SINce Memories: Off The Starry Sky Reviews

SINce Memories: Off The Starry Sky is ranked in the -1th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Oct 23, 2024

The first Memories: Off game in English, but also the worst.

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6 / 10.0
Oct 24, 2024

Given how long the series has been going, I had higher hopes for SINce Memories: Off the Starry Sky than I felt was able to deliver on for the series’s English-language debut. It hits a few of the right notes but doesn’t quite put them together enough to truly strike a chord. It’s well-presented, but presentation alone doesn’t carry it, and the script errors don’t do it any favors either. The cast of characters have their moments, but they’re scattered between lengthy sections of ultimately both predictable and often forgettable story routes that at times feel like inorganic drama was put in for the sake of it. The end result is a fairly cookie-cutter and by-the-books romance visual novel that doesn’t truly shine in any particular area.

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