Drawn To Death Reviews
Drawn to Death is a bloody, messy, childish romp through adolescent notebook art, putting you into the art itself in a series of deathmatches. The art style is endearing and interesting, but it leads to some confusion in the gameplay itself. Fast-paced, unique, and creative, Drawn to Death provides a gnarly experience unlike any other, but suffers from a bit of monotony all too quickly, mimicking high school quite well.
You can try it and shoot for a while, but not more. Ugly, obscene game for exceptionally bored fans of online shooters.
Review in Polish |
Drawn to Death is neither a total hit, nor a complete misfire- it does a lot of things wrong, but it also does enough things right for it to end up as one of the most thoroughly unique, if flawed, shooters on the market.
Drawn to Death is a fast paced arena third person shooter from David Jaffe. It has charisma, a great concept and loves to make players rememeber how '90 shooter were great.
Review in Italian | Read full review
New game from David Jaffe does have some great moments, especially when all four players on the map know what they're doing. Shame it's buried beneath jokes that are beyond bad taste, clumsy controls and horrible matchmaking.
Review in Russian | Read full review
"Drawn to Death feels like the embodiment of the bad reputation that 90s punk bands used to have."
Not all good ideas are executed well but for a game to be this incoherent and aweful not in mechanics (which are at best mediocre) but in its presentation is something only David Jaffe can do! So I recommend Drawn to Death for only thise who have no self esteem whatsoever (or a high one not to care) and even than, the game isn't anytime more than a second hand product of much better titles
Review in Persian |
Drawn to Death has a lot of potentials, but developers didn't use them. As a resault, the final outcome isn't fun at all and gets frustrating after a while.
Review in Persian | Read full review
The game is easy to dismiss, as it is not a AAA title and doesn't hold bragging rights for power visuals or performance stats. However, if you stick around for just a few more minutes, unleash whatever teen angst you still have bottled up and come let loose on Drawn to Death.
It's probably just as well Sony gave this thing away for free with PSPlus memberships. It's the only hope the game has of actually keeping an audience (because it's a multiplayer-only game, it needs a large and sustained community).
Though its unique art style is masterfully executed, and some of the gameplay elements have a solid foundation, it is the array of technical and multiplayer issues that keep Drawn to Death from succeeding as an arena shooter.
Drawn to Death is, unfortunately, not a very successful online game. With average gameplay mechanics and inadequate content, players can only play this game for a few days.
Review in Turkish | Read full review
Drawn To Death is an interesting idea that has been poorly implemented. The art style is fantastic to look at, but it’s at odds with the gameplay and isn’t helped by a lacklustre HUD.
Drawn To Death isn’t a good game. The game is terribly unbalanced and lacks content.
Despite a unique design concept and a visually appealing art style, Drawn to Death fails to capture the magic of a truly great arena shooter, and degrades its quality with unfunny dialogue and juvenile insults.
Drawn to Death is not an easy game to evaluate. You can experience fun matches, but there's so few of them that it's not worth mentioning. Matchmaking is terrible and virtually everything from heroes, weapons or abilities is strongly unbalanced. To make matters worse, the game's white background can make your head hurt.
Review in Slovak | Read full review