Titanfall 2 Reviews

Titanfall 2 is ranked in the 96th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
9.5 / 10.0
Nov 2, 2016

Even with mild inconsistencies with storytelling and some weird Titan skills, Titanfall 2 is everything we could’ve hoped for a sequel to be. Everything comes together quite beautifully here, from the fluid gameplay to the wonderful presentation, and whether you prefer single or multiplayer, there’s a lot to get through here.

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8.5 / 10.0
Jan 12, 2017

Titanfall 2 is an amazing multiplayer gamer, and could have also been an amazing single player game. The fast paced multiplayer with a clever use of AI combatants really makes every match enjoyable, and shows that there are still legs to the FPS genre. Its just a shame they did not push for more single player missions as the world of Titanfall is one well worth exploring. Out side of save data issues, the game’s core mechanics are damn near flawless. It’s a must buy if you like giant mechs, fps, or interesting combat.

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Game Debate
Joffy S
Top Critic
9 / 10.0
Nov 20, 2016

Titanfall 2 is the complete shooter package in a way that Titanfall wasn’t back in 2014. The fantastic campaign now complements the comprehensive multiplayer package. Factor in the free post launch support and it’s difficult to argue that Titanfall 2 is the unsung hero of the holiday rush.

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7 / 10
Nov 2, 2016

Titanfall 2 brings some much needed improvements to its predecessor but lengthy matchmaking, questionable multiplayer additions, and the removal of some features considered intrinsic to the franchise make it tough to recommend. Pick it up after a price drop.

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Nov 16, 2016

A fun and solid FPS single player campaign with good ideas and satisfying combat. Multiplayer is tough for newcomers but becomes great.

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9 / 10
Nov 5, 2016

Easily one of the best shooters of this generation, Titanfall 2 adds some new and cool elements to a genre that is really running out of ideas

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4 / 5
Oct 29, 2016

If you love fast-paced first person shooters then there is no reason to miss Titanfall 2. The game offers a fast, smooth an exciting experience unlike of the others fast-paced shooters, thanks to the Titans. Even if you don’t normally enjoy first-person shooters, I still think it’s a game worth trying.

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Top Critic
8 / 10
Feb 25, 2017

While Titanfall 2 is far superior than the original game and has done so much to improve, one can only find the campaign to be lacking as the overall game is carried by a well-crafted multiplayer experience. It's undeniable that this is the real reason why players will be coming back to play it over and over, and with regular free content updates including new maps, weapons, and features, who knows what innovative experiences Respawn has planned for the future of Titanfall 2.

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Top Critic
Jan 26, 2017

Some great FPS games came out in 2016, but Titanfall 2 feels like the freshest one.

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Top Critic
9 / 10.0
Nov 13, 2016

The improvements to the game are much needed, the single player campaign is one of the best I have played this year and as we draw to the close of 2016 I am almost 100% sure that no one will be able to top it, but I am more than willing to be proved wrong! Graphics are fantastic and a treat to the eyes, game modes have increased overall for multiplayer but there is the occasional hit and miss. Also… You CAN hack specters in multiplayer! I don’t know WHY so many people are saying you can’t!

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8.7 / 10.0
Oct 24, 2016

Titanfall 2 comes across as a beefier experience overall. The multiplayer mode hits the mark almost on every level while addressing most of the complaints gamers had with the original game. On top of that, now you have a proper campaign, which may not be very memorable but serves as a nice addition and a testament to Resapawn's commitment with its fans.

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9 / 10.0
Nov 7, 2016

The 2nd installment of the Titanfall series continues down the right path yet again. It is truly one of the best First Person Shooters of this generation.

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Gareth Fidler
Top Critic
8 / 10
Dec 10, 2016

Given that its oddly timed publishing schedule saw it emerge as the filling between a COD/Battlefield sandwich during the busiest release window of the year, it's fair to say that Titanfall 2 certainly had its work cut out to get noticed. Despite this, Respawn Entertainment has delivered a solid package that ticks all the right boxes for fans of the first-person shooter, and does so by forging a unique identity in an overcrowded genre that seemingly ran out of fresh ideas some time back. With the promise of free DLC for the duration of its lifetime, here's hoping that Titanfall 2 has a long tail.

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9.1 / 10.0
Nov 2, 2016

Everything a sequel should be. Titanfall 2 delivers in every way.

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9 / 10
Nov 10, 2016

Titanfall 2 is Titanfall 1 done right. It offers a deeper multiplayer experience, and also brings value with its short but thrilling campaign.

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9 / 10.0
Nov 5, 2016

The wall running in the single player campaign was just too much for my taste, but other than that I really enjoy playing it, this is just a really solid game. What do you think, too low, too high? As always feel free to leave us your thoughts in the comments.

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84 / 100
Nov 6, 2016

Titanfall 2 is a great sequel that expands on the strengths of the original, while adding a surprisingly well crafted singleplayer campaign.

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Renan Fontes
Top Critic
8 / 10
Nov 4, 2016

Thanks to an excellently paced single-player campaign featuring little to no fluff, and a multiplayer that emphasises genuine strategy and smart play, Titanfall 2 manages to stand out as one of the better surprises of 2016. The campaign is a very enjoyable sci-fi character drama that is only elevated by its fun cast and equally fun story. A clear eye for level design keeps the single-player fresh, blending the FPS and platformer genres together to continually pump out memorable moments. Titanfall 2 fixes just about everything that went wrong with the original, featuring better map design that plays to the core mechanics, and greatly expands the once dull universe. There are still some issues with multiplayer mode variety, but Titanfall 2 is strong enough to overcome its shortcomings to be a great sequel, and an even greater game.

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Nov 2, 2016

'Titanfall 2' has made good on its promise of a worthy single-player campaign. It is rather short, however, and this combined with the relative lack of variety and modular Titans in the multiplayer modes equals a low replay value. I'm glad to have experienced it, but I'm not sure how much further I'll be enjoying it in the months and years to come.

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Nov 2, 2016

With a surprisingly phenomenal campaign, Titanfall 2 should definitely be a must-get for those interested in a great shooter, or want something more from a shooter than just walking around with a ton of guns.

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