Lego DC Super Villains Reviews
Although developers tried to attract the Hollywood stars, fill the world with puzzles, side quests and were not afraid to try the supervillains theme, this project is not much different from previous games in the plastic universe. There is a feeling that you are playing the same game again and again.
Review in Russian | Read full review
While the formula has not changed much in these games, they are still fun if you enjoy the subject matter. Being a massive DC fan it is cool to see some weird and obscure villains in this ridiculous roster. LEGO DC Super Villains might feel like a game built on a template, but that doesn’t make it not fun. If you are not tired of the formula and love playing the bad guy, this title might be for you.
LEGO DC Super-Villains is perhaps the best LEGO game to date.
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Easily the best Lego game I've played. A fantastic cast of characters made better by incredible voice work, good comic book story, a great character creator, and improvements to core mechanics make Lego DC Super-Villains pure entertainment.
Lego DC Super-Villains doesn't shake things up that much, but it doesn't break anything either. Ultimately, above-average level design and a dizzying amount of DC content mostly make up for the game's bland action and lack of polish. Lego DC Super-Villains might not have the chops to take over the world, but it may conquer a surprising amount of your family's free time.
If you are a LEGO/DC fan, this game is a no brainer. A game that succeed on being fun, without unnecesary distractions.
Review in Spanish | Read full review
Lego DC Super-Villains is a light-hearted and surprisingly lengthy romp for the whole family. Gameplay doesn't break from the established Lego formula, and the controls can actually be frustrating at times. You'll soldier on, though, thanks to an entertaining story and lovingly-recreated DC universe – especially if you're a comics fan.
Lego DC Super-Villains oozes with the trademark charm and zaniness of past games in the franchise with a fresh twist that lets you indulge your inner Legion of Doom. The gameplay still largely hews to the traditional Lego gaming formula, which can feel repetitive for folks who have grown tired of the franchise's mechanics. A delightfully villainous cast, however, adds some much-needed freshness to a series that has started to feel a bit stale outside of Lego City Undercover.
LEGO DC Super Villains is fun, but doesn't reinvent the brick. While playing on the strengths of titles that came before, Villains leans hard into the humorous and quirky narrative one expects from a LEGO title.
LEGO DC Super-Villains is a much welcome return of the series to a Nintendo console. If the main traits of the Lego games remain intact, it's also worthy of praise to see that the game brings along some necessary improvements when it comes to the audiovisual component and which suit perfectly on the game's well written and humorous plot, as well as on its variety of available characters.
Review in Portuguese |
With its gleefully mischievous cast and a few new mechanical tricks, Lego DC Super-Villains is a refreshing twist on the trusted Lego game formula. It's a shame that long-running glitches that have plagued the series for years still rear their ugly head, but subtle improvements across the board make them tolerable, in large part because there's so much else to like. A love letter to fans of the comics and the earlier Lego DC games alike, this makes it clear it's good to be bad.
Although the formula for LEGO games has remained mostly unchanged over the past six years, LEGO DC Super Villains is still an enjoyable experience, provided that you aren't suffering from LEGO fatigue.
LEGO DC Super-Villains is rather buggy, but it'll keep you playing, and fans should have it high on their wish list.
While I doubt it will convince those bored of LEGO games otherwise, LEGO DC Super-Villains is a fun entry into the series that embraces its evil side for something a little more interesting than normal.
LEGO DC Super-Villains is a charmingly funny game that combines the joy of LEGO with the creative coolness of the DC roster. The game isn't hard by any means, but it's a great casual romp through an interesting story. The massive roster is impressive and the detail put into each character makes each one of them worth putting time into.
A neat continuation of the LEGO DC series, Super-Villains offers a neat twist in casting your custom character and a range of iconic faces from the comic books as the protagonists in a raucously fun story. Yes, it's the same old LEGO game that you'll have played several times before, but damn it, it's still good. And indeed, good to be bad.
As a whole, Lego DC Super-Villains is a game of two halves when it comes to its overall quality. One half of the game is great thanks to the humorous story and likable characters. However, the second half of the game is flawed thanks to horrible level design and repetitive gameplay. If you are wanting to play this, it's best to wait until this game goes on sale before you buy it.
Lego DC Supervillains is an enjoyable game that has everything from the past Lego games. Whether it's mechanics, a lot of characters, or free roam. That means you have to take the good with the bad aspects. The story is a fresh new take on DC comics with injecting the idea of your character being the center of the universe. This concept makes more a more inviting experience whether its new or old Lego game fans. In the end, it is a Lego game. There hasn't been a bad one yet. So, go enjoy Supervillains because it is one of Traveller's Tales best.