Dynasty Warriors 9 Reviews

Dynasty Warriors 9 is ranked in the 20th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
9 / 10
Feb 15, 2018

Dynasty Warriors 9 is definitely a new start for the series and a big change to what we are used to playing in a Musou game. The new open world design completely changed how I approached the game, and I was thrilled to be done with the old menu system. Unfortunately, the graphics haven't changed much other than some visual improvements here and there.At the end of the day though I need to ask myself if I have had fun with the release, and the answer is a big yes. There are still things they can improve for the next entry in this long-running and beloved series, so here's hoping Dynasty Warriors 10 knocks it out of the park.

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5.5 / 10.0
Feb 13, 2018

Perhaps the game need to improve more and make the changes to the open world so it fit in there and bring more than a wide area to free roam and add more time to play to the game only, the Japanese developer is afraid of change but the one whom changed gains gold era now and appreciation and others needs to get out of PlayStation 2 era.

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5 / 10
Feb 14, 2018

Dynasty Warriors 9 couldn't even keep the decent quality the series is known for, in fact it is a huge step back for the series. The open world did more harm than good for the game, and the fact that there is no other mode other than the story mode just made the lifetime of the game shorter. Perhaps the improved combat system and the way the game tells the story will makes it playable for some of the hardcore fans, but the bad AI and the many bugs the game has just makes hard and challenging to finish the game.

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7 / 10
Feb 14, 2018

This is the first time Dynasty Warriors has made it to an open world, but unfortunately it has also resulted in a product that is bloated and feels dated in term of the open world design. It is a good step forward for the series but it needs a lot more tweaks in order to remain relevant for any potential future entries.

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Feb 13, 2018

Dynasty Warriors 9 is so bad it could completely destroy your faith in the series.

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Gamers Heroes
Johnny Hurricane
Top Critic
5 / 10
Feb 13, 2018

Open world might not be the right step for Dynasty Warriors. Something like Dynasty Warriors Empires would be a much better fit, as even hardcore Dynasty Warriors fans are going to have trouble overlooking the problems present in this title.

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8 / 10.0
Feb 13, 2018

Dynasty Warriors 9 tries to be an overhaul among all of the games that share the "one man against thousand" formula. But it is more of a major upgrade than an overhaul. Dynasty Warriors 9 is an exciting and definitive buy for those who are new to the series or are returning to it after a long absence. But for its loyal fans and those who had their fair share of the "one man against thousand" formula, Dynasty Warriors 9 is just another game in the series without any significant value

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Nerd Much?
Jordan Harrington
Top Critic
5 / 10.0
Feb 13, 2018

"I think that the button mashing days are behind most of us in 2018, and Dynasty Warriors just doesn’t give enough to the modern gamer."

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Feb 13, 2018

Koei Tecmo has done a remarkable job of telling the many stories of the many people that make Romance of the Three Kingdoms such a compelling book and period of history, and the beautiful cinematic consistency makes it the most perfect realisation of everything Koei Tecmo has been aiming for with this series since way back on the PlayStation 2.

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80 / 100
Feb 13, 2018

Dynasty Warriors 9 is a game that, despite some problems in this first attempt in the series to make an open world game, establishes a great way to retell its story, reinventing very well the combat system and bringing the series closer to an RPG, thus marking a great step forward for the franchise.

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7 / 10
Feb 12, 2018

Even with open world gameplay which is a nice addition to the series, Dynasty Warriors 9 is still far from what it wants to be. Positive changes are there, but they are not enough to convince new players. However, fans of the series will have a great time playing it.

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Drew Hurley
Top Critic
6 / 10
Feb 13, 2018

Koei Tecmo and Omega Force can neither be faulted for their resolve, nor their aspirations. The franchise has always had its cult audience but the Musou style has rarely broken into the mainstream outside of the big licenced spin-offs, like Hyrule Warriors[i]. [i]Dynasty Warriors 9 feels like an attempt to remedy that. Open World games are this generation's go-to genre and transforming the Story of Three Kingdoms has actually worked in many regards, but this feels like an early and flawed attempt at that bigger picture. Where it works best is in its classic elements, but the open world needs a lot of work. Perhaps by the time Dynasty Warriors 10 they will have learned from their mistakes.

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Rice Digital
Top Critic
Feb 15, 2018

We'd rather Omega Force just stuck to what they're great at: making excellent hack and slash games. And Dynasty Warriors 9 isn't one of those.

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4 / 10.0
Feb 13, 2018

There is a game based on this same part of history that you can buy that lets you move around a big map, fighting enemies, building armies and doing everything that Dynasty Warriors 9 tries to do but better. It was called ‘Romance of the Three Kingdoms XIII’ and it came out two years ago and was made by the same company. Do yourself a favour and buy that instead.

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9 / 10
Feb 12, 2018

It’s a damn shame Monster Hunter: World is doing so well because, I believe, Dynasty Warriors 9 would otherwise be a worthy recipient of that mainstream boost early calendar releases - and often slightly more obscure titles - receive. Perhaps if Dynasty Warriors 10 gives us some shared world, multiplayer coop action…

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7 / 10
Mar 3, 2018

"Dynasty Warriors 9" presents series fans with tried and tested features and shines with some new game approaches. Even though the tactical battles go hand in hand with the crafting system, the simplified cloppings will cause boredom in the long run. Although the vast world scores with a wide variety of topics, many graphic errors make the overall picture appear uneven and significantly cloud the game feel. We hope that Omega Force will learn from these mistakes and continue to pamper friends of the series with promising titles.

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9 / 10.0
Feb 13, 2018

Dynasty Warriors 9 is a very ambitious title. It tried to take a game, which has been operating as a series of mini-missions and make it into a true open-world experience. Do I feel it was successful? Yes and no. The game has all of the aspects of an open-world game, it's just a shame it also inherited all the flaws of one as well. However, the combat and gameplay mechanics I love from the franchise are here and everything has been expanded on to make it the biggest Dynasty Warriors game to date.

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6 / 10.0
Feb 22, 2018

As always it’s a mix of strategy and combat, this time with rpg elements thrown in, but for me it doesn’t really do any point that well. Once you’ve done one mission you’ve done them all. Travel here, defeat this guy and his army, take location, find some supplies. Rinse and repeat. Now there is fishing and hunting thrown in but the mechanics for these aren’t THAT good and won’t keep you entertained for hours Sometimes when you’re absolutely SURROUNDED by enemies the combat is pulled off well and can be really enjoyable but when enemies are sparse it’s not that exciting. Perhaps the clunky controls make it less enjoyable. I need a reasonable combat system when that’s all you’re doing when fighting (No magic or anything) and I couldn’t see myself wanting to use this system for hours. Overall it’s not awful, it just needs updating, a lot of updates. I think there are a lot of elements of a good game underneath but the final product here is a bit of a messy jumble and doesn’t have anything that makes me want to jump back in. Plus they’ve taken away the local coop which was always the best thing about these games.

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4 / 10.0
Apr 11, 2018

Dynasty Warriors 9 is basically the $60 equivalent of a Steam Early Access title, and it’s a slap in the face and the reproductive organs, to fans of the series.

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Mar 1, 2018

Dynasty Warriors 9 is a bold but utterly fruitless attempt to revitalize a series that is stuck in its ways, showcasing an open-world that is completely at odds with itself, overwhelming technical issues and diabolical voice-over work.

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