Resident Evil 0 HD Reviews

Resident Evil 0 HD is ranked in the 40th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
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Brad L.
Top Critic
Jan 22, 2016

For anyone that has been put off the modern direction this series has taken, Zero in HD on our new generation of consoles is the perfect remedy.

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8 / 10.0
Jan 19, 2016

The HD remastering of Resident Evil Zero may not have everything that the remake of the first game had, but it does feel like a more improved version of the original GameCube release. In particular, the analog movements make the game feel more modern even when everything else adheres to the original mechanics. The game still looks and sounds good even if there are parts that could have been done better, but the most important part — the gameplay — remains as good as it was all those years ago. If anything, it will be the fans who never owned any of the latter Nintendo consoles that will be thrilled with this release, since they can finally experience the game for the first time. Luckily for them and for anyone else who's a fan of the older style of Resident Evil games, the experience is better than ever.

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8 / 10
Jan 18, 2016

Resident Evil 0 is a worthy entry in the Resident Evil franchise even though it lacks the scares and originality. It's often overshadowed by the first game, but not giving it a spin would be a grave mistake. RE 0 makes some notable changes to the core gameplay like controlling and swapping between the two main leads at any time, as well as a complete revamp of managing items. The systems can feel archaic and occasionally cumbersome, but various new challenges and puzzles make it worth the effort. RE 0 is a stunning looking game and the new HD visuals ensure that it looks better than ever. Whether you're playing for the first time or looking for an excuse to replay it, Resident Evil 0 is absolutely worth your time and investment.

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Top Critic
6 / 10
Jan 18, 2016

A stumbling point for many reviewers is that headache-inducing moment when it's hard to decide whether a remastered title should be judged solely on its improvements, or rather on its actual value as a game, upgraded or not. The best course of action is, quite possibly, to do a little bit of both, but mostly focus on the core material, instead of the enhanced "wrapping." Therefore, going back to the previously asked question: is this title worth returning to? For those who loved the original GameCube version, Cubed3's three-step advice is simple: open wallet, give money, and scream for joy, because, although Resident Evil 0 is almost identical to the original, the HD makeover is marvellous. As for the rest: tread carefully, because the heavily chore-ish gameplay overshadows its few good aspects.

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8.3 / 10.0
Jan 17, 2016

Resident Evil Zero ist nicht unbedingt der beste Oldschool Ableger der Reihe, bietet aber alles was man sich als Fan der Serie wünschen würde. Falls ihr euch nicht von einer schwammigen und teilweise etwas anstregenden Co-Op Steuerung abschrecken lässt spricht eigentlich nichts dagegen als Resident Evil Fan hier zuzuschlagen. Für den Rest lohnt sich der Survival Trip in die Vergangenheit bis auf ein paar kleine Mängel natürlich auch.

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Jan 30, 2016

It may not be the best game in the series but it's a nice change of pace from the shooting-filled entries we've received in recent years, even if it is another re-release.

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8.7 / 10.0
May 25, 2019

It hadn’t been that long since I last played Resident Evil Zero on PS4, a few months at most. That being said, I couldn’t put the game down again on the Switch because I was just as gripped as I was the first time I played it. The game truly has something for everyone and serves as a perfect introduction to the greatest and most successful horror game series of all time. Resident Evil Zero plays like a nightmare that you want to fall back asleep into; it’s not pleasant but I never want it to end. It’s a fitting and tasteful remaster and the Switch port holds its own against the more powerful platforms while being able to provide an alternate way of playing. There are still those niggling controls that tamper with how your experience plays out but it’s not bad enough to take away from the game.

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6 / 10
Feb 5, 2016

Overall, Resident Evil 0 HD appears to be a cleaner remaster than its predecessor. However, the enjoyment of the actual gameplay is hurt by the inventory system which ultimately makes it one of the less enjoyable games in the series.

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Jan 31, 2016

I can't recommend this game (and the original REmake HD) more for fans of Resident Evil. If you've grown up with them like I have, it's a no-brainer​. If you're a bit younger or haven't really played any RE games other than the recent ones (or even worse, none at all), I do believe this is worth a look.

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8.5 / 10.0
Jan 20, 2016

By releasing in the same year as the Resident Evil remake in 2002, Resident Evil 0 was arguably over-shadowed by its counterpart. But now in early 2016, it has a chance to stand-out firmly from the crowd. Dodgy A.I aside, I've remembered how much I love this game. New or old, this is a zombie-filled fun-feast that you need to experience.

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7.3 / 10.0
Jan 18, 2016

Resident Evil Zero HD will satisfy any puzzle-solving fan and it uses the two characters wisely in many sections of the game. The information you collect from roaming around the map and picking up journal entries is fantastic and acts as a great origin story for the series. However, the story you play is weak, the characters are bland, and the shooting is terrible. There’s also no sign of horror in this supposedly horror game.

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