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4064 games reviewed
75.0 average score
78 median score
49.3% of games recommended

COGconnected's Reviews

Nov 11, 2014

If you're a fan of the Assassin's Creed franchise you will undoubtedly love what Ubisoft has brought to the table with Assassin's Creed Unity. A vibrant playground that you can tackle alone or with friends, it adds just enough new while still staying faithful to what made it successful in the first place. Despite some minor hiccups along the way this is a great first showing for Assassin's Creed exclusively on current generation consoles.

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Nov 11, 2014

Fans of the series will no doubt feel that this is the ultimate tribute to Master Chief and his adventures so far while those who have yet to experience the Halo franchise will enjoy all it has to offer, but in one simple package.  The added benefit of the Xbox One hardware also makes it better, with improved visuals in campaign and new Halo 2 Anniversary maps, as well as the control options.  Add to this that the amount of extras are long and lasting, and you have a total package that makes for quite a high benchmark for all developers/publishers to meet when considering releasing a collection of a game series.

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65 / 100 - NBA Live 15
Nov 6, 2014

If you are looking to pick up an NBA game this holiday season the choice is easy but make no bones about it NBA Live is becoming a contender. Let's just see what they do next year.

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76 / 100 - Runers
Nov 6, 2014

Roguelikes always hold a strange place in my heart because while it feels exhilarating to have that great run where everything just works, it's so incredibly heart-breaking when that run inevitably fails. Runers will certainly test your patience, but it's kind of like a big puzzle for which someone has conveniently left you a giant tool kit but no instructions. Good luck!

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Nov 5, 2014

While the difficulty might not be of the calibre that Dark Souls fans clamor for it will challenge most gamers and is an enjoyable, albeit flawed, dark fantasy RPG romp.

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Nov 5, 2014

Destroying thousands of enemies has never looked so good, nor as it ever been so addictive. Samurai Warriors 4 boasts countless improvements in its gameplay mechanics, and as such fans of the series shouldn't think twice about buying it.

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88 / 100 - Bayonetta 2
Nov 5, 2014

Bayonetta 2 is a solid game. It utilizes a simple yet interesting combo system, the visuals are gorgeous as they highlight your attacks and the enemies you battle, and the music and sound effects are top notch too. Although gameplay can be repetitive it still can be fun.

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Nov 3, 2014

There is no question a big risk was taken with this year's game. Does this risk pay off? It sure does as Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare is about the most fun I have had playing a Call of Duty game in several years. Granted it remains very familiar but the leaps are significant and in the end pay off.

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Nov 3, 2014

While there is much room for improvement, Fantasia: Music Evolved is still fun, and despite the issues I had with the game I still consider it one of the better games to play on the Kinect.

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55 / 100 - A City Sleeps
Nov 3, 2014

In the end I hate to say it, but I've never been so bored with a shooter before.

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80 / 100 - Shadow Warrior
Oct 31, 2014

So in the end, does Shadow Warrior make a good addition to the Xbox One library? I think this is a worthy purchase – particularly for those who didn't play the PC version – but I just wish the loading issues weren't a factor, because they did take me out of the flow of the action from time to time.

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A bit more polish in some areas for the PS4 would have really helped sell this version, but for those of us who don't have a last-gen console anymore it's great to see the series arriving on the new platforms. Keep 'em coming Telltale. In the meantime, I'll stay hungry.

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Oct 29, 2014

BUT when a game is walking a path this well-trodden it needs to be better than pretty good. We have "pretty good" rogue-likes coming out monthly. We have "pretty good" pixel-art games coming out weekly. That doesn't make this game any less good, but it certainly does make it much less likely to garner any attention or acclaim, and deservedly so. Dungeon of the Endless lacks that one thing, the element that pushes it over the top into the exceptional. That piece that sets it apart from the pack just isn't there. That's my endorsement of Dungeon of the Endless. Is it good? Absolutely! Is it a must-play? Probably not.

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90 / 100 - Sunset Overdrive
Oct 27, 2014

Sunset Overdrive is a game that attacks so many senses, in a good way, that you may just find yourself not wanting to stop playing.  From the visual art style, the amount of things to do on your own, to the multiplayer experience that carries over your progress into your single player story, this game just seems to get a lot of things right.

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75 / 100 - Just Dance 2015
Oct 26, 2014

With over 50 million copies of Just Dance games sold around the world there is no question Ubisoft has found a winning formula with the franchise. Just like other yearly releases, Just Dance 2015 doesn't reinvent the wheel but instead take the safe route with the "if it ain't broke, then don't fix" approach.

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Civilization: Beyond Earth does essentially nothing new, but you know what? That's probably fine with most people who have experienced the franchise before. It still does what it does incredibly well, and every new campaign in a Civilization game brings originality and variety on its own. I thought the extra-terrestrial setting was badly wasted, but even without any real innovation it's still a very solid game, just not one that's much different from Civilization: V.

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Oct 20, 2014

Styx's stealth is less "Master of Shadows" and more like the lyric from his namesake band "This jig is up. The news is out. They finally found me."

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84 / 100 - Alien: Isolation
Oct 17, 2014

They say that in space no one can hear you scream. In real life your neighbour can hear your squeals of terror so prepare to explain yourself.

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85 / 100 - NBA 2K15
Oct 16, 2014

[I]if you want to wreck the opposition online, or you just want to rise up and become a pro on your favorite team, pick up NBA 2K15 and get started. Legends don't just write themselves.

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It was wonderful to yet again to find myself immersed in a fantastic point and click adventure, filled with unique puzzles and beautiful environments, complemented by Jane Jensen's amazing storytelling.

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