Assassin's Creed Unity Reviews

Assassin's Creed Unity is ranked in the 48th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
7.5 / 10.0
Nov 13, 2014

A reboot and evolution in one gorgeous package, that unfortunately didn't get a full pass through QA testing.

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9.1 / 10.0
Nov 11, 2014

Wandering around Paris is a real treat, visually the game looks great and Ubisoft Montréal has done a solid job of the visual and audio design. The crowds chatter away in French, adding a backdrop to the scene, while events of significance are spoken in English, allowing you to quickly pick them out. In terms of content, the main game was really enjoyable, while the sheer breadth of side content borders on intimidating.

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8 / 10.0
Nov 27, 2014

Take to the streets of Paris and experience the Revolution, assassin style.

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8 / 10.0
Nov 10, 2014

In doing this, Unity is not the huge leap forward that a next-gen Assassin's Creed promised it would be - rather it's a familiar adventure dressed in exceptional decoration. The artistry to be found in Paris far outweighs the by-the-numbers story. In essence it's more Assassin's Creed, then - that will tell you all you need to know if you're mulling over a purchase. Perhaps this is why this Assassin's Creed feels as though, like its time-spanning storyline, it has one foot in the future and one in the past.

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4.4 / 5.0
Nov 10, 2014

While I was not on board with Assassin's Creed Unity from the announcement to the moment I started playing, I have to say I was pleasantly surprised with the level of enjoyment I have consistently had with the title. It all feels like this is my assassin right from the very beginning of the game. While this was not something I have been asking for, I am most certainly excited to see where things progress with future installments. Who knows, maybe I will eventually be able to be the assassin in the game… told you I might need to get out more.

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4 / 10
Nov 19, 2014

As of this writing, Ubisoft has created a live blog that promises to address all of the technical issues that is plaguing their high profile game. Considering their misplaced priorities, however, they hardly deserve a pass for releasing Assassin's Creed Unity in the miserable shape that it's in, which damages both this decent entry in the series as well as the very AC brand itself.

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4.2 / 5.0
Nov 19, 2014

Although Assassin's Creed Unity doesn't reach the same heights of last year's Black Flag, it definitely screams next-gen, however it is plagued by some graphical bugs and occasional slowdowns. Thankfully this doesn't hamper the gameplay experience too much.

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7.8 / 10.0
Nov 11, 2014

Despite the "been there done that" feeling you'll get in the first few hours, it almost feels like a new starting point for the series, and I'm ok with that.

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7 / 10.0
Nov 14, 2014

Once I was done observing from afar and directly interacting with the world, the persistent problems reared their ugly heads. Assassin's Creed Unity's attractiveness is only skin deep.

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Top Critic
8.6 / 10.0
Nov 12, 2014

And not to say it's without its faults, as noted with some minor, yet impactful, movement snags and a dated combat system. Visually it sometimes seemed as though there were textures in lower resolution, more so in cut-scenes, and I also experienced significant load time a lot which broke the immersion element. The overall experience delivered significantly outweighs any of the negatives mentioned though.

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Nov 11, 2014

For a series that's tackled colonial America, the high seas, and the Italian renaissance, Assassin's Creed Unity manages to keep it fresh. It has enough going for it to make it worth a purchase for the discerning gamer who may or may not still be suffering from the trauma of rote learning every detail of the French Revolution for academic purposes. Well worth the price of admission, and then some.

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Nov 17, 2014

Ubisoft has proven that it is capable of pushing the series in a novel direction, and that's why the complacency of Unity is especially disappointing.

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Game Debate
Joffy S
Top Critic
8 / 10.0
Nov 11, 2014

The 'Unity' multiplayer aspect doesn't really change things dramatically, it's an entertaining distraction at best, but delve beneath the surface and it's still a bunch of missions revolving around tailing people, eavesdropping, pickpocketing and assassinating. As it stands Assassin's Creed Unity feels like a title that could have done with a little more time in the oven. It doesn't have the je ne sais quoi of a next-gen realise, but it's an engrossing if all-too-familiar ride.

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76 / 100
Nov 17, 2014

Assassin's Creed: Unity leaps into the new console generation with uncertainty. There are moments of excellence here, but the overall experience is very familiar and brings its own set of problems.

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6.5 / 10.0
Dec 3, 2014

While it offers little new content and is poorly optimised, Unity does offer the prime Assassin's Creed experience.

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Dec 11, 2014

While there are some positives such as the murder mysteries there is not enough to make this game worth purchasing.

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6 / 10.0
Nov 16, 2014

Assassin's Creed: Unity is full of ideas and systems that don't gel or haven't reached their potential. The return to an urban sprawl is fine after playing in the wide-open spaces of the last few games, and the setting is gorgeous even in its state of decay. The core action is largely the same, with the small amount of improvements being very welcome at this stage in the life of the series. With the plethora of single-player and co-op missions available to the player, the game is full of content that is in line with the series' earlier titles. However, the bevy of technical hiccups, from poor online connectivity to bad stuttering to degrading audio, makes this title feel like a rushed effort. Of all of the entries released on home platforms thus far, Unity is difficult to recommend to even the most die-hard of franchise fans.

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Nov 14, 2014

'Assassin's Creed Unity' is a conundrum. Some of its components have been put together well, like the visual quality of Paris and the co-op. Other parts are a bit uglier and have still made it into the final product, the glaring dearth of proper bug testing foremost among them. Ultimately, the latter outweigh the former, and this game can safely be passed over by all but the most loyal fans. The Assassins have seen better days.

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Nov 17, 2014

Far from pointing the way forwards for the series, Assassin's Creed: Unity is a model of creative indecision and corporate policy -- a corpulent, broken mess that plays neither to its own strengths nor to its fanbase. There are flashes of promise here, moments when everything comes together, and the game's content package is hefty, but ultimately Unity proves to be a mercifully forgettable disappointment.

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Digitally Downloaded
Matt S.
Top Critic
Nov 17, 2014

Unity plays well, but it's not really good enough for a AAA-game to play well, and this especially applies to Assassin's Creed, which has always been a franchise with stronger narrative and thematic value than its counterparts. I see potential in a Napoleonic-era trilogy for the Assassin's Creed franchise. As I wrote in my Rogue review, I'd love for the next game to star a Cossack doing his thing as Napoleon bears down on Moscow. But for the next one I would hope that Ubisoft puts more effort into crafting an interesting and original narrative than working on the multiplayer nonsense.

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