Lethal League Blaze Reviews

Lethal League Blaze is ranked in the 83rd percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Nintendo Life
Ollie Reynolds
Top Critic
8 / 10
Jul 26, 2019

If you're not a fan of multiplayer games, then once you've beaten Lethal League Blaze's story mode and arcade mode, there's little to entice you back into the fray. Nevertheless, the gameplay itself is remarkably versatile, allowing newcomers to get stuck right in whilst more seasoned players can tinker with the game's many intricacies. Throw in an amazing soundtrack and some fantastic cel-shaded visuals, and you've got a competitive game that's engaging in terms of both its presentation and its instantly accessible gameplay.

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Oct 25, 2018

Lethal League Blaze doesn’t flip over the table, but it’s an extremely confident sequel that improves on just about every part of its predecessor.

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70 / 100
Jul 22, 2019

Lethal League Blaze is an excellent game for the competitive crowd, but it's a bit hard to recommend on the Switch over other versions. The eccentric character designs, great soundtrack, and blazing-fast gameplay are charming, but the performance issues and online gripes means this version falls short from being a masterpiece

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Nov 1, 2018

Whether you already own Lethal League or not, you should buy this sequel as fast as you can.

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Nov 6, 2018

Watching any number of people scream at the insanity on screen in a Lethal League Blaze match is one of life's finer pleasures. No words can express the feeling of hitting a ball that's broken the time-space continuum, and I strongly urge anyone looking for a new party or fighting game to give this a try. It's hard to look back.

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8 / 10.0
Jul 16, 2019

Lethal League Blaze offers up an exhilarating multiplayer game that can be tons of fun both with friends and solo but does feel a touch light on meaningful content

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8 / 10.0
Dec 2, 2018

Lethal League Blaze is a fantastic sequel to an already fantastic game. The numerous tweaks and improvements not only increased the overall quality of the game but have also ramped up the amount of hype and tension in the matches as well. However, while the game has a lot of single player content, most of its fun comes while playing with other people. So gather your family or friends to play and you're definitely going to have a ton of fun

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8 / 10
Jul 12, 2019

Lethal League Blaze improves upon the original release in almost every way, offering up challenging gameplay that is both accessible and deep. The single player offerings might be a bit light, but those that bring a friend along will enjoy throwing down.

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8.5 / 10.0
Jul 13, 2019

With a combination of fun gameplay, likeable character designs, and an incredible soundtrack that even features a song by the legendary Hideki Naganuma, this game is sure to have your friends screaming in pure hype as everybody in the room gets the hang of it. As my roommate and I played and gradually improved, we got into sections where the ball got faster and faster, eventually reaching speeds of 1000 miles per hour that had me sweating since I was so excited for what was happening. If you enjoy a good multiplayer experience, Lethal League Blaze is a must-have.

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75 / 100
Aug 5, 2019

The graphics are pleasant and the game's personality is undeniable. On the other hand, I was disappointed by the halftone result of the story mode, which at times feels almost like an amateur production. But, even so, Lethal League Blaze still offers a fun experience.

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A or higher
Nov 8, 2018

Lethal League Blaze is a solid local and online multiplayer game that works well competitively, and as a party game for people to pick up and laugh over. Blaze has improved upon the original formula in every way.

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