Convoy Reviews

Convoy is ranked in the 67th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Game Rant
Top Critic
Apr 19, 2015

'Convoy' may stick a little too closely to the roguelikes it aims to emulate, but it is nonetheless an enthralling and addictive indie title with plenty of challenge.

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7 / 10.0
Apr 20, 2015

The Mad-Max-meets-FTL concept is entertaining for a bit, but the constant and unwavering combat gets repetitive fast – even with the customization

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Apr 21, 2015

I'm frustrated that there's a great game here, laid a little low by grind, by sub-racing game insta-death factors and irritating, quote-drenched dialogue. This is, at heart, a small and simple game which tries to make itself bigger with unnecessary frippery rather than expanding its worthy core. It's perfectly serviceable as a land-based remix of FTL, but your next great, chaotic adventure Convoy is not. Yet.

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Apr 25, 2015
► WTF Is... - Convoy ? video thumbnail
6.5 / 10.0
Apr 23, 2020

Convoy is a decent game with a very clear vision in its design that will no doubt appeal to players who want a randomised tactical experience but unfortunately doesn't do enough with its systems to keep the game from turning into a repetitive, visually bland grind.

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9 / 10.0
Apr 22, 2015

Convoy name-checks some heavy hitting properties, but manages to be more than the sum of its parts.

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4 / 5.0
Apr 25, 2015

Whether you end comes in 15 minutes or 2 hours, Convoy lets you tell your own story of hardship on the uncaring tarmac of this turbulent world. Whether you face off against a clandestine corporation or pistol-waving loon, your own story has the timeless value that any anecdote can carry.

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7 / 10.0
Apr 25, 2015

Convoy's motor knocks and the suspension is a little stiff, but that doesn't stop it from being an enjoyable drive.

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Apr 20, 2015

Convoy is a remarkable debut for developer Convoy Games.

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May 18, 2015

Convoy is a great idea executed with mixed success. Visually and aurally, it's pretty gorgeous, but the gameplay feels too unpolished and simplistic to do justice to its scenarios.

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Chris I.
Top Critic
Apr 28, 2015

Retro minimalistic titles with great soundtracks and gameplay gimmicks were a fresh breath of air just two years ago, but since then the mobile and download markets have been weighted down with them. While Convoy could easily and mistakenly be wrote off as another 'clone', one of the most challenging and grittiest indie titles of the year would be missed out on. If Mad Max: Fury Road turns out to be half this good, I'll be set for life.

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6.2 / 10.0
Apr 21, 2015

Convoy is a fun game, and the seemingly endless number of missions will entertain you for hours. However, it's difficult to overlook the repetitive fighting scenes, and the unsubstantial upgrades that you can buy from the shop. Also, for a game focused around building a powerful convoy, the customization is fairly poor.

8 / 10.0
Apr 8, 2015

Convoy is a fun and interesting game, only slightly let down by the uninspired graphics. Some nice nods to other sci-fi properties and great writing make you want to keep trying time and again.

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74 / 100
May 1, 2015

A bit of muck and rust here and there can't hide the truth: Convoy is a ruthless, colourful, and occasionally very satisfying jaunt across a randomly-generated wasteland. A fine roguelike, especially for FTL fans.

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6.2 / 10.0
Apr 17, 2020

Convoy: A Tactical Roguelike is a game where as its name indicates we will have to defend our convoy at all costs with numerous vehicles and weapons. We will have to explore a huge map, with many surprises and ambushes.

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6.5 / 10.0
Apr 13, 2020

Convoy: A Tactical Roguelike gives moments of fun, decision-based adventure, even though it has some significant stumbles along the way.

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6.5 / 10.0
Apr 11, 2020

Convoy: A Tactical Roguelike has lots of tactics built in and is sure to be fun for the fans of the genre, especially considering that Tactical games are rare to find these days. However, its just not the game to jump in to as it directly targets more experienced players. leaving more casual audience in the dark.

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