Can't Drive This Reviews

Can't Drive This is ranked in the 23rd percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
5 / 10
Mar 15, 2021

Ultimately, while the game mostly succeeds as an engaging, fun multiplayer experience, there’s only so much you can squeeze from the four modes available. They all feel relatively similar to each other, and despite the individual tasks presented, the gameplay feels the same across all of them. It’s unlikely to be a game you’ll go back to after a couple of sessions, and take it from us, don’t even consider purchasing Can’t Drive This if you don’t intend on playing local or online multiplayer.

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6 / 10
Mar 20, 2021

Co-op is where Can’t Drive This truly shines. Bringing some frantic entertainment, cross-generation multiplayer, and adaptive feedback for acceleration – the only major PS5 upgrade — we just wish there was more to it. It’s also incredibly bare, and there isn’t huge variation between these modes. Unlocking new customisation options isn’t enough to keep you coming back, and though you’ll have a fun time with friends, you won’t be here for a long time.

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9.5 / 10.0
Mar 19, 2021

Can't Drive This takes the typical driving game and twists it into this insane, chaotic, ultra-fun couch co-op that honestly makes me wonder where this game has been all my life. The gameplay is simple-one player builds the road while the other drives-but it's guaranteed to demand all of your time and effort, so be prepared to laugh (or fight) with your family and friends for hours on end.

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Ian Howarth
Top Critic
3 / 10
Mar 20, 2021

If only there was more to it. Currently it feels like a tacked-on bonus mode for a real driving game. The only progress to be made is in the form of aesthetic unlocks and they are all rewarded by accomplishing the same task over and over – have four near-misses with obstacles in a single life as the driver, or by catching the car as it falls off the track as the builder (although this may also cause the car to become glitched into the floor, ending the run). There aren’t even any other maps to mix things up, it’s all the same skybox. The lack of content is deeply disappointing, but the worst part of all is how interesting the idea is.

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7 / 10.0
Apr 21, 2021

Inspired by the movie Speed and built to focus on party gameplay, the game brings a lot of fun but very little content.

Review in Slovak | Read full review

60 / 100
Mar 28, 2021

Can't Drive This brings out the best in the concept of asymmetric collaborative multiplayer (local or online) with simplified track-building and vehicle driving gameplay, but offers little audiovisual and variability content within each mode, which can impair the longevity of production. Although limited, it has a creative and very fun idea to share with friends and family.

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Top Critic
8 / 10.0
Mar 19, 2021

Can’t Drive This is that rare thing: a very simple concept, but one that’s so well-executed that it creates absolute carnage and hilarity. If games nights with friends are a thing you enjoy, make sure to include Can’t Drive This at your next one. You won’t regret it.

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Mar 19, 2021

Combining a puzzle game and a racing game into one is a noble endeavour and the result is one nifty cooperative experience.

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5.8 / 10.0
Mar 19, 2021

I'll give the developers behind this credit for one thing, it is certainly a very different sort of idea: Having one person constructing a track out of a variety of tiles while the other players try to stay alive and meet objectives without stopping or flying off...

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8 / 10
Jul 6, 2021

The game "Can't Drive This" proves to be an entertaining fun racer in our test, which invites to wacky duels on the track. Although the multiplayer title does not offer any noteworthy depth, the long-term motivation is kept at a high level thanks to the different modes. The combination of track building and driving also works very well in "Can't Drive This", so that the right skill is not only required on the virtual track. Although "Can't Drive This" can by no means compete with the well-known genre greats, the title still promises some fun multiplayer duels with friends.

Review in German | Read full review

7.6 / 10.0
Apr 18, 2021

An exhilarating driving party game, where the driver-builder formula can create very funny sessions. It lacks a bit in variety and, even if including a single player mode, it's not for lone players. Definitely suggested if you want one more title to include in your party games rotation.

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3 / 5.0
Mar 24, 2021

Can’t Drive This is an absolute riot. It’s ridiculous, over the top, and you’re practically guaranteed to laugh until you can’t breathe. It’s unfortunate that it runs out of gas so quickly, though.

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6 / 10
Mar 22, 2021

Not the deepest of racing games, but then it doesn’t claim to be. Can’t Drive This has one core concept, and it does it well. It’s just a bit lacking if you have no one else to experience it with.

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