Resident Evil 4 (2023) Reviews

Resident Evil 4 (2023) is ranked in the 100th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
9 / 10
Apr 11, 2023
Resident Evil 4 Angry Review - YouTube video thumbnail
Mar 21, 2023

Capcom's seminal action-horror proves as essential as ever in this smartly-judged upgrade.

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Mar 17, 2023

This reimagining includes all the design knowledge of the whole series, from the awkward shuffling tension of the first version to the gory horror of Resident Evil 7

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Andy Robinson
Top Critic
Mar 17, 2023

Resident Evil 4 is a careful restoration of what remains one of the most compelling action games ever made. The core elements which make the original such a compulsive hit all remain, reminding us that sometimes the secret for these big re-releases is knowing where to remake, and where to remaster.

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10 / 10.0
Dec 21, 2023

Resident Evil 4 Remake's VR mode is an immersive thrill ride from beginning to end, and what was already one of the best games ever made has been elevated to new heights on the PS VR2. It is truly a must-play experience for anyone with a PS VR2.

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96 / 100
Dec 15, 2023

To sum it all up. As good as the flat version of the remake of Resident Evil 4 is, the VR version is the superior way to the play the game.

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Apr 4, 2023

Resident Evil 4 – much like the overhauled Resident Evil 1 and 2 before it – represents the gold standard for a video game remake. It shows so much love and respect for the 2005 original with all of its goofiness, while simultaneously being able to strike a more serious tone for a more emotionally-driven story.

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Ken McKown
Top Critic
9 / 10.0
May 2, 2023

Resident Evil 4 Remake is an absolute delight. Veterans of the original will love the changes and newcomers can now appreciate just how good this game actually is. Capcom continues the trend of keeping the series fresh in our minds. I cannot wait for the next new entry as well as what remake they do next. Almost guaranteed we will see RE5 next, but Capcom please listen to your fans and give us that Code Veronica remake we so rightly desire. Regardless, fans of the series are eating so good right now.

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Mar 24, 2023

Resident Evil 4 Remake looks great on PS5, plays smoothly even with fancy hair effects turned on, has very few glitches, and is still a lengthy game that somehow gives you the urge to replay it as soon as it's over. It feels three times as large as the Resident Evil 3 remake, and is absolutely deserving of praise. It's also not as silly, not as unique, and not as necessary as the original. Resident Evil, RE2, and RE3 all benefited from an increase in graphical fidelity and modern controls. Resident Evil 4 didn't need it. Nor will RE5. Or RE6. Enough is enough, Capcom. Please stop.

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Top Critic
10 / 10
Apr 3, 2023

The original Resident Evil 4 is a game that truly managed to stand the test of time, and became something that people are drawn back to even almost 25 years later. And if anything could be said about this new version of Resident Evil 4, it sure seems like people will be playing the remake after another 25 years from now on.

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Mar 17, 2023

What Capcom has done is less of a re-imagining and more a celebratory culmination of all the series' ideas. Resident Evil 4 is an absolute blast, retaining all its bombastic and over-the-top ideas while injecting some more modern horror and quality-of-life changes. It's a must for any Resident Evil fan, and if you’re new to the series, what a great place to start!

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9.1 / 10.0
Mar 17, 2023

A polished remake in every respect. Capcom has done an incredible job of expanding, enhancing, and modernizing a great classic, and the mission has been nailed in full ... minus a few marginal flaws

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8.5 / 10.0
Mar 17, 2023

The new Resident Evil 4 is well worth it for fans of the series, just keep your hopes slightly in check and you won’t be spin-kicked by inflated expectations.

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10 / 10
Mar 17, 2023

Nearly 20 years later, Resident Evil 4 is just as much of a masterpiece today as it was in 2005. Capcom has faithfully remade a genuine classic by bringing it into the modern age and kitting it out with new content, tremendous combat, and striking visuals. What was there before was already enough to consider Resident Evil 4 one of the best games of all time, but now it earns that title in 2023 off the back of better environments and sublime action. This is Resident Evil at its absolute pinnacle; an utterly outstanding experience that will live long in the hearts of longtime fans while inducting a whole new generation of supporters.

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95 / 100
Mar 17, 2023

Although Resident Evil 4 remains true to its roots with some cringy dialogue, Capcom alters several elements to improve the overall experience. These range from narrative segments to gameplay mechanics and all of which refine the masterpiece to create the definitive version of the game.

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9.5 / 10.0
Mar 17, 2023

Resident Evil 4 Remake is a masterclass in action-horror. The game not only maintains the spirit and gripping gameplay of the original, but expands on it with some meaningful mechanics and fleshes out areas that were previously lacking. Even if you haven't played the original version, Resident Evil 4 is easily one of the best horror games on PS5 right now and a must-have for your collection.

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9.5 / 10.0
Mar 17, 2023

Capcom continues to push the Resident Evil franchise forward with their pristine remake of Resident Evil 4. Few words can describe how much love was poured into this well crafted survival horror experience that will continue to stand the test of time as a masterpiece.

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Jun 30, 2023

Building upon the expectations set by 2019’s Resident Evil 2 and the legacy of its source material, the Resident Evil 4 remake is a triumph on every level, and one that I recommend not only to fans of the series but also any gamers who are remotely interested in horror, action and engrossing storytelling.

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9 / 10.0
Dec 29, 2023

The Resident Evil 4 remake brings new life to a classic for series veterans while introducing what’s arguably the best Resident Evil game to a new generation of players. It takes an already great game and makes it even better with plenty of polish and quality-of-life improvements. Some might decry that extra polish and feel it sanitizes some of the tension from the original experience. It also doesn’t have the same groundbreaking feel that the original had for its time. For people who want a modern take on a great classic, however, Resident Evil 4 is a remake done right.

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Mar 22, 2023

The excellent remake of Resident Evil 4 is a clear example of how you can work with passion and above all respecting the original material.

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