Quantum Break Reviews

Quantum Break is ranked in the 75th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
7 / 10
Mar 31, 2016

Mechanically this might not be anything special, even with the time manipulation powers, but the world and story are enough to draw you in. This is a game that knows how to paint an interesting world and immerse you in it, with a good mix of fighting, exploration and branching cinematics.

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8.7 / 10.0
Apr 1, 2016

Qualms aside, Remedy's return to action gameplay with their refined narrative chops is a concoction that shouldn't be ignored. On the whole, Quantum Break is highly recommended - a welcome exclusive for the Xbox One and breath of fresh air in the AAA space.[Insert time pun here]

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69 / 100
Apr 1, 2016

A successful experiment of merging live action TV with a video game, Quantum Break is an enjoyable ride through the mysteries of time travel, even as uneven presentation quality and average gameplay keep it firmly grounded in reality.

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9 / 10
Apr 1, 2016

Quantum Break is Remedy's most ambitious and immersive title yet.

62 / 100
Apr 12, 2016

While the interactive core of Quantum Break is a serviceable ode to pulp science-fiction, the episodes are a reminder of what makes the genre enjoyable beyond metaphysical thought exercises: the ridiculousness.

9 / 10.0
Apr 4, 2016

As a game, Quantum Break is solid. There's a good balance between the shooting and exploration sections, and while some people may dislike the simplicity of the core shooting, the time-related powers augment it enough to make it fun. As a TV show, it does a good job of staying interesting without wearing out its welcome. As a whole, the story nicely melds together both pieces, and the different avenues the tale takes gives you a reason to replay it. Quantum Break is another excellent game from Remedy, and it belongs on the shelves of all adventure game fans.

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8.4 / 10.0
Apr 1, 2016

Remedy has, without a doubt, crafted a very creative title with Quantum Break. It's not going to be the killer exclusive game that so many were looking for with the Xbox One, but it's definitely been worth the wait. Story gamers will especially delight in replaying the game multiple times to see the various episodes and experience the different paths the game itself can take. For anyone with an Xbox One, Quantum Break is a must-own.

8 / 10
Apr 1, 2016

Quantum Break's commitment to delivering a rich, layered narrative isn't always conducive to gameplay, but that doesn't diminish how engrossing this is an entertainment experience. The combination of intense time-bending action, gripping story, and cutting-edge presentation make this the kind of game that sucks you in and doesn't let go until the credits roll. While it's not quite as inventive as it thinks it is, Quantum Break is fresh, ambitious, and a heck of a lot of fun.

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Apr 1, 2016

'Quantum Break', like any expensive exclusive, developed a great deal of expectations over time. By and large, the game lives up to those expectations. It has a few stumbles in its pacing and action, but it combines historic shooter conventions with a set of flashy, delightful superpowers and a live-action component that's easy on the eyes. If you have an Xbox One, this is undoubtedly a game you should play.

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Top Critic
5 / 10
Oct 9, 2016

The phrase "all spark, no flare" fits like a glove for Quantum Break. It doesn't do anything wrong, but there's also nothing special about it. It looks cool, the time machine-induced apocalypse starts in a promising way, and some of the characters are quite interesting, but it doesn't take much time to realise that hidden behind the flashy shootouts, famous faces, and ambitious storytelling, is a boring and generic sci-fi tale that never really goes anywhere.

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Top Critic
8 / 10.0
Apr 1, 2016

Quantum Break is a very good game that could have been a great game if it wasn't for performance issues and the handling issues throughout the game. I can't praise Remedy enough however for the chances they took in Quantum Break, and how well they paid off in the game. I feel there aren't many developers taking these kind of chances anymore in the video games industry, and full credit goes to the great team at Remedy for doing what they did. Overall I enjoyed Quantum Break even with the few annoyances scattered throughout the game, and recommend trying this one out.

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8 / 10
Apr 22, 2016

Great storytelling and terrific action sequences meet with eye-catching visuals and fabulous soundtrack in this great action-adventure game.

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Apr 27, 2016

I love when developers take risks, that's when we get some incredible games. By itself, Quantum Break wouldn't have been as successful as it is. The gameplay is not strong enough to stand alone. But in collaboration with the TV series, the stunning cast, the script, the set and character design all work so well together that it elevates Quantum Break for just an interactive experience to an interactive collective.

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Apr 1, 2016

Quantum Break is an exciting game and live action show which will leave you at the edge of your seat all the way through.

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88 / 100
Apr 1, 2020

The concept of time is a core tenet of Quantum Break. It is the driving force behind the gameplay and the scientifically enthralling narrative that intertwines the game and accompanying television series. Despite the scientific complexity of using time as both a gameplay and narrative element, Remedy Entertainment has done a fantastic job of producing a compelling story that is not only engaging and filled with spectacular twists and turns, but it is also incredibly immersive – especially for players who take the time to find all of the extra collectibles. Complementing an unforgettable story are visuals and audio that defy what many think the Xbox One is capable of, for Quantum Break is an unmistakable technical marvel and one of the best looking games of this generation [thus far]. Coupled with gameplay that manages to inject a fresh spin on the typical cover-shooter genre, Remedy Games have managed to create a memorable game that deserves to be experienced, played and enjoyed. Quantum Break is, without a doubt, one of the best titles available for Microsoft’s Xbox One.

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Apr 5, 2016

I have to be honest: After this game nearly vanished in late 2015 and was delayed a couple of times, I was pretty sure, this would gonna be a good, but mediocre Third-Person Shooter with some time-travelling mumbo-jumbo and some sort of a mini-series with real actors included. So, my expectations were down to zero. As I started playing, it took not even half an hour to completely proof me wrong. Remedy delivers a visual masterpiece with some of the most creative and stunning imagery and levels I have ever seen on screen, thanks to objects and lights frozen in time. This adds to some really exciting and interesting characters and a good story about time travelling that stays within its own logic - as far as this genre allows logical explanations. I also liked the concept of the mini-series, that adds a lot to the game's story and has a really good production value with some decent effects and acting. At the same time, I understand people not liking to put the controller away for nearly half an hour and just watch things happen and add to the story.

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6.5 / 10.0
Apr 11, 2016

quantum Break takes an interesting concept but keeps it as simple as possible, ultimately failing to grip the player with its players or horribly long "TV episodes".

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9.7 / 10.0
Apr 15, 2016

Quantum Break is a fun, thrilling, and astoundingly gorgeous new IP for Microsoft. From Sam Lake, creator of the original Max Payne games and Alan Wake, comes some of Remedy's best work yet as Quantum Break sucks players into the vacuum of time that exists in the world of its main characters and players will want to work just as hard as Jack Joyce to stop time, and their own time with the game, from coming to a catastrophic end.

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82 / 100
Oct 2, 2016
Quantum Break - Quick Game Review (PC: Steam) video thumbnail
Apr 20, 2016

Quantum Break features amazing mechanics, polished gameplay, interesting and strong storyline and, as a bonus track, a high-quality TV series that blends beautifully with the game.

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