Heading Out Reviews

Heading Out is ranked in the 71st percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8 / 10
May 6, 2024

Heading Out is an intricate, compelling story that mixes modular storytelling and roguelike structure with deeply America-flavored media of the 1970s and on, particularly the “road” genre. I’m not a car guy but I do enjoy some crusty Americana, especially the kind that challenges authority and romanticizes the sheer scale and variety of this unhinged nation. Sometimes it may get a little too cute for its own good, but for the most part Heading Out captures its intended vibe with a shocking level of skill and accuracy, an academic level of cultural understanding through a lens of media and literature. That’s pretty darn cool. Between that and the intriguing, almost insincere roguelike structure, we have a game that doesn’t really feel like anything else in its own space.

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4 / 5.0
May 6, 2024

An impressive ode to the classics of the 1970s, Heading Out is a unique blend of genres with its own unique gameplay twists that make it worth checking out, whether you're a fan of high-octane driving or strategy-focused resource management. Dripping with style, a killer soundtrack and a ton of interesting stories along the way, it makes for one mesmerizing road trip, with the journey being one that Serious Sim should be proud of.

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9 / 10.0
May 7, 2024

Heading Out is one of the most inventive games I've played all year, with plenty of replayability, great ideas, and an engaging story.

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7.5 / 10.0
May 31, 2024

On the streets of Heading Out, there is some confusion. Serious Sim's game tries to combine racing and storytelling through some micro-management mechanics, but the balance between the parts does not hold for the entire game, and every now and then the narrative path seems inexorably shaped by the availability of resources. Heading Out, however, shows his best to eyes and ears, as the gray roads of North America flow beneath the wheels and the cassette tape in the stereo blasts a perfect travel soundtrack into the speakers.

Review in Italian | Read full review

8 / 10.0
May 8, 2024

I hadn’t heard anything about Heading Out before it landed in my lap for review, and I am so grateful it did. I absolutely loved the gritty, 70’s feel of the racing and multiple vehicles. And I already gushed over the awesome soundtrack and radio personalities, as a fan of the talk radio in the recent GTA games this felt right up there as far as production value, content, and laughs. Mix all those things together and you end up with one mesmerizing road trip, that fans of the genre will be glad they took.

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7 / 10.0
May 6, 2024

Heading Out is a decent game for those looking for primarily a driving-based game, and it delivers a fun, fast-paced adventure game where you choose how your story will play out.

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Arash Sefidi
Top Critic
7.5 / 10.0
May 21, 2024

Heading Out feels like a vast ocean that is only an inch deep, introducing tons of exciting gameplay elements without developing them enough. It's still a decent game and offers a lot of quality when it comes to art design and story telling, but eventually fails to live up to its massive potential.

Review in Persian | Read full review

7 / 10.0
May 6, 2024

Heading Out doesn't fulfil its true potential. But while its story isn't as gripping as it should be, and its driving mechanics aren't anything special, together, along with an eye-catching black and white comic book visual style, they make for an enjoyable time on the whole.

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7 / 10.0
May 7, 2024

A nice comic trip across the USA. It has a good idea, atmosphere, processing, and even the basis of the gameplay is not bad, it's just a shame that the gameplay is gradually the same and there are not enough new options to keep the game interesting

Review in Slovak | Read full review

8.5 / 10.0
Jun 7, 2024

If you go into Heading Out expecting a driving game, you’re probably going to be sorely disappointed. It’s something entirely different from that – and, improbably (given the different genres being thrown together), it works incredibly well.

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3.8 / 5.0
May 7, 2024

With its endless possibilities of different runs and expansive lore, Heading Out is worthy of your try. The game might be just hard to grasp right out of the gate, but since it gives the player a lot of chances to redeem themselves, getting used to Heading Out takes a bit of time and that is completely fine. While it might not fulfill your needs for an action-packed roguelike game, the narrative aspects of it will surely deliver some quality time. Definitely worthy of a checkout if you are a fan of both roguelikes and driving games.

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80 / 100
May 7, 2024

Despite these shortcomings, Heading Out excels as a masterfully crafted blend of storytelling and game design. Its seamless fusion of retro aesthetics, heart-pounding gameplay, and thought-provoking narrative earns it an 8/10 rating. The game's commitment to immersion, player agency, and exploration of weighty social issues sets it apart in an industry often criticized for its lack of diversity and representation.

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May 6, 2024

Heading Out is a fantastic, immersive driving game mixed with a visual novel, thoughtful story pieces, and great gameplay.

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8 / 10.0
May 7, 2024

Heading Out is a very interesting title, with a unique premise of mixing narrative elements and a racing game in a roguelite structure with very stylish black and white graphics and a soundtrack integrated to the action. The adventure features a simple plot but it's really intriguing and is shaped by the player choices. The excellent ambiance of running away through the roads is complemented by a beautiful and fun racing mode that only slips up for the little skill of the virtual opponents.

Review in Portuguese | Read full review

7.5 / 10.0
May 11, 2024

Heading Out combines genres and styles which might sound incompatible at first glance, but did so in a very interesting manner, resulting in a truly unique roguelike experience. I, for one, really liked the presentation as well, with its slick visuals and soundtrack. It’s not entirely perfect, as the driving could have been more polished, and the pop-in glitches really took me out of the experience at times. That being said, it’s a game unlike any other out there, which wlll definitely keep you engaged through a good few runs.

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May 6, 2024

Heading Out is an interesting racing game that blends narrative-driven elements successfully. The moment to moment gameplay is serviceable at the very least, with sections of real strength, but the experience is truly elevated by the game's atmosphere and structure. It won't be for everyone, but those who enjoy a title that tries to hybridize different ideas that shouldn't necessarily work together will certainly come to appreciate its full and compelling world.

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7.5 / 10.0
May 7, 2024

Heading Out seems like a great start to a game or a series that could continue to expand and get better. It lays the groundwork for some impressive ideas and concepts that racing games don’t usually tackle and offers you a chance to reflect on your own life in a surprising way.

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