Super Toy Cars Reviews

Super Toy Cars is ranked in the 10th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
6 / 10
Jul 28, 2014

With Super Toy Cars, you either embrace the weird physics and accept that this is a cheap, silly experience, or you don't. Adopting the former mentality will net you a fun ride at a decent price, and though there are definitely far better racers on Wii U, the nostalgic may want to open the toy-box one more time. Boosted by an in-game track editor, it's a solid chunk of content that will amuse if nothing else.

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5 / 10
Mar 4, 2018

Super Toy Cars is a decent enough tabletop racer that will have fans of the classics like Micro Machines taking a quick nostalgic trip down memory lane, but it never manages to live up to the games from which it clearly takes its inspiration.

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6 / 10.0
Aug 7, 2014

If the physics engine is feeling kind then Super Toy Cars can be a lot of fun, especially in the evade races. However, most of the time you will find yourself being unfairly treated due to bad hit detection and general glitches. The career mode doesn't offer much in the way of playtime so chances are if you are going to play for more than a few hours it will be in split-screen with others. Online multiplayer would have made Super Toy Cars a lot more attractive but at least the track editor is solid, if a little confusing.

65 / 100
Sep 7, 2015

Super Toy Cars was a lot of fun, and really brought back some great memories. Is it worth the price? You'll have to decide for yourself. Fans of the micro-machines style racing games will find the $10USD more than reasonable, while others might not see the value. Definitely a great time with a couple of friends, but don't expect a free ride without a few hurdles.

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Drew Leachman
Top Critic
6 / 10.0
Sep 4, 2015

While it does have its issues, the racing is fine and the look of it all is interesting and fun. It's not going to blow anyone's socks off, but it does offer a decent racing experience if you're able to handle the issues it has. There's a decent amount to do for the single player gamer, but people looking for a competitive experience will have to look elsewhere.

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Sep 4, 2015

Super Toy Cars is not a good game. It's mechanically flawed, unfinished and generally more frustrating than it is fun. So, unless you're itching for a new tabletop racing game and happen to be willing to overlook such issues, this is one to avoid.

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5 / 10
Oct 5, 2014

Drawing inspiration from Micro Machines, it is possible to find some basic foundations for a good time, but its lack of fluidity and the overall mediocre speed factor fail to throw the player into the action.

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6 / 10.0
Mar 14, 2018

Super Toy Cars looks cute on the surface, and is fun for a short time, but frustrating collision detection and lack of content stop this from being great. Stick to the classics.

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7 / 10
Jan 4, 2016

There is nothing more fun than taking out a member of your family with a missile and then pipping them to the finish!

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6.5 / 10.0
Jul 25, 2014

Super Toy Cars ends up being a mediocre outing. For some, it might be enough to play through the content it offers and bust it out when friends are over. It is the best way to experience this title after all and it works all well enough. If you are playing alone, you can go through all the events on offer, but the lack of online features gives only limited appeal.

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6 / 10
Aug 2, 2014

This isn't Super Toy Cars, this is Regular Cars That Drive Surrounded by Giant Teddybear Sculptures Sometimes. Which is fine, of course, if what is being looked for is a mostly generic party racing experience.

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Pierre-Yves L.
Top Critic
Aug 6, 2014

Super Toy Cars is a fun game to play, providing a series of increasing racing challenges, the ability to play with friends and to create custom tracks. All of it is wrapped up in a nostalgic package that calls back to my childhood days, zipping around and letting my imagination do the majority of the work.

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6 / 10.0
Mar 5, 2018

While performance issues in handheld mode are less prevalent, I found the performance in docked mode to be quite frustrating. At times I found the framerate inconsistency to be so jarring it would cause me to have difficulty controlling the car and sometimes even crash.

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Ken Barnes
Top Critic
3 / 10
Sep 4, 2015

Super Toy Cars is a seemingly rushed and unfinished port of a barely average game.

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Top Critic
4 / 10
Mar 18, 2018

Super Toy Cars feels like a preview build of a game that is not yet ready for home release.

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5.9 / 10.0
Jan 7, 2016

Super Toy Cars is a charming little toy racer with plenty of content.

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4.5 / 10.0
Mar 2, 2018

In order to help keep things a bit more exciting there are a few racing modes to choose from as well...

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Jan 27, 2015

Super Toy Cars feels like a game that escaped out of early access with a reassuring smile and a lot of fundamental issues unaddressed.

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4 / 10.0
Jan 16, 2016

Super Toy Cars, is a title which you shouldn't worry too much about. It's short, forgettable and filled with empty promises, the diversity which developers have promised is non-existent, and tracks, with exception of a couple, feel just like re-skins.

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9 / 10
Mar 1, 2018

Super Toy Cars could be seen as a modest and cost-effective alternative to Mario Kart 8 Deluxe but to be fair, you really can’t compare the two.

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