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2976 games reviewed
77.2 average score
80 median score
57.4% of games recommended

GamingTrend's Reviews

Unscored - World of Tanks
Apr 5, 2012

It’s fun, it’s fairly easy to play, and it draws you back with a need to get better, and better.

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Oct 24, 2019

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare hearkens back to the series roots, once again putting gritty themes and realism on the forefront.

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The game fully understands what makes it fun, and it does everything it can to empower the player to see that with as few restrictions as possible.

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Oct 12, 2018

So far, my experience with Call of Duty Black Ops 4 has been extremely positive, and I'm having a blast with the game.

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Feb 13, 2018

I've had a lot to say for a game I'm not ready to pass judgement on quite yet, but it's safe to say that I'm absolutely blown away by what Warhorse has put together.

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Looking at the first half of Game of Thrones and comparing it to what it's become in the past two episodes, it's hard to deny that, despite a slow start, the series has truly come into its own.

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More than halfway through, Game of Thrones finally feels like its own story, not one trapped within the confines of another, and that's what makes "Sons of Winter" the best episode in the series yet.

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Sep 23, 2017

Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire delivers exactly what anyone could hope for from it: more environments to explore, more things to do, and more ways to do it. For established players, this is must-have purchase already.

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Jul 15, 2020

I expected ELEA: Paradigm Shift to at least be an interesting and artistic game for the Nintendo Switch. As it turns out, it's no way near that level. Not only that, but it's plagued with problems in its controls, its visuals, and its gameplay. Though the beginning of the game showed promise, I was left with a resounding feeling of disappointment.

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10 / 100 - Abermore
Apr 23, 2022

Abermore is an immense disappointment. The bugs and glitches can be cataloged so extremely clearly that it's incredible that this game even got released, let alone past playtesting. Hell, was it playtested? Why did this game get released even if it wasn't finished? These questions stuck in my mind as I played through this dumpster fire. Maybe this game will see all its bugs patched? Sure, but that doesn't mean that there's nearly enough interesting, let alone unique, content throughout the levels to warrant any recommendation from me.

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10 / 100 - Bless Unleashed
Mar 29, 2020

Bless Unleashed, when it's not completely broken, is a boring, unfun disaster. Everything about the game has too many issues to even recommend at the very low price of free.

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10 / 100 - Miko Mole
Apr 11, 2017

Miko Mole is a disaster. Someone would have to pay me to play it again. Antiquated graphics, annoying sound effects, forgettable soundtrack, poor level design, iffy controls, and a complete lack of story make this not a last hurrah for the Wii U but rather a dying gasp.

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15 / 100 - Flow Weaver
Mar 14, 2021

There are not many games that are marred with so many issues as Flow Weaver. The gameplay is boring, the texture quality is akin to a PS1 game, the story is barely interesting, and there are far too many bugs and glitches to count. Trudging through the mess that this game is, the only redeemable quality is the dimension-hopping --- a great idea that definitely needs to be implemented properly. As for now, Flow Weaver is not one I'd recommend getting your hands on.

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Deadly Premonition 2: A Blessing in Disguise is somehow much, much worse than the original. The game looks and feels awful, with an unacceptable framerate and PlayStation 1 level textures. While the story is great, it's brought down by even more tedious gameplay and some harmful stereotypes.

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15 / 100 - Wurroom
Apr 2, 2020

Wuroom looks amazingly creepy, which is a shame because it isn't worth your 99 cents or 10 minutes of your time. It feels like a tech demo for an art project, and maybe with a little more effort, it could be something more than a screensaver. There are much better ways to spend 99 cents on the eShop.

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Feb 20, 2020

The Curse of Anabelle isn't scary. It isn't funny. It certainly isn't a good game. The only thing scary about this game is the fact that it can kill the player of pure boredom.

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15 / 100 - Extinction
Apr 10, 2018

I don't enjoy writing about bad games. I understand making games is incredibly difficult, and I'm not claiming I know how to do it. But this game should not have been released. Someone, somewhere along the line, should have made the call to cancel this game. There is nothing to be gained from playing Extinction. Don't bother at all.

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Mar 3, 2018

With wholly lackluster presentation and barely functional mechanics, this is one adventure you shouldn't consider at all.

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15 / 100 - Fighter Within
Dec 25, 2013

It's with a heavy heart that I write this review of Fighter Within. When I saw the announcement, I was excited, knowing what the Xbox One Kinect could do for a genre like this. Daoka bit off far more than they could chew, and this time it wasn't the hardware. The Kinect was purpose built for exactly this sort of game, but Daoka simply wasn't up to the task. As a fighter and a gamer, I'm deeply insulted by Fighter Within.

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20 / 100 - Red Bow
Jul 11, 2020

Red Bow has a lot of potential to be great, but it's simply not. There are a lot of strange technical issues and downright poor creative decisions that make up for a dismal experience. While the story is effectively the only thing holding this title together, it's not nearly enough to warrant a recommendation.

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