal Order. There a few control issues, a lack of key features explanations for new players, and the building currently lack the complexity found in SimCity 4 or SimCity (2013), but I still sunk hours into the game and will sink many more. With a strong mod community, I'm sure Cities: Skylines will look great for years to come.

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9 / 10.0
Mar 10, 2015

There's a bit of universal appeal that comes with building and maintaining your own virtual city, and for a while I thought that magic had left the industry. I was wrong. Cities: Skylines is a title that will eat up hours of your time, and with a commitment from the developers to continue support for the title in the future, and Steam Workshop integration, the huge amount of replayability the base game has will become even bigger. I wholeheartedly recommend this game and can't wait to see what modders and Colossal Order have in store for us in the future.

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80 / 100
Aug 15, 2017

Cities Skylines arrives on PS4 to delight fans of urban management and construction games with an edition that includes the DLC After Dark. Despite being a notable edition, it does not reach the mark because it does not include the rest of the expansions and does not allow to manage some aspects.

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8 / 10
Mar 10, 2015

Cities: Skylines might be Colossal Order's first attempt at a city builder, but it already feels well rounded and complete. There are a few areas that need improving and others that are crying out to be expanded upon, but those will come in due course, and what's already there lets you build vast cities to your heart's content.

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8 / 10
Apr 26, 2017

Despite some technical issues brought about by Cities: Skylines' transition to Xbox One, it remains an enthralling city builder, and one which has virtually no competition on console. The most keenly felt loss is the ability to fast-forward through time, but for those who succumb to its more relaxed pace, Cities: Skylines is liable to remain the best home console city builder for some time.

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7 / 10
Apr 2, 2015

With Cities: Skylines, you have the chance to plan the city of your dreams, complete with a complex road sysem and economic infrastructure. However, the game's steep learning curve and vague status feedback might put-off a lot of would-be mayors.

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8 / 10.0
Apr 21, 2017

Complex and demanding, Cities: Skylines is a solid and engaging city-builder ported quite well on Xbox One.

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8 / 10
Apr 21, 2017

Cities: Skylines hasn't been benefited or harmed in this Xbox One port.. It's the same deep and accessible that we had in PC, but now we miss the two DLCs that are missing.

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4 / 5.0
Aug 17, 2017

Cities: Skylines – PlayStation 4 Edition brings an excellent city-simulator to consoles offering an amazing interface and excellent visuals. Everything is straightforward in terms of gameplay and the game feels like a modern take on the older and excellent versions of Sim City. While the console version may lack some of the content the PC version does, there is more than enough here to keep anyone busy.

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9 / 10.0
Mar 13, 2015

Skylines opens up the genre to players old and new with a user-friendly interface, intricately designed mechanics and enormous maps for maximum player creativity. One of the best.

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Attack of the Fanboy
AOTF Staff
Top Critic
Mar 18, 2015

Cities: Skylines is how city-building games ought to be. It's fun, it's pretty, it's easily approachable, yet, difficult to master. It doesn't have all the features that one might dream of in the perfect city-building simulator, but it does absolute wonders with what it does have.

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