Dead Cells: Return to Castlevania Reviews
Dead Cells: Return to Castlevania is the best DLC that has been published for dead cells so far and of the best DLCs of all time. from challenge boss fights to unique atmosphere, it's almost perfect. The only thing that I found a bit disappointing was its extremely short length that doesn't justify its price tag.
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At $9.99, Return to Castlevania is the most expensive DLC for Dead Cells yet, but it is substantial enough to be worth it. The new areas are a ton of fun, and the number of new weapons and costumes is hefty enough to add extra value to the game. It might not hit as hard for those who don't have nostalgia for Castlevania, but even then, the extra biomes and boss fights are pretty darn great.
Dead Cells: Return to Castlevania is a must-buy for any fans of Dead Cells or Castlevania, it's a breath of fresh air for those who have played the base Dead Cells in the past, plus the music is fantastic!
Crossovers can be hit-or-miss, but this one makes more sense than the majority of them – the difficulty, tone, and slow approach to fighting is positively seamless and ensures this game will not only appeal to fans of each/both franchises, but will serve as a nice entry point to those even slightly interested.
Dead Cells: Return to Castlevania DLC hits all the right notes and is a welcomed addition to main series. The music, the gameplay, Richter mode, and the bosses will fill Castlevania fans with nostalgia and give Dead Cells fans a good amount of content for the price point. Although the DLC can be a bit hand-holdy for those who are more familiar with how Dead Cells usually handles its puzzles, the DLC is an overall great experience.
Dead Cells: Return to Castlevania is a great excuse to get back into the game with its great atmosphere, impressive soundtrack and gameplay variety.
Review in Turkish | Read full review
Dead Cells: Return to Castlevania is an impressive DLC that adds a lot of new content to an already excellent game. The attention to detail, new weapons and abilities, and challenging bosses make this expansion a must-play for fans of the series. However, the difficulty spike may be a turnoff for some players.
The best parts of Return to Castlevania are all the times the DLC says, “hell yeah, Castlevania!” The not so best parts are whenever the DLC tries to invoke Castlevania in its gameplay. Chasing the unlockable outfits, listening to the music and exploring the new biomes were all awesome, but most of the new items didn’t feel good and Richter Mode was kind of a bummer. I appreciate the love and scale, and the commitment to the idea of a “Return” to Castlevania. But now I want to put Dead Cells down and play more Castlevania.
Dead Cells: Return to Castlevania is a glorious mash-up of two incredible franchises and it's simply sublime. Whether you're a long-time fan of Dead Cells or a newcomer like me, this is a meaty Castlevania expansion you can really sink your teeth into.
Unsurprisingly, the combination of Dead Cells and Castlevania proves to be nostalgic and truly fantastic in this paid DLC Package
Dead Cells: Return to Castlevania is a remarkable crossover packed with quality. Content from the Vampire Hunter series is creatively introduced into the Dead Cells universe, with new stages and gear that further enrich the experience. The numerous references are the highlight of the expansion, but it lacked a bit of identity, as the stages and bosses are not so different from what is already offered in the main campaign. Either way, this DLC is essential for both Dead Cells and Castlevania fans.
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If you’re a Castlevania fan who hasn’t played this game for some reason, you owe it to yourself to buy this now. And even if you’re not, it’s still more super high-quality content for an awesome game that clearly is standing the test of time, made with clear and demonstrated love by independent developers, and you should buy it anyway.
To put it simply, if you’ve ever been waiting or wanting to find a reason to play Dead Cells, there has definitely never been a better time. And the absolute best outcome from this content? Konami agree to let Motion Twin make a full new Castlevania game. Because this is definitely something we need in the world, like, yesterday. Even if that never comes to pass, we’ll always have this DLC to remind us how good it could have been and just how at the top of their game these developers truly are.
Dead Cells: Return to Castlevania is another excellent expansion for the base game. It’s remarkable that nearly five years after its initial release, the development team continues to provide so much additional support, making one of my favorite games of 2018 even better. There’s a ton to like here for fans of both sides of this crossover, but you do have to appreciate both to get much out of it, as the difficulty of this new content will mean its best experienced after gaining some experience with the base game and upgrading your character.
Dead Cells: Return to Castlevania is pitch-perfect revival of a franchise we're desperate to see anything new from and a perfect excuse to spend another week of sleepless nights back inside this iconic roguelite. If Motion Twin and Evil Empire decide to hang up their Dead Cells hat after this, this would be just about the best way to say goodbye. (The only thing they could do better is announce that they're developing a new full Castlevania release themselves...) Fans of Castlevania need to hop into this as soon as they can. Fans of roguelites who haven't played Dead Cells at all yet need to use this DLC as their excuse to get into this game immediately. And those that aren't either... well you might just become mega fans of both franchises after a few runs through this DLC. WHAT IS A MAN? A MISERABLE LITTLE PILE OF GOOD VIDEO GAME IDEAS?
In what feels like a match made in hell, Dead Cells: Return to Castlevania provides a beautiful love letter to Konami’s iconic series while adding something new to the mix
Return to Castlevania fits in perfectly with the rest of Dead Cells, and it’s easily the best crossover you’ll get to experience this year. You can stake your bet at that!
Chances are you're playing Dead Cells because you are a fan of the search action genre, so it's only fitting you would appreciate the slice of love Motion Twin has made from this humble-sized DLC.
Dead Cells is already a masterful game with precision gameplay, visuals, and music, but Return to Castlevania not only highlights these fantastic features but elevates everything with the addition of the Castlevania franchise. The 6-8 hour quest is an absolute delight from start to finish, and just like the original Dead Cells, the loop is drawing me back in for one more vampiric-infested run…
Dead Cells: Return to Castlevania is the dream DLC I never knew I wanted for one of my favorite games of the past decade. It’s full of content that is all of supremely high quality. Whether you own the game outright or play it on Game Pass if any of this sounds the least bit appealing then spend $10 on this expansion. It is phenomenal.