Lovely Planet Reviews
A great, merciless speedrunning platformer and twitch shooter with a mediocre presentation.
Lovely Planet looks great on paper. Flat-shaded polygons, whimsical level structure, dozens and dozens of challenging little levels and a fun sountrack should have made for a great round of enjoyably strange FPS action.
Lovely Planet may look cutesy, but its streamlined shooting is built for dedicated speedrunners (you can even watch a speedrun of it via Games Done Quick). Players who live for training, repetition, memory and self-achievement will find a quite solid and refreshingly different-looking shooter here, even if it's not completely perfect. With no story or bonuses or really any other elements to speak of, however, the widespread appeal feels limited. Definitely try the demo first if you can.
Lovely Planet is deceptively hard and surprisingly time-consuming, but its reliance on simplicity may divide opinion.
Lovely Planet is a throwback to the 80s/90s when games were a test of skill, patience, and determination. That being said, its bare bones design and technical and design hiccups make it all the more frustrating. If you're in search of a game to play "pass the controller" with in a group of shooter-loving friends, Lovely Planet may be worth checking out, but is otherwise easily worth a pass.
While the graphics and enemies are less than desirable, the music releases an inner childlike sense of happiness that keeps you coming back for more punishment.
A difficult game that is best played in short, frustrating, happy bursts.
Lovely Planet is certainly one of the least conventional titles to don the mechanics of a first person shooter. Its simple and clean visuals go completely against the genre's standards whereas the quick and easy way to bring the player to the game shrugs off any concerns about plot or narrative. A game made for quick, intense gaming sessions that can get too saturating if played with a different mindset.
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It can be really frustrating, but if anyone tried to take it away you'd beat them to a convulsing pulp.

Lovely Planet may go down in history as the most pleasant way to brush up on your FPS skills this side of Portal.
As the game goes on it gets really tough: you'll find yourself repeating the same level over and over again, getting killed with the exit in sight and screaming at the screen in frustration
If you're looking for a wacky yet fun FPS you'll want to check out tinyBuild's new game Lovely Planet as soon as you can.
Lovely Planet for the Wii U eShop delivers a fun, charming, and unique take on the FPS genre that emphasizes speedrunning and platforming over killstreaks.
Colorful and cruel, Lovely Planet isn't a game for everyone. Those who hate constant failure will despise this title, and those looking for a more solid narrative or a better graphical showcase will also steer clear of it. On the other hand, the challenge is great enough that those with masochistic streaks will get loads of enjoyment from the game, and the whimsical presentation does enough to buffer any frustrations one may experience after failing to destroy a flying apple for the umpteenth time. As long as you favor quirky shooters, you'll take a liking to Lovely Planet.
Even if you can only beat the first set of twenty levels, Lovely Planet is a first-person shooter that is worth your time. It's beyond challenging, but when you finally put together the perfect run there isn't anything more satisfying. While it's too bad that the game hasn't seen an easy mode (or crosshair support) added in the console release, it's still a refreshing take on a genre that often feels way too stuck in its ways.
It's not a bad game by any means, just very niche and gets incredibly difficult very quickly. If you like to take your time and enjoy a bit of a storyline you should definitely look elsewhere.
The game has roughly around a hundred levels, and the minimalistic level design and focus on speedrunning will definitely appeal to many of you. Memorizing the perfect strategy for a faster run is very addictive, and if it made a believer out of me (remember, I suck at speedrunning!) then it will surely make a believer out of you!
There's a lot of charm in Lovely Planet, so much that it almost feels wrong to not recommend it fully. The initial presentation sets a fantastic mood and atmosphere, and there's a childlike wonder to the whole experience, but it sadly goes away as stages get increasingly longer and more frustrating. It's sad, really. Lovely Planet has such a strong identity, meshing actual platforming with FPS-style gameplay, but it all clashes so poorly by the end that it can't help but feel like a huge missed opportunity for something really great.
I've had a lot of fun working on this Lovely Planet review. The game is minimalistic and easy on the eyes, fast-paced and offers a lot of content for its asking price. The trophy list is doable and will only require practice and perseverance from you, and the game will keep you glued to your TV screen for many hours. This one was a great choice from tinyBuild for a PlayStation 4 release, and I look forward to playing the next game they bring to Sony's home console.