Yakuza 0 Reviews

Yakuza 0 is ranked in the 96th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
10 / 10
Jan 19, 2017

There’s very little I can complain about here, and those things are so minor as to be insignificant. As such, I would like to award Yakuza 0 with a full score. PS4 owners would be doing themselves a disservice by not including this in their libraries.

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Jan 20, 2017

There's a lot to love about Yakuza 0, but it's going to take me a while to work my way to the story's finale. The endless brawling turns the whole thing into a real chore, I'm afraid. But I will say that as tired as I've already become of the constant beatdowns, the story and general self-confidence of the game makes me want to power through.

10 / 10.0
Jan 19, 2017

Yakuza 0 is a must have for any fan of the Yakuza series, and the game is an awe-inspiring starting point for those who want to get into the series for the first time to see what Yakuza is all about. From the fluid combat, amazing story and the extensive amount of combat, Yakuza 0 can easily be one of the greatest games on the PlayStation 4, and is easily one of the greatest games that 2017 has to offer right now.

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9 / 10
Jan 19, 2017

SEGA have crafted a truly upbeat and entertaining sandbox environment that just keeps delivering time after time.

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5 / 5.0
Jan 19, 2017

A modern masterpiece, Yakuza 0 is a game crafted with the meticulous care of the colorful irezumi that adorns the back of a hardened Japanese gangster, and stands as one of the most fun and emotional adventures I’ve played in years.

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4.5 / 5.0
Jan 19, 2017

In addition to its fantastic story, every corner of Yakuza 0‘s world is full of detail and extra content, adding a great deal of length to an incredibly fun game.

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10 / 10.0
Jan 19, 2017

The best Yakuza game yet and one every gamer NEEDS to experience!

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90 / 100
Jan 19, 2017

Yakuza 0, much like its predecessors, has style for miles. Unlike previous games, however, Yakuza 0 comes out of the gate swinging, offering a more nuanced story and a strong, cohesive commitment to certain thematic elements. To sweeten the deal, Kamurocho and Osaka -- the game's main explorable cities -- are absolutely packed with diversions, collectables, and encounters. Yakuza 0 is the kind of game that you can spend eighty-some hours in without realizing a minute has passed.

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90 / 100
Jan 19, 2017

I sincerely hope gamers everyone give Yakuza 0 a chance. The series has never really been as popular over here like it is in Japan, but I truly do feel as if this game could change that and swing the momentum back around for Yakuza as a series and for SEGA. While it isn't a perfect game, it's one hundred percent worth diving head first in with and getting lost in this world that was created. It's a game that lays everything out on the table for you, and doesn't shy away from being exactly what it set out to be. A silly, serious, fun, and excellent game that explores the roots of the franchise we all have come to know and love. Now if you'll excuse me, I have more dancing and singing to get back to before Yakuza Kiwami releases in the Summer.

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9 / 10.0
Mar 20, 2017

Yakuza 0 is part Japanese soap opera crime drama, part over the top action brawler, and part comedy filler. All of these three elements pleasantly allowed me to soak in which aspect I like most at my own pace, making my 90 hours playthrough fun, memorable, and varied.

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