Destiny 2 Reviews

Destiny 2 is ranked in the 91st percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8 / 10.0
Apr 21, 2022

The snappy and fluid controls of Destiny 2 are the standout features and work like a dream. It elevates the game to a point where the action is never overwhelming enough to make you want to throw your controller down the nearest black hole. Even if you prefer playing solo, there are hours upon hours of content for you to enjoy. The game treads a line that keeps the game challenging yet accessible, so players of any skill can join in, and while Destiny 2 can feel like a Halo knock off at times, Bungie certainly delivers a AAA experience at a price that’s hard to complain about.

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88 / 100
Sep 7, 2017

The frustration and disappointment that engulfed me when I first played Destiny quickly dissolved after playing through Destiny 2. The missions are varied and the desire to constantly upgrade my Guardians with the best loot kept me coming back.

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7 / 10.0
Oct 25, 2017
DESTINY 2 PC REVIEW | Is it any good - from a console player's perspective video thumbnail
8 / 10.0
Oct 9, 2017

This is the Destiny formula perfected. It’s a vast improvement over the original game

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9 / 10.0
Jul 19, 2018

Guardians, it's time, one more adventure calls all the guardians to defend the light of the universe.

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Sep 25, 2017

If you are interested in online looter shooters, Destiny 2 is your best choice. Don't expect anything new, however.

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2 / 5.0
May 15, 2018

While it improves on the original in a number of ways, it doesn’t stand out from the original. It reminds me of Doom 2, where it added in a double-barreled shotgun and a couple of monster types. If you were dying for more Destiny, Destiny 2 is perfect for you, but this didn’t change my opinion of the franchise.

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9.2 / 10.0
Sep 15, 2017

Destiny 2 is a huge improvement from the first game and a very strong contender for Shooter of the Year! A fantastic game to add to your library.

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8 / 10
Oct 8, 2017

Ultimately, Bungie’s greatest triumph in Destiny 2 is that it has transformed the polarizing, alienating experience of the first Destiny into an infinitely more rewarding one. While some of the improvements to storytelling are undermined by the lack of conviction in its writing, there’s a player friendliness to the end game content supported by rewards that finally acknowledge your efforts. There’s still a lot of room to grow from here, but Destiny 2’s future looks filled with light.

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9 / 10.0
Oct 19, 2017

Destiny 2 is an incredibly sturdy game. It is very clear that It was built by a talented and experienced team who put a lot of effort into making sure the quality was high. Blasting through caves full of robots with your friends is a hell of a lot of fun. There is a lot to make you want to come back to the game. You will find yourself sinking many hours into this game and not even realising it. The push to always find better loot becomes an addiction. The content shortage is a bit of a downer, but this will improve over time as more DLC is released to expand the variety of quests that we can play. For the moment, the core game has quite a lot to keep you going and give you more than your moneys worth of entertainment. It isn't often we see a game launch with this level of quality. Bungie has really outdone themselves with this game. If you have any doubts about purchasing this game, don't! This game is worth every penny and is a lot of fun to play, you won't regret purchasing it.

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9 / 10.0
Sep 19, 2017

There began a looming fear when talk of Destiny 2 came about that the game would feel more like Destiny 1.5 rather than a sequel. However, a mere 10 minutes into Bungie’s latest addition to the series and we can see this simply isn’t the case. Playing through Destiny 2’s first story mission alone we see a hop, skip and Hunter-style triple jump up in the content and overall standard of the story. Honestly, the first mission alone far surpasses the quality of the entirety of that of it’s predecessor.

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9 / 10
Sep 17, 2017

The stage is set and if the content releases continue at this high bar level of quality, there's every chance we'll be talking about Destiny 2 as a potential "Game of The Generation", never mind "Game of the Year".

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Sep 5, 2017

Post release support will truly make or break the ongoing life of the game, but as an initial prospect, Destiny 2 is utterly fantastic.

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8.7 / 10.0
Sep 17, 2017

Destiny 2 is a step in the right direction, with an exceptional story finally bringing this once dead universe to life in a fresh and vibrant way.

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7 / 10
Nov 13, 2017

Destiny 2 symbolises my every needs and wants within a game. Its gameplay is so satisfying and universe so alluring that I will continue to play it and will probably do so for a long time to come. For me the game is no where near the vision Bungie originally conceived for the franchise,

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Nov 14, 2017

Just like with the release of the original game, Destiny 2 leaves us wanting more: More strikes, more missions, more of everything. This is a strong testament to the fantastic core gameplay even if other aspects of Destiny 2 come up short.

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Nov 4, 2017

At its core, Destiny 2 takes everything you loved about the original and cranked it up to 11.

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8.5 / 10.0
Nov 3, 2017

Destiny 2 is proving to be an enjoyable experience that I hope has enough mileage to keep its huge player base entertained through to when the first major expansion releases

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9.4 / 10.0
Sep 21, 2017

Destiny 2 manages to take the criticisms of the first title — a non-engaging story, lackluster PVP UI — and improves upon them immensely, forging a fantastic journey that's essential for any gaming fan to dive into and experience.

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