

Top Critic Average


Critics Recommend

Nintendo Life
7 / 10
Gaming Nexus
8 / 10
5 / 10
Seafoam Gaming
7 / 10
The Punished Backlog
4 / 10
5.5 / 10
Nindie Spotlight
8.2 / 10
Console Creatures
Creators: Pie for Breakfast Studios, 8 Bit Legit
Release Date: Apr 5, 2024 - Nintendo Switch
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Critic Reviews for Kudzu

Kudzu is a good adventure, and we're sure we would have loved it back in the day. We can even imagine kids at primary school asserting that, in some ways, Kudzu is better than Link's Awakening. This is in part because young kids are often deliberately contrarian, but also because Kudzu's character and game world are genuinely noteworthy. This comes through in some tight writing and an enjoyable gameplay experience. Its slight lack of polish might knock a point off, but the Switch pricing is reasonable. We're confident that fans of retro games will find a lot to love, and playing Kudzu on an actual Game Boy would be a genuine treat.

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Kudzu is a fun outing inspired by The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening but it's not perfect.  While the adventuring and puzzle solving are well done, the combat can be a bit clunky between the weird knockback when you get hit, the hitboxes themselves being a bit inconsistent when sprites overlap, and the enemies resetting to their spawn points when you pause, including some bosses.  Still, Kudzu is definitely worth checking out on the Switch if you're a fan of these kinds of games.

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I think you get the point. Kudzu is going to be compared with Link's Awakening at every turn, and in fact the publisher's own PR does just that, but it can't hold a candle to that beloved Zelda entry. It all feels very undercooked and I can't recommend it.

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Link’s Awakening, it is not, but Kudzu still stands out as a fun memorable romp I think fans of that game will still enjoy anyway, especially if you like the puzzles or exploratory aspects and want something more simple to kill an afternoon with, and don’t mind a little bit of jank here and there. All in all, a fun nostalgic throwback!

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Ultimately, Kudzu’s reliance on charm and nostalgia fails to conceal its greater failings. Attempting to bring back the gameplay and broader stylings of classic titles can be a tall task, but we can’t lower our standards the way we may have during the actual Game Boy era. Kudzu serves as an uncomfortable reminder that maybe some things deserve to stay in the past.

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It’s not a terrifically long title, but it’s got heart and a proud showing of individuality in both concept and execution. But having the game become so difficult, not because it’s intended to be, but because it’s performing poorly, reminded me less of Goodboy Galaxy and more of Faceball 2000. If there becomes a more economic way to get the straight Gameboy version, I highly recommend that and think it could be exciting for retro enthusiasts and modern players.

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Kudzu takes place in a fun, creative world that plays, looks, and sounds just like a 90s Game Boy classic. It's a great adventure that will appeal to any retro gamer looking for an authentic old-school experience!

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