Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Reviews
A fun mix of a variety of different game types and a must have for any fans of Digimon. Even if you're not too into it the story is fun and the mechanics are extremely well done.
It's a shame that the story takes so long to become engaging, especially since the title itself places such importance on the story, but if you think you'll enjoy training Digimon enough to persevere through the initially slow narrative there is a lot of fun to be had with Cyber Sleuth.
It's still a halfway entertaining game and one of the better uses of the license.
It's another game of discovering magical creatures that do battle for you, but it feels modern and up to date, with decent graphics and has more mechanics than a broken down Bugatti. You don't need to be a Digimon expert; you don't[ need to have played the other games or have any prior experience. There are mature themes as well – often cases to do with illegal, heinous and very illicit activities – as well as hundreds of variably adorable creatures to throw into battle.
A fun, mature entry in the Digimon series, let down by the verbose story and lack of challenge.
Addictive monster-raising mechanics, fun turn-based combat and an intriguing take on cybercrime and hacking makes Digimon: Cyber Sleuth a stellar JRPG.
Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth is a fun well-executed modern game for Digimon fans and JRPGs alike.
Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth is an all around polished JRPG, but it's truly the intricate digivolution system that makes this game the best Digimon title to be released in the West.
A great RPG with an interesting backdrop and a ton of content, perfect for Digimon fans, with some issues that just can't be overlooked for non-fans.
While there are a lot of talking and walking parts to Cyber Sleuth the charm of the story and the deep battle system overshadow those problems. We had hoped Bandai Namco and Media Vision could take the Digimon franchise to new heights, and Cyber Sleuth is a great start.
Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth is an enjoyable and intricate role-playing experience that might entice both anime and traditional RPG lovers alike. The turn-based mechanic is excellent (and once again proves that nothing about this system is "archaic" or "inferior") as it's both immediately accessible and wildly diverse, the Digivolution mechanic is well fleshed-out and embraces player choice via branching options, and the underlying humor and darker atmosphere gives the entire game a boost. In short, I'd say it's obviously an anime production that has appreciated elements not typically found within the anime sphere.
Being completely new to the series, I have to say that Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth was a surprising treat for me. I love the JRPG genre, and while the turn-based and slightly grindy nature of the combat likely will not bring new fans to the series, I found it comfortable and accessible to play. On top of that, the cute nature of the critters was not the deterrent to my interest I had always sort of expected, because I enjoyed the virtual world of EDEN and the core story around the game's events.
Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth really does have all the ingredients to be the fantastic game I so hoped it would be, it was just the arranging and delivery of these ingredients that left it falling a little short in areas. Better pacing with the story, more opportunities to explore off the beaten path and a more user-friendly questing feature would have gone a long way but it’s still a game worthy of your time as a Digimon fan.
What can I say, this game is fun, addicting and insanely brilliant. Tearing myself away from it to write this review was a challenge in itself. The visuals are impressive even though it was originally only developed for PlayStation Vita. The basic game mechanic has been carried over from previous iterations and they are perfect. You can sink so much time into raising your Digimon, but it’s so rewarding that I can’t stop! If you’re a fan of Digimon or JRPGs, then buy this game it’s absolutely fantastic you won’t regret it.
"Keep your friends close."
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Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth - Complete Edition has a ton of content for players, if they can make it through some weird pacing issues. Both titles have darker, more mature storylines, even when looking at the cutesy Digimon.
I honestly enjoyed my time with Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth. I was able to train a team of my favourite Digimon from my childhood in order to save the world, which is exactly what I want to do in a Digimon game. Hardcore Digimon fans or JRPG fanatics will have a great time with this game and be able to ignore many of the issues I raised. However, if you don't fall in to one of those two niches, I don't think you will be able to look past many of the game's flaws or cumbersome design choices.
Despite the game's plot taking hours to reach the point where it actually becomes interesting, it more than makes up for it with the core combat itself being top notch and the addicting Digimon training.
Remember in the late 90's when an array of cute little monsters stole our hearts? No not Pokemon, but it's cyber-space cousin, Digimon.
It’s a really great monster capture game with fun combat and a lot of reason to grind and level up your Digimon. The story line is enjoyable enough and gives you a good reason to play the game through.