Alan Wake 2 Reviews

Alan Wake 2 is ranked in the 99th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
80 / 100
Oct 26, 2023

Alan Wake 2 is the ideal sequel with its twisty story, beautifully animated characters and cinematic presentation. However, you may be a little disappointed with the action gameplay that doesn't undergo dramatic changes.

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Oct 30, 2023

Alan Wake 2 is a psychological thriller of the highest order

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10 / 10.0
Nov 13, 2023

In a stellar year of top-tier releases, sequels, and new IPs, I didn’t expect Alan Wake II to rank as highly on my personal top game list as it does now, and while we’ve still got a couple months to go, I’m fairly confident that Alan Wake II is going to be my personal game of the year.

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10 / 10.0
Nov 9, 2023

Alan Wake 2 is by far the most original experience I've played this year. The way Remedy built its world, characters and story, without caring about industry standards or narrative conventions of the genre, is indeed commendable. The project finds strength in being a double story of horror and investigation, asking the player to think together with its protagonists on a way to use art and rewrite a future that seems immutable.

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9 / 10.0
Nov 10, 2023

The thirteen-year wait for Alan Wake 2 has been one surrounded by a lot of worry that it wouldn’t live up to the hype or lofty expectations. It is an occasionally uneven experience, but thankfully that doesn’t detract from the overall experience too much. Alan Wake 2 has been well worth the wait and is an absolute must-play.

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8.5 / 10.0
Nov 9, 2023

With Alan Wake II, Remedy delivers a sequel that often stumbles under the weight of its own ambition but corrects its missteps with a gloriously gloomy atmosphere, excellent sound and visual design, and engaging methods of cinematic storytelling. A bold experiment in survival horror that provokes just as much as it unsettles, and is not soon to be forgotten.

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9.5 / 10.0
Nov 8, 2023

Alan Wake 2 was well worth the long wait, it continued the story I loved with exciting new twists and developments.

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Nov 8, 2023

From start to finish, Alan Wake 2 just kept delivering. It is modern horror done right. This is the game for horror fans, for Remedy fans, or simply for fans of the original Alan Wake. It is the game for those looking for something fresh that will delight and thrill in unexpected ways.

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Nov 8, 2023

By all accounts, Alan Wake 2 is simply a masterpiece. This is far and away the best game that Remedy has made so far and only continues to assert that the studio is one of the top AAA developers in the world. On all fronts, Alan Wake 2 is rife with inventiveness and wit that was only matched by its ability to scare me and make me laugh in the same short span of time. Not only does this serve as a new benchmark for what Remedy is capable of in the future, but it should be a shining example to other studios around the world of what story-driven third-person games can achieve.

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9 / 10
Nov 2, 2023

Alan Wake 2 is more than a game; it’s an emotional rollercoaster that had me gripping the controller and holding my breath. It’s an experience that gets under your skin and refuses to let go. Every moment is filled with tension and dread, making it one of the most immersive horror games I’ve ever played.

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8 / 10.0
Oct 30, 2023

Depending on where one stands on the convergence of interactive and non-interactive mediums, Alan Wake 2 may be perceived as a work of art or as an experience where gameplay is overlooked in favor of narrative artistry.

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10 / 10.0
Nov 6, 2023

Alan Wake 2 is a narrative masterpiece, and is the culmination of Remedy Entertainment's previous works. The long-awaited sequel is not only a groundbreaking thriller, but it raises the bar for how story-based games should be told.

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9.2 / 10.0
Nov 5, 2023

Alan Wake 2 is Remedy Entertainment's true masterpiece. A survival horror that manages to sensationally blend the pivotal elements of the genre, with gameplay balanced between two protagonists and with non-linear storytelling that on more than one occasion breaks through the barriers of the video game medium to create something broader, and that succeeds in capturing the player also thanks to a technical and artistic realisation of the highest level. A video game that everyone, fans of the genre or not, should consider playing.

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10 / 10.0
Nov 3, 2023

From every angle you can imagine, from its clever storytelling and cinematic stylings to its excellent survival horror aspects, Alan Wake 2 absolutely sings.

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9.5 / 10.0
Nov 4, 2023

The first Alan Wake could have been a Stephen King story. Alan Wake 2 doesn’t shy away from some of this influence, but this is firmly Remedy’s story—both their postmodern detective thriller and their writer’s nightmare. Alan Wake 2 is a horror story with every jump scare and unnerving moment. But it’s not just a horror story. This sequel is also an experimental narrative that challenges not only how we think about video games but stories and the fictions we tell ourselves about how they are created.  Alan Wake 2 is poetic. Developer Remedy Entertainment has crafted not only an excellent sequel to a now 13-year-old game, but the best horror game in nearly a decade.

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Nov 3, 2023

Alan Wake 2 is, without a doubt, a good game, which could reach an even higher level if some issues related to the pacing of the narrative were resolved. There are times when the progression of the story seems artificially prolonged, which can affect the immersion of those who experience it. In addition, issues related to inconsistent performance on PC should have been addressed before launch. However, despite these problems, Alan Wake 2 is a well-worthwhile experience, with a fascinating psychological narrative and incredible visuals.

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Nov 3, 2023

Alan Wake 2 is a visual and narrative marvel filled with beautiful environments and horrifying moments that had me on the edge of my seat. The game is only held back by some lacking gameplay and bugs, along with missing features and the lack of a physical version. Despite that, the game is one of the best this year, with moments that any long-time Remedy fan and newcomer alike will enjoy.

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9 / 10.0
Nov 3, 2023

A brave, ridiculous survival horror game that oftentimes needs to be seen to be believed, Alan Wake 2 showcases a developer at the peak of their powers.

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9 / 10
Nov 30, 2023

Alan Wake II is a fantastic follow-up to the 2010 original. The combat is more intense, the survival horror is peak and the story is even wilder. Just ensure you have a beefy enough rig (or patience) to keep up with all the hi-res spectacle on PC—and checkpoint-restarting glitches too.

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10 / 10.0
Oct 31, 2023

Remedy didn't just release an ordinary game, but rather a work of art that shocked us with how perfect it was in all aspects. With a story told in exceptional ways that we have never seen before, a technical achievement beyond all measures with stunning graphics and Remedy's new touch on survival horror elements in their first approach to this genre, We can without a doubt say that Alan Wake 2 has pushed the entire gaming industry forward awaiting any who dares to catch up!

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