Pumped BMX Pro Reviews
Overall, Pumped BMX Pro isn’t broken or awful, but it is bland and forgettable. The bizarre top-heavy difficulty curve, unpleasant aesthetic, and lack of multiplayer make it feel like a wasted opportunity.
Pumped BMX Pro is difficult to recommend because of the problems with difficulty balance - it's a key factor in the attractiveness of this kind of games. In any case, it is better to buy a new Trials.
Review in Russian | Read full review
Pumped BMX Pro is a simple game based on the ragdoll physics where you have to do tricks along 60 tracks. It seems like a game from twenty years ago.
Review in Italian | Read full review
Pumped BMX Pro is a fun BMX platformer - when it wants to be. But, on the Xbox version anyway, the right-stick for tricks is a temperamental control that only sometimes performs the tricks, despite being held in the correct direction. Plus, the "pump" system is extremely specific with when to use it, and Pumped BMX Pro takes no prisoners in miss-timed presses that will basically cause the rider to fail the stage. But once these kinks are worked out, this is definitely a BMX title worth checking out for those who don't want to invest in a heavy sim-based game, and opt for the more arcade-styled versions instead.
Pumped BMX Pro is more of a regression for the series than a progression. The tougher-to-handle physics, combined with a set of tracks that fail to ease players into the game, make for a title that is only good for veterans of the first game. The presentation is mediocre at best, and the lack of meaningful unlockables makes the whole thing feel like a chore. Unless you must have this title for some reason, there are certainly better options to fulfill your physics-based trick fix.
Arcade BMX racing is back and it is still fun, even there is less content as in Pumped BMX + and without improvements.
Review in Slovak | Read full review
Pumped BMX Pro is a decent game with loads of tricks to keep you occupied but the precision of the jumps and the steep learning curve can be quite off putting.
Getting good at Pumped BMX Pro is like mastering the cup-and-ball; even when you do it, you still kind of look like a dumbass.
Pumped BMX Pro sticks closely to its predecessor, resulting in a game that lacks originality and may become monotonous over time. It’s a barely satisfactory product that won't stand out.
Review in Italian | Read full review
The gameplay is, for the most part, simple...