Chernobylite Reviews

Chernobylite is ranked in the 63rd percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Thumb Culture
Gareth Trueman
6 / 10.0
Oct 7, 2021

My final thought for Chernobylite is that I actually enjoyed playing the game from start to finish. It doesn’t feel like a drag at times and with a compelling story. It keeps you on your toes. But for me, it was the horror elements. Being a huge horror fan it really got my scare factor up there. So if you love a good jump scare in your video games then this is the one for you. So I’m going to give Chernobylite the Thumb Culture Silver Award.

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5 / 10.0
Oct 10, 2021

Chernobylite is a great game that has suffered through the porting process. While held back by some ideas that were only partially baked, it still offers a good ol' Chernobyl time. I would just suggest playing it on a PC and using mods to tidy up aspects, along with hopefully much better performance.

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7.5 / 10.0
Oct 8, 2021

The game combines perfectly our need for battle, sense of justification and the primitive sense of survival.

Review in Greek | Read full review

2 / 5.0
Oct 7, 2021

Chernobylite is an enjoyable little loot n’ shooter sadly torpedoed by technical issues for the PS4 version. It’s such a shame that the intriguing storyline and the compulsive scavenging fun is completely ruined by bugs. I was looking forward to uncovering the dark mysteries lurking within Pripyat, but until the game-breaking errors are fixed, they will have to remain hidden.

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7.8 / 10.0
Oct 2, 2021

Chernobylite is an interesting and surprising game, thanks to an emotional and deep story, an engaging atmosphere and a good mix of different gameplay styles. Unfortunately, some problems such as repetitiveness, a low challenge level and a series of annoying bugs prevent it from reaching higher heights.

Review in Italian | Read full review

7 / 10
Sep 28, 2021

Check out my review of Chernobylite on the PS4 Pro. Did the game live up to my hype? Or was it an epic failure? This was definitely a review that had me torn a little. I followed the story of Chernobylite before it even hit PC. To say I was hyped is an understatement. Don’t forget to let me know what you think of the game and review.

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90 / 100
Sep 28, 2021

The Farm 51 has developed one of those games that we will always remember, offering a very successful console port. Its plot full of plot twists and decisions, as well as a solid and effective playable base, make Chernobylite a game that we should not miss under any circumstances. Its biggest flaw is that it does not delve deeper into some of its mechanics and they are used in a very basic way.

Review in Spanish | Read full review

Aug 16, 2021

Chernobylite is an enjoyable sci-fi romp through the exclusion zone surrounding the infamous, failed power plant. I’ve racked up 39 hours in the game, which was enough to get all the achievements. However, there are also multiple endings, though you don’t need to replay the entire game to get them all. The game recently arrived on PC (Steam and GOG). Xbox One and PlayStation 4 versions will arrive in September. Subsequently, the Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation 5 will get the game sometime thereafter. Chernobylite is currently available on Steam and GOG for $29.99. Do you have what it takes to survive the Chernobyl exclusion zone, and complete your mission with all team members alive?

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8.5 / 10.0
Aug 18, 2021

To conclude, Chernobylite is a game that ended up surprising me. It kept me engaged with how much stuff there was to do and the people I needed to handle, manage, and care for. It gives you control over every decision you make. You may come across tough situations where you might end up losing trust in certain team members by helping a wounded soldier, but even helping a bloodied soldier who works for the enemy may end up helping you sometime down the road. The game’s not overly scary where you have to keep a light on in your room, but the handful of jump scares and creepy enemy designs will make your heart race from time-to-time. If you’re looking for something that’ll keep you engaged and engrossed in the story and game-play, then this game is for you. I’m giving Chernobylite a 8.5 out of 10 for being an absolute delight to experience.

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Aug 4, 2021

Chernobylite benefited from the long dev cycle and the evident amount of care The Farm 51 has provided for the title. However, the result is simply just a pretty enjoyable and atmospheric title with several lacking aspects such as the AI and enemy variability.

Review in Slovak | Read full review

3 / 5.0
Jul 28, 2021

As an RPG it’s a fairly light endeavor, but the workmanlike quality and some cool decisions will do enough to keep plenty interested throughout its whole runtime.

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Noisy Pixel
Semy Rahman
8 / 10.0
Jul 28, 2021

Chernobylite is a unique approach to the world and aftermath of the Chernobyl disaster. The narrative is so compelling that it keeps your eyes glued to the screen, and the level of detail is absolutely mesmerizing. Though it does get bogged down with mundanity and repetition, the moments of interest outweigh the moments of boredom. If you want an immersive experience with an intricate plot, Chernobylite makes a good case for itself.

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7.5 / 10.0
Jul 28, 2021

Chernobylite is a wonderfully unique game with multiple gameplay elements that make it stand out rather than being dumped as just another post-apocalyptic survival game.

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7 / 10
Jul 28, 2021

This is a slower, more painful, and in many ways more failure-prone sort of game. But for players who enjoy the option of a slower ludonarrative and want to experience a build through this difficult situation, stalking the wreckage of the exclusion zone is going to be a lot of fun. If you’re willing to be patient and survival-minded, you’ll find a lot to enjoy here in Chernobylite.

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6.6 / 10.0
Jul 28, 2021

Chernobylite has many problems in its various parts, one of the most important of them is how monotonous the narative gets. This had good potential on paper but many big and small glaring shortcomings has made it not enough of an enjoyable experience. It is possible that avid fans of Eastern European titles will be able to fully connect with the game but it has pretty strong competitors in this particular style.

Review in Persian | Read full review

7 / 10.0
Jul 27, 2021

Chernobylite is a solid package for any player looking for an original survival FPS with a lot of heart in it. The story is sufficient, but the game will really satisfy players who are looking for a difficult experience without holding their hand too much. For players looking for much more than just the gameplay, however, they may be left wanting.

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