Monster Jam Steel Titans Reviews
Monster Jam Steel Titans is definitely a game for monster truck fans. Most other players may just want to steer clear.
With impossibly light trucks that flip over if you simply sneeze, incredibly repetitive gameplay and a pointless, bland open world, Monster Jam: Steel Titans just isn't fun to play.
Realistic monster truck physics are unique to be sure. But what’s here is just so bland, and unfun that the end result will provide about as much playtime as a demo would.
Monster Jam Steel Titans feels authentic but is hamstrung by poor choices.
Monster Jam Steel Titans on the Nintendo Switch will be welcomed by fans of monster truck racing thanks to its official license and to the rather sharp and enjoyable gameplay. Those who are not into this sport will enjoy the variety of game modes but they will also look beyond that and the game's flaws will stand out more easily: a lacklustre visual detail, glitches and lack of online component. Overall, anyone looking for a good driving simulation will find better offers elsewhere, but those curious about or interested in monster truck racing will no doubt find something to pay attention to.
Review in Portuguese |
Monster Jam Steel Titans falls short in almost every single aspect.
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Monster Jam Steel Titans is a very fun car trip leading to a disappointing destination. For all the excellent mechanics and the trucks themselves, there is only so much gas in this single-player tank to cover an empty world and a limited number of races.
For a budget game, there's a lot to love in Monster Jam Steel Titans, despite its shortcomings. If you're a megafan of Monster Jam, there's probably never been a better game. Still, it's lacking some basic design functions that could make it a must-own. My kid loves it though, and sometimes that's all that matters.
Monster Jam Steel Titans is a massive improvement over its predecessor, but it’s still not what you’d call a great – or even good – game.
Monster Jam Steel Titans is destined for the sale bin. It's too devoid of enjoyment to be worth picking up on eShop, and definitely not worth the strangely staggered physical release that's touted for February. If you're a major petrolhead you may get a portable kick out of it, if not, it's best just to steer clear.
To its credit, there's a good amount of fun to be found within Monster Jam Steel Titans. Although the game can feel limited or repetitive, it rarely feels unpolished or incomplete. The truck controls are spot-on and feel fantastic, which is the most important landing to stick. More than anything else, the game feels like it has a limited scope, but importantly, it does well within the goals that it clearly has for itself. It's a fun game involving monster trucks, and the freestyle mode alone carries a lot of the game's entertainment, as it should.
Monster Jam Steel Titans really isn’t much better than the other Monster Jam titles that have come before it and that is the tragic part about it.
Monster Jam experience with simple arcade controls, but almost without adrenaline and online multiplayer.
Review in Slovak | Read full review
It's one of those games that's alright for a couple of hours if you can get it at a deep discount. Otherwise, it's just too frustrating to recommend.
Overall, if you're an adrenaline junkie but lack the money to afford a monster truck, or the life insurance to cover you in case of accidents, then Monster Jam: Steel Titans is pretty much the next best thing.
It seems that the Monster Jam series is off the track, as every recent entry in the series cares much more about the financial goals rather than game's quality. Steel Titans is no exception and if the owners of the title don't change their entire view, we are not going to see any good Monster Jam title in the future too.
Review in Persian | Read full review
with a poor content, broken physics, boring race tracks and absolutely no fun factor, Monster Jam Steel Titans is a game you probably should not bother with.
Review in Arabic | Read full review
While Monster Truck fans may enjoy spotting their favorite rides, the gameplay versus value leaves something to be desired
if you are probably a fan of Monster Jam, you have no better option right now.
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For a fan of the series, this isn’t a terrible title to pick up. In fact, it seems to be the best of the bunch. But I wouldn’t recommend this game to anyone else, they just wouldn’t enjoy how the trucks control. Whether casual or really into racing, it’s not a title I’d pitch to them. But if you like big trucks and big air, hop on in.