Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom Reviews
Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom is a phenomenal game and one of the best Metroidvanias ever made.
Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom is an excellent Metroidvania, combining classic and modern elements. It's fun and challenging, though not particularly innovative or long.
Review in Italian | Read full review
Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom is a wonderful modern reimagination of the Wonder Boy franchise. The story and graphics are filled with nods to the franchise’s long history.
Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom is a very good game and one of the best metroidvanias I have been able to play. It is a game made of fans for fans and the truth is that it shows. A more than adjusted difficulty, sometimes a little difficult, but fortunately it has checkpoints that facilitate the average user. If you like the franchise or if you are fans of the previous installments, it is a mandatory purchase.
Review in Spanish | Read full review
Despite some problems I found with the game, I did enjoy Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom. Though it’s not a deep or particularly compelling story, it’s still a fun nod to games of the past with some new bells and whistles. There’s a lot of replay value if you want to 100% the game, including solving all the puzzles, finding all the items and upgrading all the equipment. The charm mostly shines through, and I’m still happy to see games like this on modern consoles. It’s also worth noting this was far more enjoyable than Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap, as far as successors go. For $39.99 you’ll get a meaty adventure with lots of platforming, boss slaying and drunken wizardry. So long as you can look past the rough last part of the game and some frustrating dungeons, you’ll get along with Jin and company just fine.
Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom is an entertaining, colorful, and delightful platformer. The journey it took to reach its current incarnation may have been long, but it has most certainly been worth it. If you enjoy pigs with eye patches, this is the right game for you.
Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom is a great metroidvania. It's got just about everything: tight duration, many characters (although it's really only one with several shapes) with a variety of moves, varied settings and tight gameplay. If you liked Wonder Boy, buy it. And if not, man!
Review in Spanish | Read full review
If you’re a fan of platformers, adventure games or Metroidvania style games, then this will be a great title for you. With a lengthy playtime, plenty of variety in its gameplay and has so much about it to enjoy, it is a title that does very little wrong and outdoes the game that it set out to emulate. It wasn’t on my radar in the build-up to release, but I love it now. It comes highly recommended.
Despite Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom being a revival of a 30-year old franchise, it doesn't show at all. It takes only the good parts of the original Wonder Boy games and feels modern in every way.
Review in Slovak | Read full review
This is a game that’s half a brilliant homage to the old-school Wonder Boy games—particularly Wonder Boy in Monster Land and Wonder Boy in Monster World—and half a game seeking to artificially inflate its length with gimmicks and mandatory busywork. I wholeheartedly recommend one of those halves while having nothing but disdain for the other.
Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom fully succeeds in its mission to capture the spirit of Wonder Boy 3 and successfully carry the franchise into the modern era. Every strength the original games had, the developers of Monster Boy went out of their way to expand upon or enhance. They have crafted a game world that is vibrant, lively, and full of riches to be discovered.
Cursed Kingdom is a fun, occasionally frustrating, romp through a world I hope we get to revisit one day.
Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom not only does justice to the Wonder Boy series, but improves the familiar concept in many areas. The game has convinced me from the first to the last minute, and it's a pleasure to jump through the beautiful kingdom with Jin, solve puzzles and defeat demanding bosses. Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom is a must-have title for anyone who likes jump'n'runs or classic action-adventures.
Review in German | Read full review
There is just so much to this game that it'd take me about three or four thousand words just to describe all of this to you. I mean if you complete one level you move on, right? In most cases that is true for platformers. This is like an open world platformer. You can go back to a level that you might have missed something on or if you just feel like going back, you can. I have never experienced a game like this. Not in this type of genre. So, I can say out of all games I've played, this is one of a kind. To have such freedom to roam back and forth on a platformer, it's brilliant. I'm sure if you are a vet gamer like myself, you'll agree, I'd like to see more games like this. This had some time put into it and I'm not really sure if it's big in the gaming world. If I had the option, I'd promote this game in all channels of gaming.
Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom is different, but otherwise goes in all respects as a legitimate successor to the last Wonderboy games through. Connoisseurs of the old games, especially of Dragon`s Trap, feel immediately at home and immediately recognize the numerous references. Monsterboy is almost unconditionally recommended. However, those who only grew up with "modern" games should complain here and there about the "old-fashioned" level of difficulty.
Review in German | Read full review
EXCELLENT - Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom is one of the best Metroidvania games yet for the Nintendo Switch. The graphics are amazing, the music is memorable, the controls are impeccable, and the ability to change into different monsters makes for fresh and exciting gameplay. Difficulty spikes and timed puzzles can be frustrating at times, but they’re a slight blemish on an otherwise fantastic game!
At last our consoles come Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom, it has been a long wait but without a doubt the result has been worth every minute of our patience our hype has been pleasantly satisfied.
Review in Spanish | Read full review
Despite the concerns and some frustrations Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom is a very well-designed and gorgeous title as a whole. When you’re in the groove it feels absolutely brilliant and up to a point I appreciate the fact that you won’t be able to get through many sections on the first try as you may need to experiment a bit. The boss battles are challenging but often pretty smart and really none of them play out in the same way or even as you may expect due to their creativity. While I would have rated it higher if it either outright toned down its spikes in challenge or added a means to alter or skip them I’d recommend it without reservations. If you’re willing to either gut it out or assume that the game could get patched at some point to help out you’re in for a treat, just be aware that it can have a mean streak in places.
Colorful, stylish and ultimately delightful. a spiritual sequel that manages to bring nearly forgotten pages of video game history to the 8th gen and improve it in every way possible. that's right, Monster Boy is game that lots of old franchises dream to be reborn as.
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