Sonic Origins Reviews

Sonic Origins is ranked in the 67th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
7 / 10.0
Jun 29, 2022

Sonic Origins does an excellent job with its presentation, bonus content, and modernizations of classic games. On the other hand, I wish more games were included even if they didn't get the royal treatment that the 4 titles here did.

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6.5 / 10.0
Jun 27, 2022

While Sonic Origins does little to innovate or make this set of ports stand out besides some forgettable Museum unlockables and some nice new artwork, it remains a perfectly fine addition to the accessibility of classic Sonic games on modern consoles. I wish it were not at the expense of the ability to purchase them individually from older ports; however, even with its flaws, it’s as fun as these games have ever been.

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Jun 29, 2022

Sonic Origins is a very mixed bag. The collection proves that the Sonic games have stood the test of time quite well — especially CD, which after this revisit might have become my personal favorite. The series’ art style is still pleasing to the eye, the music rocks, and the Retro Engine conversions are mostly high quality. However, in terms of content, the execution feels incomplete. This could have been the ultimate Sonic collection — the one that puts older compilations to shame. However, the wasted potential is frustrating and it’s almost unbelievable that Sonic Mega Collection Plus, released 18 years ago on the PlayStation 2, still outshines Sonic Origins in terms of content. Think about that.

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8 / 10.0
Jul 13, 2022

While there are still a few bugs to iron out, Sonic Origins delivers the old-school Sonic experience in its best form yet thanks to a host of new features and quality-of-life improvements.

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6 / 10.0
Jul 26, 2022

Sonic Origins banks too much on nostalgia. The games are functional and are enjoyable as always but the glitches introduced to Sonic 2 and Sonic 3 & Knuckles with regards to Tails are annoying. Sonic 3’s soundtrack being changed so drastically feels incredibly disappointing too.

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Jay Jones
Jul 5, 2022

Sonic Origins absolutely represents the best way to experience these classic games on modern platforms if you’ve never had the chance before. For people who’ve been here before, though, it’s questionable whether the new content is quite worth the premium price tag, especially with a bunch of surprising new issues.

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8 / 10.0
Jul 21, 2022

Sonic Origins is a collection of SEGA titles that should not be missing from your library.

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Jun 21, 2022

The four games contained in Sonic Origins are excellent. More than 30 years later, they've aged quite well, and Sonic Origins is the best possible way to revisit them, or play them for the very first time. Playing all four games, I was taken aback by how Sonic Team was able to make each game feel distinctive. However, after all the reissues some of these games seen, long-time Sonic fans will have to decide if the collection's extras and changes are worth the price of admission. Of course, now that Sonic Origins has been released, I sincerely hope that Sega offers similar packages for other Sonic games. If the company ever decides to give the Sonic Advance games a similar treatment, I'll be first in line.

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Jun 24, 2022

"Almost back to full speed."

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7.5 / 10.0
Jul 7, 2022

A compilation of the most classic Sonic games with enough additional content to encourage replayability. Although it may be a bit lame at times, it more than fulfills its purpose.

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8 / 10.0
Jun 21, 2022

Sonic Origins is a fantastic dive into the beginning of the iconic blue hedgehog that offers plenty of content for your money. Despite this, new fans may grow tired of how similar these classic games are. Longtime fans will probably welcome how much classic retro Sonic content there is and spends hours exploring all the different modes and challenges.

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8 / 10.0
Jul 4, 2022

Sonic Origins, in the sum of everything, is a very valid collection: all the games received a good treatment as they gained improvements that increase the experience and the extras of the package complement the set. It's not a perfect re-release, given the amount of small details that bother those who are already so used to these classic adventures.

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4.5 / 5.0
Jul 7, 2022

Sonic Origins is an overall strong collection of some of Sonic’s best titles. The PS5 version seems pretty bug-free, and the included games all play very smoothly. I wish there was a bit more content in the gallery, and the replaced Sonic 3 songs are disappointing, but otherwise, I’m quite satisfied with Sonic Origins.

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7.5 / 10.0
Jul 6, 2022

Sonic Origins is a good collection, with a very well implemented job of changing the look of games to something current without leaving them stretched. Still, this mania of always focusing on the same Sonic games in different collections, given that he has a vast list of interesting titles, is starting to get more and more worn out.

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7.5 / 10.0
Jun 27, 2022

In almost every way, Sonic Origins is a success, except for where it truly matters – the games themselves. What could have been a fantastic celebration of some of the greatest 16-bit platformers out there is instead a tentative recommendation to new fans and a difficult sell for those who’ve spent decades of their lives running in Sonic’s shoes. I’ve enjoyed my time blasting to the past, but it’s fallen frustratingly short of living up to my memories.

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No Recommendation / Blank
Jul 4, 2022
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7 / 10
Jul 3, 2022

Messy as it is, Sonic Origins is still a collection of the best 2D entries the franchise has to offer. It may not be as dense in content in comparison to prior compilations like Sonic Mega Collection or Sonic Gems Collection, but it does just enough to not get in the way of what made these games system sellers in their heyday. While I was hoping for an easy touchdown, this ended up being a fumble recovery instead. Hefty price tag be damned, new players deserve to see why people like me keep going back to what many consider the reason people loved Sonic in the first place.

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Jul 1, 2022

Sonic Origins is a fun romp and a trip back in time to when things were simpler. Getting some of the best Sonic games out there in one package is a sweet deal, and that alone should be worth the purchase. You’re also getting an Anniversary Mode to go with it, which adds some nifty features that shake up the gameplay experience. If anything, Sonic Origins is a good compilation of Sonic games but is a bit pricey for what you get. Adding insult to injury is the fact that the Deluxe Edition locks players out of some bonus items that really should have just belonged to the base game. Still, Sonic Origins is a great time for fans and newcomers alike and is a worthwhile way to experience the adventures of the terrific trio.

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7 / 10.0
Jul 1, 2022

Sonic Origins is an experience aimed at fans of the series and classic games, although it does not add much to the improved version, but I enjoyed the old experience again.

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7.5 / 10.0
Jun 25, 2022
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