Aperion Cyberstorm Reviews

Aperion Cyberstorm is ranked in the 20th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8 / 10
Feb 8, 2018

As a solo experience, this indie shmup won't win many over with its familiar twin-stick formula, but as a couchplay experience it's one of the most fun spins on the genre we've played on Nintendo Switch. Whether in two-player or with five folks involved, Aperion Cyberstorm is another confident slice of shooter fun from Britain's burgeoning indie dev scene.

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75 / 100
Mar 6, 2018

…playing with a full suite of five plays offers moments of exhilarating chaos.

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7 / 10.0
Feb 24, 2018

Aperion Cyberstorm is a twin-stick shmup that's pleasing to both the eyes and ears. It's a pretty decent distraction for when you're on the bus or if you want a quick party game. Unfortunately, there's not really a whole lot of variety in gameplay. Plus, enemies can sometimes have more health than they need, making the experience repetitive. But if you need a twin stick shooter on the go, you could do worse.

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7.5 / 10.0
Feb 24, 2018

With multiple modes, hundreds of maps, co-op or competitive multiplayer, and more, Aperion Cyberstorm offers a pretty good package on either Nintendo console. Wii U players are hungry for high-quality games, so this will satisfy. Kudos to aPriori Digital for supporting a wide range of Nintendo gamers.

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6 / 10.0
Feb 28, 2018

Aperion Cyberstorm does many things reasonably well, but nothing well enough to really set it apart from other shooters on the platform. The uninteresting Campaign mode drags down the other, better-executed ideas, and prevents the game from being all that it could have been.

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Aug 23, 2018

Aperion Cyberstorm is certainly a fun game on Nintendo Switch that you can enjoy at home or on the go by yourself or with some friends for hectic matches where anything goes. aPriori Digital did a solid job with this game, and I look forward to seeing what the team does next!

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Top Critic
3 / 10
Feb 17, 2018

It's hard to believe that Aperion Cyberstorm has a story with characters and text to read. Most of the time players will likely be fighting the urge to skip every line of dialogue since the story is completely frivolous and separate to the gameplay. Why so many interruptions for dialogue in what is essentially a bullet-hell shoot 'em up? It is this kind of unintuitive and backwards decision-making that has led to Aperion Cyberstorm in the first place. This comes recommended to those with sleep disorders.

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Top Critic
5 / 10
Feb 23, 2018

Boring when playing solo, and just 'good' when playing with a bunch of friends, Aperion Cyberstorm is just a few steps above mediocre, but not enough to be recommended. Yes, not a single flaw truly stands out, but, sadly, none of the positives do, either.

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8 / 10
Feb 8, 2018

Aperion Cyberstorm is game with a concept that is simple and very accessible, with no overbearing menus to confuse players. The graphics are minimalist but present a colorful explosion on your screen once the action gets going. There is more than enough content for you to experience either on your own or with a bunch of friends, and you can even use AI controlled ships for your adventure if you need to. This is a solid indie release on Switch and one you need to play.

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2.5 / 5.0
Feb 20, 2018

Aperion Cyberstorm is an average shooter at best which does little to keep your attention for very long. The level design is uninspiring and the visual experience is somewhat flat. When you compare it directly to a game like Geometry Wars, the whole experience is lacking and is something very difficult to recommend. Whilst great shooters keep you coming back over and over to best your high score, you'll find yourself looking forward to finishing Aperion Cyberstorm just so you can put it down.

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6.5 / 10.0
Mar 2, 2018

With stiff competition from a variety of shooters already on the Switch, Aperion Cyberstorm doesn’t bring anything new to the console. It does deliver some fun 5-player competitive action, but the game’s audio-visuals fall short of what’s expected on the system. If you’re all out of couch multiplayer games to play, this one’s worth considering.

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6.5 / 10.0
Feb 8, 2018

Overall there’s nothing outright wrong with Aperion Cyberstorm but it also isn’t terribly inspiring, despite the obvious effort put into the game’s multiple modes. It is a serviceable shooter and can provide a fair test of your ability, but for veterans looking to be challenged there are better options available on the console. If you have friends you’d like to play with and against the game’s value rises a bit, though again depending on your collective tastes and experience it may not provide much longevity. However, if you’re a bit more of a novice when it comes to twin-stick shooters and are looking for an opportunity to progressively learn the ropes of the genre it may be a great fit.

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8 / 10.0
Feb 17, 2018

It's great that Aperion Cyberstorm offers such perfect options for larger groups whether that's in a cooperative or competitive setup.

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Feb 8, 2018

Aperion Cyberstorm is a decent enough twin-stick bullet hell shooter and it's a much better experience shared with friends and family which is to be expected. It's a game anyone can pick up and enjoy. Campaign mode feels like it was a bit of an afterthought and if you are looking for a solo experience then there are better games out there. This though is the type of game I imagined the switch being great for, a few friends, lots of unique ways to set up and play, blasting each other to smithereens. For that, it surely has a place in one's collection.

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6 / 10
Feb 8, 2018

Aperion Cyberstorm is a game that I really wished would work. It manages to tick the right boxes with its tight controls, bullet hell madness, plenty of weapon upgrades, and screens full of enemies to destroy. However, as we approach the Nintendo Switch’s first birthday we have had an army of similar arcade-style games hitting the Nintendo eShop, and some of which are, quite frankly, much better than what you get here and sit in a similar price range. While there is a lot of content to play around with here, there’s a certain magic that just doesn’t seem to be present on this occasion.

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