No Man's Sky Reviews

No Man's Sky is ranked in the 48th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
6 / 10.0
Aug 16, 2016

In many ways everything that led up to No Man’s Sky felt like some sort of conscription ad campaign. “See the universe! Explore the unknown!” It’s all very enticing and delivers on a lot of amazing feelings, but like most things of this nature, it’s not always all it’s cracked up to be.

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7.5 / 10.0
Aug 15, 2016

“No Man’s Sky” is a modern marvel in game development. There has never been anything close to a game of this size or scope. But size doesn’t always translate to enjoyment. The game is about exploration and exploration alone. There’s no drama or story-driven hook to keep players wanting to turn the next page. There’s enough game here to keep players engaged for multiple lifetimes. How long they will stay with it will depend on the patience of the player. The game’s reach and beauty can only take players so far.

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Aug 10, 2016

No Man's Sky isn't the "game to end all games" that some fans have made it out to be, but that's no cause for alarm. What Hello Games' ambitious project does offer is the chance to savor the little details in a massive universe absolutely rife with them — a messy universe, to be sure, but one that's not that different from our own in that regard.

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Aug 12, 2016

No Man’s Sky is a good game. Sean Murray and Hello Games’ vision of creating a vast universe on a scale unseen in video games has no doubt been achieved, and will certainly provide everyone who plays it with something unique.

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Top Critic
Aug 10, 2016
No Man's Sky Review "Buy, Wait for Sale, Rent, Never Touch?" video thumbnail
Aug 15, 2016

In Minecraft, I can invite other people to share my discoveries. In No Man’s Sky, I am utterly alone.

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3 / 5.0
Sep 27, 2016

I hope that we eventually get that from No Man’s Sky and I will come back and continue to try to find that experience. As it currently stands though this game stands out as being just completely average.

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Top Critic
Aug 18, 2016

Much more than a sterile description of its discrete parts and features, No Man's Sky is an astounding artistic and technical achievement worth experiencing. The wonder of stepping onto one of seemingly infinite planets and exploring, even while navigating the title's shortcomings, is unparalleled by any other game.

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4.5 / 5.0
Aug 13, 2016

No Man’s Sky is no doubt a magnificent feat in game development. I am left humbled by all that I have seen and intend on continuing my journey in an attempt to see as much as possible, well aware I will never see it all. Space has its hooks in me and I don’t think I’ll ever want them to relinquish their hold.

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8 / 10.0
Aug 11, 2016

No Man's Sky is all about the pure joy of exploration. It will be a polarizing game that will prove unsatisfying for some gamers, but it offers a vibrant, Zen-like experience others will treasure.

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Top Critic
70 / 100
Aug 1, 2018

No Man's Sky is an experience designed for a very specific audience. The gamers who enjoy exploring and admiring the universe will feel happy with the result of Next; however, for another audience it will be boring to repeat the same tasks over and over again.

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8 / 10.0
Aug 12, 2016

No Man's Sky has no real flaws (except the star maps, really a disaster), but many limitations, but often due to his youth. It seems now clear that the objective of Sean Murray is to create another phenomenon ala Minecraft. The designer has already announced the arrival of terrestrial resources, the ability to build our own bases, even larger ships. Moreover, in a similar game structure you can add anything, including new variables, new land, new formulas to make things even more varied and surprising. No Man's Sky is not only gameplay, but there is something more, and that something is hidden in each of us.

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8.5 / 10.0
Aug 16, 2016

For good or for ill, No Man’s Sky is a child’s wish, the fulfillment of our wonder of exploring a galaxy on our own accord, to forge our journey in a universe on the edge of forever.

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8 / 10.0
Aug 17, 2016

No Man’s Sky is a unique experience for this generation of consoles. It brings a relaxing gameplay design that is geared more towards exploration, rather than sci-fi action. In addition to exploration, it has a healthy crafting system, an interesting monetary structure that adds extra motivation, and an endless amount of adventures and secrets to uncover along the way. No Man’s Sky isn’t perfect execution by any means, especially when compared to the intentions that it was built on, but there’s enough here to warrant the journey.

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Aug 16, 2016

Hello Games has established a universe to explore with an interesting lore and great aesthetic design. However, if you need more than that to motivate you, you probably won't dig this game (as of now).

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8 / 10.0
Aug 15, 2016

When a location in No Man’s Sky isn’t being observed, it doesn’t exist. It’s just the potential in its formula in a program (possibly on a disc). When we play it, it becomes a tiny thread in an actual vast universe.

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7.5 / 10.0
Jul 29, 2018

No Man’s Sky Next is a huge improvement over the original game because there are new features and better visuals for you to look at. It’s worth playing the game if you still own a copy of it and want to download the free update. However, the game can still be boring at times and I don’t think it does enough to entice new players to give it a try.

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Aug 8, 2018

No Man's Sky NEXT is certainly a massive step-up from what it was two years ago. With the addition of online multiplayer, base-building and some graphical tweaks it offers quite a bit to keep players busy for hours on end. While it does have a few flaws, No Man's Sky is still a unique and enjoyable game.

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Jay Ball
Top Critic
6.5 / 10.0
Aug 19, 2016

Amidst the hype and the vitriolic criticism from keyboard warriors around the world feeling like they’re owed something better, it’s easy to forget that this game — possibly the largest ever made and certainly the most anticipated of the year — was developed by a team of just 15 people (at its biggest). Its visuals are basic, there’s no narrative to speak of and it’s infested with game crashing bugs in its current state (patch coming very soon, we’re told). Its primary focus on resource gathering is repetitive, but discovering a huge deposit of something rare and valuable breaks the repetition to keep you motivated to continue exploring. All things considered, No Man’s Sky is the first game in years to actually justify the use of the word “ambitious”. That’s why I like it.

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Top Critic
8.4 / 10.0
Nov 21, 2023

After seven years of updates, No Man's Sky has become a more vibrant and diverse universe. Most of the game's original promises have been fulfilled, and the developers are working hard to make it even better.

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