Far Cry 6 Reviews

Far Cry 6 is ranked in the 67th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
4 / 5.0
Oct 13, 2021

If you're someone who's a big fan of creating havoc, then you won't find anything wrong with the game. But other than that, you will get disappointed at some points.

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Oct 7, 2021

Far Cry is clearly not ready for the meaningful identity shift it’s inching towards. I hope it gets there soon. It’s long overdue.

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8 / 10.0
Oct 6, 2021

Far Cry 6 managed to return the series to the same successful path of the past, which the company achieved with the third and fourth parts. It provided an enjoyable experience, great interaction with characters and a very good story that pulls the player to the end. But it got a little boring in the middle of the game, and I didn't feel that it had added something new to the series. However, if you are a fan of Far Cry, action games, first-person shooters, then Far Cry 6 will be a beautiful experience for you.

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8 / 10.0
Oct 6, 2021

Far Cry 6 is ultimately a safe sequel that doesn’t aim to redefine what Far Cry is. However, it is still the well-tuned entry that does improve upon the formula in key areas, mainly the upgrade paths, gunplay, and cutscenes. It disappointingly doesn’t take that formula into a new direction or modernize it and can feel antiquated as a result, but it can still be mindlessly addictive even amongst its familiarity. Its narrative may posit revolution as the only possible answer, but its overall presentation posits that a solid evolution can still be quite effective.

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5 / 10.0
Dec 17, 2021

I mentioned in my last review for Far Cry 5 that this franchise was in desperate need of an overhaul. And much like Ubisoft execs haven't listened to its workforce to cut out the abuse, Far Cry 6 hasn't listened to its fanbase to make meaningful changes to push this franchise forward. This is a shallow, uninspiring open world slog.

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Oct 31, 2021

Far Cry has had many ups and downs through its series, with many people having differing opinions about which are good and which are bad and even which is the best – Far Cry 3, for me! Now, Far Cry 6 is here – which category does it fall into? Let me tell you.

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Nov 5, 2021

Far Cry 6 is a stunning game, with great acting and a few nice new touches, but ultimately you are playing a game that will feel incredibly familiar to you right from the get-go. You will absolutely know what you’re getting with Far Cry 6, for better or worse, and that’s either going to sound like a dream right now, or a complete turnoff.

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4.8 / 5.0
Oct 14, 2021

Far Cry 6 possesses so many elements, that make this a masterpiece. It’s amazing how many improvements have been made from the previous games.

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Nov 12, 2021

Far Cry 6 can be saved under familiar fare throughout. Those who like the series and have already been to Far Cry 3, Kyrat in the Himalayas (FC4) or the fictional Hope County (FC5) will immediately feel at home with everything the developers throw at you. Far Cry 6 is a good open-world shooter with a massive, coherent arsenal and a pleasantly familiar gameplay loop - but nothing more. The entertainment is certain, but you shouldn't expect any flights of fancy.

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Pure Dead Gaming
K.A. Pedersen
7.5 / 10.0
Oct 25, 2021

Far Cry is simply more of the same. Well, almost the same, as a bunch of systems have been expanded even further into RPG territory, and you have even more control over your gameplay than ever before. Despite all this, it still feels like more of the same. Is that a bad thing? Not necessarily. Far Cry 6 can still be a lot of fun. If you liked previous games in the series, particularly 3 and 4, then you’re bound to enjoy 6. There’s something comforting in the known. In the familiar. That being said, I definitely wouldn’t mind being surprised by whatever comes next.

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6.5 / 10.0
Oct 30, 2021

Far Cry 6 doesn’t necessarily reinvent the open-world action-adventure franchise, nor does it take Far Cry a place it hasn’t been before.

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7.5 / 10.0
Oct 27, 2021

Far Cry 6 is more of the same, which isn't necessarily a bad thing if you've loved the previous games in the series. However, the series must reinvent itself to remain relevant.

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8 / 10.0
Oct 31, 2021

Far Cry 6 is just dumb fun. It has its issues, but I couldn’t help but jump in for an hour here and there just to mess around and have fun. The story was a hoot too, and honestly, grinding missions just to see more of Giancarlo Esposito was more than worth it. It’s not going to blow your socks off, but there is a lot to see, a lot to do, and most of it is pretty darn good.

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7.5 / 10.0
Oct 15, 2021

Let there be no mistakes though. While there have been some changes to Far Cry, the formula is still pretty much the same it has always been for the Far Cry series. Upon getting thru the tutorial and the beginning area (a small island), you will be unloaded onto a giant map full of different activities to do.

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78 / 100
Oct 12, 2021

Far Cry 6 is exactly what you would expect from the franchise, it has a few new elements but it is mostly the same as the previous entries. Audio and visually it is an example of how impressive things can be but gameplay feels a bit old and the story is pretty weak.

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8 / 10.0
Oct 27, 2021

While Far Cry 6 still does little to change an overused formula, the changes speak volumes. The new ammo system along with a more fleshed out protagonist and how some side missions are tackled shows that Ubisoft is very much aware that things are getting old. It still does provide a fun romp, but I am hoping to see things shake up much more in the next installment.

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9 / 10.0
Oct 26, 2021

A lot of people will shy away from Far Cry 6, dismissing it as “yet another open world game by Ubisoft”, but I won’t try to hide it, I had way more fun with this game than I could have ever imagined. I got it for the idea of raising hell on a Caribbean island with a tank and a jetpack, and stayed for the surprisingly well-written story and likable characters.

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8.5 / 10.0
Oct 25, 2021

We like Far Cry 6 as it seems to rest comfortably with its tried-and-trusted formula honed from 5 previous entries in the series. The game offers some great missions, strong characters, and an engaging story of an uprising against an infallible regime. There is enough identity here to make it its own game despite the similarities with other Ubisoft titles. If you like stealth, open-world and action, then Far Cry 6 is well-worth checking out for some no-nonsense gaming 101.

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9 / 10.0
Oct 6, 2021

This is one of the best Far Cry of the past few years. By selecting the Far Cry 3's tropical environment combined with the lighter elements of the previous game, Ubisoft hits a home-run. If it was not for the limitations of the graphical engine, the game would've taken us to new highs. Fans of the series will love Far Cry 6 while neophytes will be hooked to the series.

Review in French | Read full review

8.3 / 10.0
Oct 21, 2021

Despite the aforementioned problems and outdated graphics, Far Cry 6 captivated and enthralled me. In retrospect, the story is not bad, even if it is a little flat and a little too short or terse at crucial points. You'll notice this because I don't want to spoil anything. Gameplay, music and the voice actors make you overlook the graphics and enjoy the video game. Personally, I haven't been a fan of German dubbing before, but Far Cry 6 simply delivers and has convinced me to play in German more often. Hopefully there will be some fixes from the developer in the short term, because the permanent respawns of the enemies are quite annoying. In addition, the AI should get a little boost in general. The enemies are simply stupid and only very rarely a challenge at all. In the first few hours I had already found a handful of bugs and kept stumbling across new problems. But these are all things that are being checked and improved by the developers. Fans of the game series can easily grab this one. Those who like farming and collecting are also in good hands. I'm curious to see what content the DLCs will bring, but the current status is quite satisfactory.

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