Necrobarista Reviews

Necrobarista is ranked in the 79th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8 / 10.0
Jul 28, 2020

Necrobarista is a stylish and engaging journey through a cafe where the living and the dead coexist. The experience is dynamic thanks to the use of 3D and accessible thanks to the use of Portuguese (despite its problems). It is certainly worth checking out for those who like Japanese animations and are interested in the genre.

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8.5 / 10.0
Jul 21, 2020

Necrobarista’s focus on death is approached in such a unique way that you can’t help but immerse yourself in its setting. You begin to feel as if you are a part of the group, which makes the idea of letting go so much harder. This is a visual novel experience that transcends traditional systems within the medium and is definitely worth your time. Some of the dialogue might go over your head, but this is an easy recommendation from me.

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Paul Verhoeven
7 / 10.0
Jul 31, 2020

Necrobarista is a visual novel, true, but I mean this as a compliment: it made me wish it were something more than that. And the next time I manage to go out for coffee, whenever that may be, I guarantee you I’ll be thinking about Terminal.

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8 / 10.0
Aug 10, 2020

Overall, Necrobarista is something I desperately wanted to enjoy much more than I did. The graphics were great, the animations well done, the soundtrack was lovely, and most of the characters were great, but the story just felt way too choppy, like someone ripped a bunch of pages out of the middle of a book. Yeah, it's still readable, and yes you can still understand what's going on, but it certainly doesn't feel complete. If anything, I'd wait until this goes on sale to pick up, because you'll pretty much be left just wanting more by the end, which isn't something I can justify picking up for a full novel experience. That being said, what was there was excellent, it just needs a bit more...fleshing out (necromancy puns, heh).

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Aug 13, 2020

Necrobarista as a game embodies many of the qualities you find in the game’s characters. It’s brash, it’s snappy and clever, it’s also more than a little sly, but it’s got an unbreakable emotional core that you can’t forget. If this is the future of visual novels, then pour me another one.

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Aug 2, 2020

There is beauty to be found in darkness, and Necrobarista shines a gentle, heartfelt light on it. It is one of those games that I wish I could erase from my memory to have the opportunity to experience it again for the first time.

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Jul 23, 2020

There is very little in this world that’s better than a good story that’s told well, and Necrobarista is a beautiful story told perfectly. Its cast of charming characters, great audio and visual design and the very Melbourne aesthetic all weave together to make something you shouldn’t miss.

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4.5 / 5.0
Jul 26, 2020

In terms of gameplay, I’m left wanting a little more (those in-between portions weren’t my favorite), but the stories and emotional connections conveyed are bar-none the strongest I’ve read all year.

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7 / 10.0
Jul 24, 2020

Necrobarista is certainly an interesting take on the visual novel genre. The dialogue is amazing and the story is certainly worth experiencing. It could perhaps be priced a bit lower considering how short it is and it does have some minor technical issues. Still, overall I enjoyed it.

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Jul 22, 2020

For as heavy as Necrobarista is, its tale of death and letting go is ultimately one worth seeing.

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9 / 10
Jul 21, 2020

Overall, Necrobarista is just a plain wonderful experience. The story is entertaining with powerful moments, the characters feel fleshed out and realistic (or as realistic as the plot allows for), and the presentation is stunning (although the character design may not be attractive to some).

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