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Bit Cultures

186 games reviewed
79.1 average score
81 median score
74.2% of games recommended

Bit Cultures's Reviews

Bit Cultures
Zach Nonnemacher

Whereas the series suffers from similar narrative choices that the show does, it presents strong and interesting characters with Gared, Rodrik, and Asher in particular. The journey to the mysterious North Grove provided an interesting plot thread similar to the White Walker intrigue, but it is frustrating to get no answers at all for our efforts. It's even more frustrating to see characters like Mira be overlooked as the choices I made and alliances I formed seemed to be irrelevant. Players would like to see some answers to old questions, before being faced with new ones. However, we're stuck waiting for a second season, or a third, or so on if it goes in the style of its inspiration.

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May 4, 2016

You can't help but think of what could've been. Throughout its entire course, Star Fox Zero feels the need to keep reminding you to recalibrate your motion controls or to not forget how to aim using the GamePad. Almost as if it needs to justify the existence of motion controls in this game, as if they absolutely needed to be there, when in reality, this probably would've been a more enjoyable experience without it, and in turn, a much better game.

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Bit Cultures
Zach Nonnemacher
Nov 23, 2015

At the end of the day, Star Wars Battlefront is a well-made game that simply feels incomplete. Fans will love all the ways that it pays homage to our favorite series, and nothing compares to piloting iconic vehicles or force-choking Rebel scum as Lord Vader.

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72% - Event[0]
Oct 13, 2016

Event [0] leaves you wanting more. It makes you wish for a bigger ship, for a more robust chat feature, and for a few more puzzles. Obviously that means the game is doing something right, but it also feels incomplete. That said, Event [0] is a commendable experience, because it ventures into a new and exciting place.

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Apr 14, 2016

Tom Clancy's The Division isn't the game I was hoping it would be. Ubisoft set its sights high with this game, but unfortunately came up short. There's still plenty of fun to be had taking back New York, but I have a hard time seeing it holding players' attention when newer games start to come out. I was hoping The Division would be a game I would go back to again and again, but ultimately, it just made me miss playing Destiny.

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Nov 2, 2015

Spartan laser to the head, the game is okay except for Warzone, which bumps the game to greater heights. If someone felt like playing Invasive HUD 5 after several years of not playing a Halo title, they would not miss much on passing this entry. The game mechanics work and are there, but unmemorable. If Halo 5 were sold in parts, Warzone would be a four-star hotel and the rest of the game would be an alarm clock that could use a smash.

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73% - Pan-Pan
Sep 22, 2016

Pan-Pan runs around two hours of playtime, so, for some, the price tag of £9.99/$12.99 might seem a bit steep. However, its unique puzzles, relaxed atmosphere, wonderful graphics and 3D world are what make it worth it. Lets hope that developers like Might and Delight continue to collaborate with these small projects and help them come to life and that Spelkraft continues to create more peaceful gaming experiences.

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73% - Replica
Jul 22, 2016

Replica conjures a complicated totalitarian world of privacy invasion and information censorship. It’s a short game with a powerful message and definitely worth £1.99/$2.99 over on and Steam.

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Jul 26, 2016

I want to like Anima: Gate of Memories – and, to some extent, I do – but the character flaws and clichés, the shaky combat system, and the absolutely droll and horrific dialogue (YouTube the Reading Ergo) pull down a title that, with a little more polish or a more experienced development team, could have succeeded on multiple levels.

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Apr 1, 2016

Sébastien Loeb Rally EVO doesn't do anything that really blows me away. It's a decent racing game for sure, but at the same time, it's incredibly average. At the end of the day, this game didn't give me anything that racing games I've played before haven't. If you're really into rally racing, this game is more than likely worth a buy, but if you're a novice like I, I'd recommend trying it and seeing how you feel about it.

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Aug 11, 2016

Heart&Slash is a good game with great style that is unfortunately hampered by obvious problems.

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OPUS: The Day We Found Earth, is a chilled star searching game with a light-hearted narrative. It’s a touching game about a robot continuing one person’s life long ambition to find the beginning of human history. Even though the gameplay is simplistic, it adds to the overall feeling of relaxation. It’s a short game that can be finished in 2 hours or a bit more if you’re a completionist.

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When I think of the positives, I find a game that is mechanically decent but presents an interesting narrative worth experiencing. For me, however, the dungeon exploring became stale very quickly, and I only forced my way through the game because of the plot line.

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In conclusion, Gearbox’s attempt at a little bit of fan service is acceptable. Retro shooter enthusiasts will relive their glory days in the World Tour edition of Duke Nukem 3D, and the curious will probably come away with a positive experience.

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On the whole, Mushroom Wars is a cute and enjoyable RTS experience from indie developer Zillion Whales. For its $9.99 pricetag, the short campaign and inclusion of skirmishes/multiplayer is worth your time.

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While the original game and story were already an odd and unusual tale, this game dials it up even more. The game ends up feeling more random than it needs to be.

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Aegis of Earth is a tricky game to consider. The overall experience is actually a fairly solid one, even allowing the various issues I’ve previously mentioned. For its relatively cheap price tag, you’re given hours upon hours of gameplay and a pretty challenging experience.

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Mutant Mudds: Super Challenge is a fundamentally solid platformer with difficult gameplay that will appeal best to hardcore gamers. The levels and challenges are well-designed, testing players’ skill in a number of ways that makes for a tough, satisfying game. It’s not narratively complex nor particularly pretty, but for a gameplay-first experience, this one won’t steer you wrong.

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Jul 7, 2016

The game does have its flaws. It's a short play, easily completed within a matter of hours. And while it's largely deft in its deconstruction of game development, it can get heavy-handed at times – the concluding scenes at E4 being a case in point. Nevertheless, it's still a game worth experiencing. It's an intriguing and amusing game and is a smart analysis of the game industry's concerns and how they relate to players.

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Aug 20, 2015

A big thing The Order: 1886 doesn't have going for it is replayability. There is no multiplayer or even a co-op mode. You never really get to have fun with the two cool guns in the game. Due to how QTEs and cinematics are wrapped into the game play, speed runs are pointless. With everything taken into consideration, the game could be a good budget buy down the road.

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