Lies of P Reviews
More than just a meme game with a meme name, Lies of P is a thrilling Souls-like that delivers on its promises. On offer is a charming and over-the-top dark Pinocchio story, made all the more impactful by its blunt environmental storytelling. Genre fans also get to have their cake and eat it too, having functions from a lot of the titles in the crowd that work together in tandem to create a thrilling and delightfully challenging combat experience with memorable and grandiose environments and boss design. There are small mechanical additions such as breaking foes' weapons and a morality system explored through lying or telling the truth that are both valuable in distinguishing itself just that little bit more. Topping it all off is a thorough journey with meaningful upgrades and a changing of world states to have you coming back for more. I cannot believe this silly little game actually pulls it all off, providing one of the better action games we've had this year. Lies of P isn't just a wannabe. It's a real game standing with giants.
Lies of P is the best Soulsborne game that wasn't made by FromSoftware. The gameplay and design of the game are great and have a little signature of their own but the density of inspiration is a bit too much. The steampunk design of the game truly fits with its story and the music helps to convey the mood but I wish the story had more depth.
Lies of P goes from imitating From Software’s concept to tearing off its skin and wearing it around like a poncho.
Lies of P could look like a mere clone of Bloodborne, but its combat system and how Pinocchio's influences intertwine with the story are crucial elements to make the game shine on its own.
Review in Italian | Read full review
Lies of P melds its strange choice of source material with a sublime set of combat and customisation tools to craft a unique take on the Soulslike that stands shoulder to shoulder with its genre inspirations.
In the Souls-like genre, Lies of P definitely stands out. It skilfully captures the unique essence of the Dark Souls series and expands on it with features such as the weapon modification system. However, the level design and boss fights play it fairly simple, and the lies that should have been a core element don't shine as brightly as expected.
Review in Chinese | Read full review
A Souls-like filled with puppets and lies.
Lies of P is one of the best games i’ve played this year. With an interesting and compelling story, a beautifully crafted world full of life, and an outstanding soundtrack to prop it all up. This is not a desolate world mostly devoid of life. You will find people, learn small things about them, notice things about others. See how the conflict has caused so many survivors to lose their minds, or what they’ve done to retain what sanity they have left. And of course, come to understand what caused the puppet uprising, and the true nature of the puppets themselves. All of the worldbuilding in Lies of P is excellent. Each boss fight feels epic, every weapon acquired was exciting, and any chance to extract a piece of the story from this world left me wanting more. For anyone who wants a true Soulslike experience, or you just want a fantastic and well crafted videogame, Lies of P is exactly what you’re looking for.
Players who aren’t into soulslike games will likely check this out on Gamepass and find themselves enamored with a whole new genre of games to explore. It’s tough but it’s rewarding and I’m happy to report that even with my middling feeling after playing the demo, Lies of P is one of the best games I’ve played all year.
Lies of P is an extremely enjoyable game to play through. The feel of the world, the setting, and the combat all seem to have real impact; frankly, these elements are great. The camera and jumping are not quite so good, but in all, Lies of P is an absolute pleasure to take in.
Take our word for it, this is the best soulsborne clone we have until From Software does better. This is a great game that has done its homework and successfully applied its own touch to the genre without being lazy.
Review in Turkish | Read full review
It's a tale as old as time, retold story about a naive lie. But this one's bout a laggy metal boy, who swings a huge sharp sword and not a toy. Who stood up to an army of puppets mad and faced great monsters, what a wonderfully adapted lad. Using Fable Arts and Legion Arms, he collects Ergo to do some charms. Invest thy knowledge to prevent further damage and pay the creators your homage. Seek the secrets and discover what is there to be, of off the brilliant world, created by the somehow not impactful Lies of a naive boy named P!
Review in Slovak | Read full review
Lies of P is a game that didn't make as much noise as other major releases. However, it's a worthy representative of soulslike titles, offering a challenging adventure with bosses that will make you suffer, and many elements that do justice to the genre. If that's not enough, it looks great, and its narrative hooks you from the beginning.
Review in Spanish | Read full review
Lies of P is a fantastic gothic Soulslike that is worth playing even during this hectic game season. Pick it up if you want a game that will bite back.
Lies of P is a solid Souls-like title that benefits from being one of the first to emulate parts of the Bloodborne vibe and style that people have been clamoring for since that title was released. The time period and Belle Epoque style give the game a fresh identity of its own, and the title tones down some of the elements from the From Software hit, while still retaining the high level of difficulty that fans enjoy. The combat can be deep due to the weapon variety, and the secrets to be uncovered are numerous, which partially makes up for the lack of online functionality. As long as you don't try to look too much into the story, you'll find Lies of P to be an enjoyable experience all around.
Despite some frustrations and hiccups in my experience, I cherish Lies of P out the other side. The bosses were infuriating but fun, and if anything, it left me wanting - nay, itching - to click the NG+ button.
This dystopian tale of Pinocchio does a lot to stand on its own two feet, but when you strip all the set dressing away, it is simply a terrific love letter to Bloodborne. It is rough around the edges with some balancing issues and environment clipping causing you to get stuck in corners too easily, but with enough persistence (and skill), Lies of P is one of the best non-FromSoftware soulslikes yet.
Lies Of P is a decent Soulslike, but it does squander the main opportunity that it had to differentiate itself. The “dark Pinocchio” theme is intriguing and the developers went about it with the right spirit, but struggled to convert it into something as thought-provoking and deep as it should have been. Take that out of the equation and you’ve got a Soulslike that’s a little heavy-handed in how it makes players engage with it, in a world that looks more inspired in screenshots than it is to actually journey through. Ultimately, as enjoyable as it is, Lies Of P stands testament to just how difficult FromSoftware’s formula really is.
Lies of P sets foot in a realm that many studios ventured into and failed, and even though it's still not at the level of the works by the great Miyazaki, it is one the best Soulslike games ever made.
Review in Persian | Read full review