NHL 16 Reviews

NHL 16 is ranked in the 86th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
4 / 5.0
Sep 25, 2015

At the same time, NHL 16 represents a nice return to form for the virtual hockey franchise. From its various modes to the more responsive gameplay, NHL 16 addresses many of the issues that scuttled last year's game. If you weighed and measured NHL 15 and it left you wanting, NHL 16 could be the game to get you back on the virtual ice once again.

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Sep 15, 2015

NHL 16 follows up last year's debacle with a fun, content-packed and beautifully presented hockey experience, that marks the welcomed return of fan favourite modes like EA Sports Hockey League. It is, however, rough around the edges in certain areas, which is what prevents it from being a bonafide classic.

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Oct 14, 2015

After the disappointment of last season's effort, NHL 16 feels like a solid rebuilding year. It may not go all the way to the Stanley Cup, but it definitely won't miss the playoffs.

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Sep 15, 2015

Overall, NHL 16 is a remarkably improved experience compared to last year's. With more depth and features, addictive Be A Pro and Be A GM modes, stunning visuals and an exquisite gameplay experience, NHL 16 is exactly what people hoped NHL 15 would be: a great game.

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8.2 / 10.0
Sep 16, 2015

The dopey AI does not mar the entire experience. But it crops up frequently enough to keep me from being able to comfortably enjoy a two goal lead.

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Sep 15, 2015

Honestly, NHL 16 may be the improvement that was needed to keep fans happy.

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Top Critic
Oct 3, 2015

EA's NHL 16 is an improvement in every way over NHL 15. But there was really only room to go upwards. Some people will love the gameplay, others won't. It's really something you have to play and tweak.

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4.5 / 5.0
Sep 15, 2015

NHL 16 clearly out did its predecessor in just about every facet and gamers world-wide should be excited to scoop up this years version of the revitalized franchise.

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7.5 / 10.0
Sep 14, 2015

NHL 16 has done enough to fix the damage of last year, and it's worth checking out.

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4.6 / 5.0
Sep 25, 2015

I went into NHL 16 expecting yet another generic sports simulation and instead found a deep and engaging experience that, above all, was a blast to play.

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8 / 10
Nov 26, 2015

NHL has bounced back

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8 / 10.0
Sep 25, 2015

This new iteration of NHL recovers from last year's sizable stumble by reinstating the excised features and making improvements on them which make them more enjoyable and easier to get into.

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9 / 10
Sep 15, 2015

NHL 16 delivers on what the fans have been asking for. It answers everything NHL 15 was missing and more. I think any hockey fan will truly enjoy this NHL title. Awesome – NHL 16 adds to what NHL 15 was and I think players are going to thoroughly enjoy this iteration of the game.

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78 / 100
Sep 17, 2015

NHL 16 marks what some would call a rebuild year. Most of the content that was inexcusably cut last year is back, but that's about it. The gameplay remains solid, and there is hope that the franchise can finally break away from the past and create something great in the future.

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7.5 / 10.0
Dec 4, 2015

NHL 16 feels like what NHL 15 should have been. The gameplay remains largely the same, but there is at least some effort to get newcomers more familiar with the mechanics. All of the modes are back and fully intact, while the presentation is solid save for a few hitches here and there. It would be nice to see something that's actually new, but considering how bare the previous entry was, getting these modes back is a good start.

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8 / 10.0
Sep 16, 2015

NHL 16 represents a return to form for the long-running hockey franchise. Those trying to get the bad taste of their mouths from last year's entry should be pleased with EA Canada's effort, which is capable of attracting casual and hardcore fans alike. EASHL is fulfilling and even addictive, shootouts are an absolute blast, the On-Ice Trainer is an excellent addition for newcomers, and the gameplay is smooth in some places, and rugged and powerful where it needs to be (feel that hit?).

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Digitally Downloaded
Nick H.
Top Critic
Sep 24, 2015

NHL 16 is a solid return to form for a beloved sports franchise. For sports fans, every year brings about new hope for their team. Well this year that hope was realised as NHL 16 provides an outstanding experience both on and off of the ice. There is still room for improvement, but now the title is more than a foundation - it is a full game with a great deal for hockey fans to appreciate.

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8.5 / 10.0
Sep 27, 2015

NHL 16 is the best NHL game to this point and I expect future games to get even better gameplay wise and graphics wise.

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Bit Cultures
Zach Nonnemacher
Sep 29, 2015

NHL 16 is leaps and bounds improved from last year's title. While all of the returning game modes are warmly welcomed, it can come off as a cheap marketing ploy to take them away in the first place, only to reinstate them as a selling point. The feel of the game replicates a more authentic simulation in both look and gameplay.

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