Dreamfall Chapters - The Full Series Reviews
Dreamfall Chapters is the end of a story, but it's worthwhile getting on board at the last station of this long journey.
If you're looking for a great story set in two beautifully designed worlds, I think this'll be right up your street. It's a shame there a quite a few problems holding it back.
Dreamfall Chapters masterfully closes a sublime trilogy of graphic adventures. but too obvious technical issues lower its rating.
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Dreamfall Chapters´ episodic storyline have some great moments, but gameplay is too simple and puzzles are not well balanced. Technical aspects (except for the main character models) are poor.
Review in Spanish | Read full review
Dreamfall Chapters is an entertaining game that will bring about a satisfying continuation of the long-running series. While it has many of the same trappings that most adventure games suffer from – namely clunky controls and occasionally unintuitive puzzles – this is more than made up for with the game's story. If you've been waiting for the full console release of Dreamfall Chapters to continue your adventures in (and out of) Dreamtime, wait no longer and pick up Dreamfall Chapters as soon as you can.
The story is engaging enough that Chapters is able to weather the storm brought on by the lackluster gameplay elements to become a title that both new and old fans of the series should enjoy.
Dreamfall Chapters is a satisfying conclusion to the nearly twenty-year saga along The Longest Journey. Even those fresh to the series can grow to appreciate the challenges that Kian and Zoë each face.
For those who have grown accustomed to the Telltale approach to adventure gaming, Dreamfall Chapters might prove to be too frustrating an experience to warrant persevering with, but for people who fondly remember trapping the infamous goat in Broken Sword or the rubber chicken zip-line in Monkey Island, it might provide a welcome dose of nostalgia.
Dreamfall Chapters is a hard sell for all but the most devoted fans of The Longest Journey. Story aside there's little else that encourages investment of your time. Troublesome tech niggles alongside poor pacing and inconsistent puzzling sits some really intriguing characters and two worlds filled with narrative wonder. That you have to outpace your boredom to reach the juicy bit of Dreamfall Chapters' rich story is perhaps the biggest obstacle of all.
Dreamfall Chapters on the PS4 can be called "Mighty No. 9 from the world of adventures", which stands in a row with Syberia III. As a result, the project can be recommended only to the largest fans of the original, who are ready to forgive the game for all its shortcomings. Console version of Dreamfall Chapters is one of the most unsuccessful ports and yet another Unity anti-advertising.
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Overall quite outdated, very long-winded adventure, whose story is incredibly complex, but takes a lot of time to gain momentum.
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Longtime fans of The Longest Journey series will certainly forgive the flaws of this third episode, to finally know the end of the story, but the others will be quickly bored.
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Dreamfall Chapters stays true to the adventure genre it embraced in 1999, but sticking to the same approach in 2017 means it feels a little past its prime.
The weakest entry in a fantastic series, but worth seeing through to the end.
Dreamfall Chapters is a must-play for any fan of the adventure games. Design and setting are charming in addition to story of the highest quality. It could be better when it comes to technical aspects, but these flaws are bearable. Try it as soon as you can.
Review in Polish |
Dreamfall Chapter is a complete collection ported on Ps4 and Xbox One of the episodic adventures published on Pc starting from 2014, set in the marvelous world of the Longest Journey saga.
Review in Italian | Read full review
Although the often grimdark narrative could have done with the insertion of some levity, one has to admit that the team behind Dreamfall Chapters have a solid grasp on the art of storytelling, even if the game is steeped in seventeen years of history that's almost impenetrable to newcomers.
Chapters doesn't fully commit to the puzzle-adventure genre the saga is known for, but with plenty to explore and a novel's worth of narrative packed into it, you won't be strapped for content.
If you like point and click adventures with a big side dose of narrative and wish to spend some time dreaming, then Dreamfall Chapters is a place that is well worth visiting.
I loved playing the game for my Dreamfall Chapters review. It's an excellent adventure game and a very polished release. It features great writing and a solid story, really good graphics and a ton of content to enjoy. What's not to like? Other than not having a mini-map or map while exploring each location, this is a must-have on PS4