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Destructoid's Reviews

Feb 20, 2017

Whether it's worth playing at that price depends on how into Psychonauts you are and/or how desperate you are for a delightful, well-crafted PSVR game. I'll say this much: as someone who is by no means a superfan, Rhombus of Ruin left me feeling proper excited for Psychonauts 2.

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8 / 10.0 - Sniper Elite 4
Feb 18, 2017

Sniper Elite 4 comes across as a fully-realized result of the shifts Rebellion set in motion with the previous game, and proves itself an ably constructed, often gorgeous, and thoroughly engrossing stealth-action shooter.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Circles
Feb 17, 2017

Circles may not be the most feature-packed game, but it sets out with a simple mission, accomplishes it well, and even throws in extra stuff. Maybe I'd have liked to see some more levels, but I still enjoyed what I played. I wouldn't have a hard time recommending it to anyone, either; it doesn't matter what language you speak or what age you are, because Circles has got you covered.

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7 / 10.0 - Halo Wars 2
Feb 16, 2017

If you're craving an RTS on a console, or perhaps aren't particularly well-versed in the genre, Halo Wars 2 has you covered. It doesn't offer much that other games in the same space have given us over the past 10 years, but it's polished and fun to play.

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8 / 10.0 - Disgaea 2 PC
Feb 13, 2017

The voice acting may be terrible, but Disgaea 2 makes up for that with incredibly solid game mechanics. Some of the mechanic interactions may be a bit obtuse, but there is something to be said for the amount of depth present here. I mean, how many games let you throw a tower of people across a map to cause a giant chain-explosion that wipes out literally everyone? And what other title allows you to bribe senators to sway them into letting you summon a "Busty Beauty?" Exactly.

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Robo Panda Z
6 / 10.0 - Dungeon Souls
Feb 10, 2017

Dungeon Souls proudly wears its inspirations on its sleeve (and its Steam Store description), a mishmash of inspirations that takes a step backwards even as it steps forward. Yet, despite that, it still manages to create a tiny universe of its own, full of engaging heroes and tenacious foes. It's a fun title, but when you have so many standout games that you can combine them to create something like Dungeon Souls, it's hard not to recommend those instead.

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Feb 10, 2017

If you own a Vita and a PS4, and you absolutely must buy this game, get it on the more powerful console. The portable version doesn’t cut it, and even without the janky presentation, the game itself is bare bones as a strategy RPG. I have no doubt the Dynasty Warriors franchise would make a splendid SRPG, but this ain't it.

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One thing I will say for it though – when you drain your last ball and you're asked to input your initials for your score, Riz Ahmed's character wistfully says “they're asking for a callsign...” as the three-letter faux-LCD screen blinks.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Bleed 2
Feb 9, 2017

Bleed 2 manages to feel accessible while still rewarding precision and accuracy. It plays wonderfully, and you can enjoy it as a light co-op experience or really break it down and dig in to master its intricacies. I'd definitely recommend playing with a controller, but if you're looking for a fast-paced platformer with plenty of action, Bleed 2 has you covered.

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3 / 10.0 - We Are Chicago
Feb 9, 2017

Despite everything I've said, I still think We Are Chicago should be given credit for tackling some touch subject matter. It isn't successful, but hopefully Culture Shock learns from its first attempt and really hones in on the strengths that gaming has to offer. Much like how Depression Quest sought to inform gamers about a topic many never thought about, We Are Chicago is noble in its efforts to educate gamers on poverty and inner-city life.

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All-in-all, Banned Footage Volume 1 is an interesting little package. You get a tense puzzle-focused escape room, a fun-as-heck action mode that I'm sure I'll be playing in the coming months, and a bastard-hard masochist-a-thon for those who want that. While I'm not a huge fan of Ethan Must Die, there'll be people out there who dig it, and those two tapes continue aspects of Resident Evil 7 that I'm hungry for. I hope Volume 2 has a similar value, and that the upcoming free DLC Not a Hero answers some burning questions I have from the game's ending.

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5.5 / 10.0 - Divide
Feb 3, 2017

Hopefully the next patch for this game will let any interested parties have the best possible experience. Not every product is for every person, but it becomes impossible to defend something that actively breaks due to misinformation or buggy code. Divide deserves better than to be forgotten because of launch-day issues.

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9 / 10.0 - Nioh
Feb 2, 2017

With its emphasis on challenging combat and light storytelling elements that are at times bordering on parody (in a good way), Nioh feels like a true successor to the Ninja Gaiden series and fills a nice void that Souls left behind. Did Team Ninja ever leave? Whatever the case might be, it's back.

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Feb 1, 2017

Tales of Berseria may not be the most ambitious or innovative game ever, but that's entirely okay. It may have a handful of issues, not least of which includes its forced backtracking, occasional reuse of dungeons and its uninspired puzzles. At the same time, its characters are often likeable and entertaining, its tale of revenge is intriguing, and its combat system is fast-paced and responsive. If you're already a fan of -- or are curious about getting into -- the Tales series, this is one to check out.

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Dragon Quest VIII was without question one of the best RPGs on the PlayStation 2, and 13 years later it's one of the best RPGs on the 3DS as well. If you haven't played it before, this version offers a lot of features that make it very easy to recommend over the PS2 and mobile versions. Even if you have, there's more than enough new content to make DQVIII worth revisiting. As I said in my review in progress, this game is a classic in every sense of the word, and I'm overjoyed that it's available for a new generation to get their hands on.

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Atelier Shallie Plus may close the curtains of the Dusk trilogy, but it is a good place to start for those new to the Atelier games and can even be a good way to ease into the series. The story doesn’t get overly serious while maintaining a lighter tone than your typical JRPG. Being on a portable like the Vita, this entry makes it easy to pick up and play where you can get things accomplished in short sessions. Atelier Shallie Plus is perfect for anyone ever interested in trying out an Atelier game.

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Feb 1, 2017

Poochy & Yoshi's Woolly World is as fun on the 3DS as the original is on the Wii U. The levels are just as crafty as before, the visual take a slight hit but are still colorful and creative, and the soundtrack is so gosh darn charming. It's the best Yoshi game on the 3DS, and if you don't already own it on the Wii U, I would suggest picking it up.

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7 / 10.0 - Candleman
Feb 1, 2017

That's the unpredictable allure to Candleman. Its obvious hook is in its unique mechanic, but that's not enough to carry it to the conclusion. Then, there's a Rudy-like emotional investment that takes over when everything stops revolving around gameplay. Fittingly, Candleman burns out prematurely. But, that doesn't mean that it stops shining.

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6 / 10.0 - Double Dragon IV
Jan 31, 2017

Arc System Work's staunch dedication to the retro aesthetic for Double Dragon IV is admirable, but still falls short of the mark even when juxtaposed to several of the series' own entries. Punch and kicking dudes as Billy and Jimmy still works, but many elements of IV just feel a little too off-brand for my liking.

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As usual the new zombie map feels like the main event, but Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare: Sabotage is a mostly successful injection of new stuff to do. I'll be combing forums for days trying to figure out all of Rave in the Wood's tiny secrets, and at this point, I think we've solidified that the gang is coming back for three more add-ons. Tubular!

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