Bloody Zombies Reviews
Bloody Zombies brings a fresh visual style and a couple of interesting touches to the classic scrolling beat-'em-up. Unfortunately it doesn't flourish where it matters most - the quality and scope of its combat.There's still a fair amount of mindless fun to be had in local multiplayer, even if Bloody Zombies lacks the fluidity and variety to become a true regular on your co-op Switch game roster.
Without the support of virtual reality, it would be hard to recommend Bloody Zombies as anything outright different from any other beat 'em up game. Does it need virtual reality? No, it could have just been another digital brawler, albeit one full of personality. Does it benefit from virtual reality? Absolutely, and without it, my score would be lower. VR lends a unique perspective and gives players real gameplay reasons to want to put on the headset instead of just playing on a TV. Thought of as a virtual reality game with the ability for couch co-op via the TV, Bloody Zombies is a fun brawler that has both unique implications for its own genre and VR. That kind of evolution of games and platforms is just what video games need to grow.
Bloody Zombies is a surprising proposal in the cooperative fighting genre that stands out in the Nintendo Switch catalog and that features a long-lasting lifespan, a visual environment worthy of praise and plenty of multiplayer options. It lacks some originality as far as its characters are concerned and its control scheme can be too simple for its own good but Bloody Zombies won't have trouble in capturing a group of fans.
Review in Portuguese |
Bloody Zombies arrives to remind us that beat em ups will never go out of fashion, with a frenetic rhythm and an old-school gameplay, it enters the in the Olympus of the best punching games.
Review in Spanish | Read full review
Bloody Zombies is an enjoyable old-school cooperative brawler with modern conveniences. VR players certainly have an advantage, being able to view levels in their entirety, making it easier to find secrets, but most importantly, they can experience the sense of depth the game has to offer. Players can feed off of each other's combos, juggling enemies in the air for hundreds of hits at a time, something that is sorely missing when trying to save London alone.
All in all, Bloody Zombies was a very good game at its price point.
With sluggish and unresponsive combat, all of which fails to match the overall speed of the game, Bloody Zombies isn’t the best thing you’ll be playing this year.
Bloody Zombies is a fun beat ‘em up that pays homage to the classics while also doing its own thing. Being able to find new skills as you play and equipping them to find the right combination for each scenario is definitely fun, and being able to enjoy the game in single or multiplayer sessions is definitely appreciated. If you're looking for an enjoyable beat ‘em up on Switch, then be sure to give this one a try!
Bloody Zombies is a fun game with some minor flaws that are not a deal-breaker. If you're looking for a solid beat 'em up for Nintendo's hybrid console, then this Switch release is just what you needed. The challenge in the Normal difficulty setting is good enough, but if you're looking for even more of a challenge you can dive back into the game on Hard and beyond!
Bloody Zombies is the type of game that I feel has so much going for it, but needs some more gameplay tweaks.
While games such as Golden Axe and Final Fight lie fondly in many of our hearts, it’s hard to deny that unless it contains a killer feature, modern games trying to take on such a vintage genre may fall victim to the nostalgia that it’s trying to recreate. This is most certainly the case with Bloody Zombies. Despite the developer’s efforts to slightly extend the combat system from such arcade classics as these, the game’s overall repetitive nature just doesn’t bode well enough to be interesting in the modern day. I could imagine that even purest would easily rather play something like Cadillac and Dinosaurs over Bloody Zombies, and, to be brutally honest, I felt a bit like a bloody zombie playing it.
Bloody Zombies will represent a few hours of moderate fun for people who enjoy the classic beat-em-up style. Certainly playing with some friends would likely help to enhance the experience but if you’re up for a challenge you can go it alone as well. Just be warned that its controls don’t quite feel as if they’re ready for prime time and once you adapt to how things work you should be able to have some fun with it.
With October and Halloween being here before we know it and when you add everything including the humor, level design, controls and combos, Bloody Zombies is what I was hoping for…a throw back to side scrolling brawlers that you can play with friends or online all while adding zombies and blood and in VR. This is one game that will help you get into the spirit of the Halloween season along with just a fun game all around to play. Loved it.
Bloody Zombies is a fun game to jump into and mess around. It also has a ton of red meat to devour if you want to really dig in and master all of the combos the game has to offer. Toss in 4 player co op and a really cool VR option and you may just have a can't miss title.