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2707 games reviewed
72.2 average score
75 median score
47.0% of games recommended

Destructoid's Reviews

3.5 / 10.0 - Akiba's Beat
May 16, 2017

Even if Akiba's Beat had a higher budget and more time, it lacks any unique features, mimicking what other games do, but worse. For 40 hours you'll mash X through slow dialogue, then run around a dead environment, and then do more dialogue until you get to mash square against sponges. If Akiba's Trip is the shirtless jock who kicks the door with beers in hand, Akiba's Beat is the timid cocktail-drinker standing in the corner with one hand in his pocket. Technically functional, but spiritually dead.

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May 16, 2017

If you love rhythm games, ignore the score below and pick it up for yourself because the music selection is outstanding overall and who knows when next we'll get something else like it. But know the game isn't nearly as good as it should be and you may spend far more time than you want repeating the same songs just to advance.

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6.5 / 10.0 - The Surge
May 15, 2017

The Surge is a mix of interesting ideas and hiccups in execution. While there's no doubt that it will resonate with a specific, hardcore audience, it's missing just enough to alienate a generalized audience. Its combat is challenging, but not perfect; its story starts with a compelling hook but falls flat shortly after. There are echoes of something special running throughout The Surge, but it never escapes its own shadow.

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8 / 10.0 - Prey
May 15, 2017

Funny enough, I leave Prey happy and content with everyone's story but my own.

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7 / 10.0 - Farpoint
May 15, 2017

My enjoyment of Farpoint is inherently tethered to my experience with it in VR. As a shooter it's only slightly above average. But the team was able to incorporate various elements of sight, sound, and touch (by way of the Aim Controller) to elevate it. Here's hoping that more games actually make use of it.

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May 15, 2017

I wish I didn't want to like The Caligula Effect as much as I do, but it's just tragic how far it falls from its own obviously lofty goals. For a game about a virtual world where everyone appears as their best possible self, The Caligula Effect is a walking worst-case scenario, representing the most disappointing possible execution on the huge potential of its best ideas.

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May 15, 2017

As you can see, for $15 you get not only a great game that deserves to sit alongside the Sonic the Hedgehog games as an equal, but a plethora of content and playtime. Spark the Electric Jester takes mechanics from two of my favorite series growing up and combines them into one fantastic game that deserves the recognition I'm giving it. It might be uglier than Freedom Planet, but otherwise, it is an all around better game.

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4.5 / 10.0 - Lethal League
May 13, 2017

The multiplayer works about 45% of the time. The "challenge" mode is more like a training simulation for Skynet. 2/3rds of this game are not up to par. I cannot get three other people together to play Lethal League on my couch. My experience with Lethal League is valid even though I didn't contort my life to satisfy a hypothetical. Some other people might be in the same position, and I hope this review is useful to them.

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May 13, 2017

I'm glad LocoRoco is back, even if it isn't as perfect as I remember it being when it first released 11 years ago. This remaster adds tilt controls, 4K/HD graphics, rumble, and surround sound, all for a reasonable price. If you've never played LocoRoco and you love cute games, now is the time. Those looking for a challenging game that will last them till the next big AAA release will want to look elsewhere.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Gundam Breaker 3
May 11, 2017

Despite the fact the game is focused on plastic models, Gundam Breaker 3 feels very faithful to the Gundam material. An impressive selection of Mobile Suits, alongside plenty of little series Easter eggs, make it a must for fans of the Gundam franchise. The low barrier of entry needed for non-Gundam fans to enjoy it is also a major bonus. While there are flaws, the excellent gameplay and smart design at its core more than make up for them. If you've been looking for a new hack 'n' slash game to play, this should be on your list.

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May 10, 2017

I'm not going to begrudge the developers for building a piece of DLC that's heavily tailored for high-level play. In fact, I'm quite glad that it is as it is, as, aside from a secret boss or two, there really wasn't all that much high-level content in the base game. The downside to this strategy is, of course, that it makes the DLC a tough sell to anyone who hasn't progressed that far, or to someone who enjoys the game on a far more casual level. For as much as I enjoyed my time with 3C3C1D119440927, this is definitely one for the more ardent of NieR fanatics.

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May 9, 2017

The view from a sniper's scope has the potential to tell a compelling and meditative story about the nature of armed conflict without the boom and bravado of video game warfare. It can also magnify issues and expose glaring flaws. In the case of Sniper Ghost Warrior 3, the later is true. It's a sloppy, uninspired game at its best. At its worst, it's -- to quote Jonathan North -- "one fucking long exercise in triage."

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8.5 / 10.0 - Strafe
May 9, 2017

STRAFE may not be a classic and it definitely has issues, but it's fun enough for anyone who wants a nostalgia trip. Hopefully others feel the same way, but I kind of expect most people will pass on it. That is their loss.

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7.5 / 10.0 - NBA Playgrounds
May 9, 2017

Plus, it allows me to play out my dream scenario of "Kristaps Porzingas being teamed up with someone halfway decent," so that's exciting.

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May 5, 2017

Even though certain design elements aren't as streamlined, fleshed-out, or user-friendly as they could have been, part of me is just thankful Birthdays even got greenlit. Niche as it might be, I've wanted something like this for years, and despite my admittedly high expectations, I still came away impressed. I hope the game is able to find an audience, because it so clearly deserves one.

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May 3, 2017

Rain Games definitely knows how to make a quality title. If you have any fondness for Zelda, you should really check this out. Even if you don't happen to enjoy Nintendo's classic series, World to the West is fun enough to warrant a playthrough from even the sternest of players.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Statik
May 3, 2017

It's a testament to Statik's inventive puzzle design and clever complementary use of the DualShock 4 and PlayStation VR that even though I didn't care much for its story or aesthetic, it still won me over big time. If you're a PlayStation VR owner, you owe it to yourself to look into this game further.

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8 / 10.0 - TumbleSeed
May 2, 2017

TumbleSeed is a game that I don't think I'll ever completely finish, but it's damn impressive for those that dare to stomach its difficulty. If you're the kind of person looking for a mostly skill based game that is brutally challenging, yet very entertaining, then TumbleSeed is for you. More casual players will want to save their money and sanity for games a bit more accessible to them. Honestly, the biggest mistake here is that the developers haven't offered multiple difficulties, which will surely limit the potential player base.

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May 2, 2017

While it might seem easy to write Super Rude Bear Resurrection off as a 2D platformer that solely wants to make players die a shitload of time, that's hardly fair. Instead, it's much better to look at it as a game that encourages creativity and persistence. There's always a way forward or a secret exit down a hidden path. All you have to do is take a deep breath, keep trying, and maybe die more times than you care to admit.

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May 2, 2017

Years later De Blob feels like a worthwhile experiment. It hits the ground running with its likable tone and doesn't really let up with its no-strings-attached sandbox approach. Ironically after seeing the landscape so packed with open world busywork since its retirement, it's a welcome respite.

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