Wild Hearts Reviews

Wild Hearts is ranked in the 75th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8.5 / 10.0
Apr 28, 2023

Wild Hearts is an attractive game for Monster Hunter fans, and if you are interested in hunting monsters alone or with your friends, it can be an attractive choice for you. This game includes new features, including the construction system, and all in all, it can bring you hours of fun.

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8 / 10
Mar 5, 2023

While not perfect, "Wild Hearts" is a great experience, which might just grow into something that can one day challenge "Monster Hunter's" dominance.

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3.5 / 5.0
Feb 15, 2023

Wild Hearts is a visually stunning game, and despite some issues with the karakuri system and the lack of monster variety, the game’s strengths outweigh its weaknesses. Definitely a must-play for players interested in Japanese folklore and are looking for a new take on the monster-hunting genre.

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7 / 10.0
Jun 10, 2023

Omega Force's new IP is the most promising thing for fans of monster hunter games, beyond the latest titles in the Monster Hunter series.

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Mar 6, 2023

A faster pace and beautiful take on fulfilling your destiny of a monster hunter with the help quirkiness of the Karakuri to discover the mystery of the Kemono plus friends.

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Mar 26, 2023

I really wanted to get my hands on Wild Hearts since it was first shown. For several days I had the opportunity to try it on Xbox Series X, thanks to Electronic Arts. Truthfully, I have a strange feeling about Wild Hearts. On one hand, I love the concept. I’m also excited about the proposal for cooperative action and massive crafting. However, I think that the game falls a bit short graphically. Although, it solves this with good gameplay and a solid design. Wild Hearts also boasts many co-op options and enemies.

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7 / 10.0
Mar 6, 2023

Wild Hearts brings some (but little) originality to a genre that is already quite beaten. Players who enjoy Monster Hunter, but who already feel saturated with it, will be able to find here some new mechanics that are quite interesting. We also highlight the monsters, which are well characterized and are not excessive, such as weapons (except their evolutions), armor and environments, it seems that (almost) everything has found its natural balance in Wild Hearts.

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7.8 / 10.0
Feb 23, 2023

Wild Hearts occupies an intriguing position, both as its own game but also as one that takes its inspiration heavily from a beloved franchise. The familiarity is not a dealbreaker, and in fact, it helps as a starting point for players with its increased accessibility and improved quality-of-life features. The Karakuri system is easily the biggest innovation that takes things up a notch, and if more Kemono are on the way, then Wild Hearts is in a good place as the next step for your monster-hunting journey.

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Feb 16, 2023

Ultimately, Wild Hearts feels like it was made for a group of hunters. Playing solo isn’t beginner friendly, and is relatively time-consuming. While the gameplay and battles are enjoyable as a whole, combining building with tactical fighting, we couldn’t help but feel like the stutters and slow pace held us back from the fast-paced experience we looked for. Nevertheless, for any Monster Fan, new or experienced, this is a fantastic addition to the genre — although it doesn’t seem to have quite garnered a podium position just yet.

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8.5 / 10.0
Feb 16, 2023

Wild Hearts succeeds in areas other games take for granted. Whereas other games focus too much on fitting a mold, Wild Hearts takes said mold and runs with it. The amount of freedom afforded to the player in terms of movement is refreshing and only limited by one’s creativity. Unfortunately, for all its gains, its momentum is slowed down by technical and performance issues. Nothing game-breaking but each one distracts from what could have been an outstanding ARPG. Take some time and allow for patches to clean most of it up. But if you’re a fan of this genre of games, you have more reason than most to pick this up right now.

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Mar 1, 2023

Wild Hearts is a franchise with potential and offers a refreshing take on a well-formed genre set in fuedal Japan. Between the more enjoyable combat and the Karakuri, Wild Hearts manages to stand apart from its competitors, but is sadly held back by poor performance and an offputting difficulty curve. Hopefully one that continues to evolve in the months ahead.

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Mar 14, 2023

Wild Hearts has some issues and it's not a game that everybody would love. However if you simply want to hunt some great beasts, there is merit to be found here.

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8.5 / 10.0
Mar 29, 2023

Wild Hearts is a worthy challenger in the small but very crowded monster hunting genre.

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2.5 / 5.0
Mar 26, 2023

Future patches and DLC could certainly iron some of these problems out, but as it stands upon release, Wild Hearts is difficult to recommend in its launch state to all but the most hard-core of hunters.

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Feb 20, 2023

Wild Hearts is brilliant in so many ways – as an innovation on the monster hunting genre, in its beautiful mythologically-inspired feudal Japanese setting, and in just how good it feels to play moment-to-moment. Perhaps most of all, it succeeds in realising the ideology at its core, through gameplay. Adaptation and growth is the cycle at the heart of Wild Hearts. As your Hunter places each Karakuri, they embody the innovation of humanity adapting to the natural world. In every clash with the Kemono, humanity meets the ferocity of nature head-on, to survive and prosper. Wild Hearts has undeniably proven its right to survive, and carved out a place in the high echelons of the monster-hunting genre.

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7.5 / 10.0
Mar 1, 2023

Wild Hearts is a game that is comparable to Monster Hunter World and distinguishes itself in its own way. The game suffers visually, but manages to compensate this well with its entertaining and solid gameplay.

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8.5 / 10.0
Mar 8, 2023

Get ready Monster Hunter… Here comes a new challenger!

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Feb 20, 2023

Wild Hearts is an amazing game that stands shoulder-to-shoulder with the Monster Hunter titles as a formidable contender. Its fast-paced combat mechanics feel satisfying, and the integral Karakuri tech allows you to conjure things out of thin air – an opening window to countless possibilities. Through and through, it is a challenging experience that feels oddly satisfying once you manage to overcome the hardships of Kemonos. And the Kemonos themselves are undoubtedly the biggest star of the overall show. The only things that can be a bit of an issue are the long matchmaking times and the complex skill trees that may feel overwhelming from a newcomer’s perspective. Definitely worth a buy!

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8.5 / 10.0
Feb 16, 2023

The foundation is strong enough for the game to flourish into something truly special and I can't wait to see how it evolves over time. That said, Wild Hearts is a visual stunner with smooth and stylish gameplay, incredibly designed Kemono and beautiful landscapes despite its few shortcomings.

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6.5 / 10.0
Mar 2, 2023

Overall, Wild Hearts delivers on its promise of being a viable alternative within a virtually monopolized genre, but its serious technical problems, especially on PC, cannot be ignored. It is expected that the developer will give the necessary attention to the title; only with urgent care will this beast roar as expected.

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