WWE 2K17 Reviews
While the promos, commentary, and female wrestler treatment could use more fine-tuning, the rest of the game does a wonderful job of delivering an experience that’s just a bit more impressive than last year’s entry. For now, all we can keep hoping for in each new game is increased accuracy, larger rosters, better treatment of female wrestlers, and fresher color commentary.
Much like the games before it, the forgiving nature of the fights and the over the top visuals makes it a lot of fun to play with friends when you're not actually taking things seriously. In that sense, the series has constantly delivered, and WWE2K17 is no exception. If you've not got any of the earlier games, this is a good one to add to your collection.
If this series manages to go more in an over-the-top and insane direction, I can see WWE 2K having a big turn-around, but Visual Concept and Yuke's continue to try and create a skill-based wrestling simulator. This series will continue to be thinned out and fundamentally unenjoyable as long as that trend is around.
New ideas and innovations help move the franchise forward, but a lot of the same bugbears are still prevalent. Until we get a new engine I believe we are always going to be waiting for that truly amazing wrestling game experience. Until that happens, 2K17 is a nice bridge between that gap.
WWE 2K17 is the first wrestling game I've truly waded into in a while, and I'm reminded as to why it's been so long. I play the basketball, football and MMA games because it's basically what I see and experience on TV. As a fan of WWE who has viewing parties for major PPVs, I can't say that what I played touches on what I get from WWE programming every week. It resembles it, but it's got a long way to go before I see it the same way I see the real thing: art, done well, providing the perfect escape.
Without a doubt, the wrestling action in WWE 2K17 is some of the best the franchise has seen in a very long time. All of the improvements result in matches that are more fluid, more entertaining, and are generally very balanced and satisfying. It does a fantastic job at coupling deep sub-systems with arcade-like appeal. However, the career mode is hobbled by an absence of compelling storylines. The WWE Universe mode and it's plethora of customization options are massive time investments, and the freedom to build the perfect roster is very cool. Promos are a great idea. It's a shame that there's a little too much guess work involved, and the results tend to be disappointing. The lack of polish isn't game breaking, but the long load times and occasionally baffling AI can get annoying after a while. Still, if pro wrestling fans are willing to persevere, they'll find a lot to like.
As the years pass, we get a little bit closer to the ultimate and complete WWE experience that fans have been waiting for for almost 6 years. A ring full of tension, heavy battles and outrageous finishers with a few issues is what you'd eventually get from WWE2K17. It may not satisfy its fan final expectations but it is also a proper and acceptable game, givingg you a fresh and enjoyable experience as you play and dig into the game
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All in all WWE 2K17 is a really good experience. The smaller design choices both in the ring and for customising your experience are incredible, and when looked at as a completely package it is the best wrestling experience I have had to date.
Dated Presentations And Lacking Features Make This A Disappointment
WWE 2K17 is one of the better WWE games to come out in quite sometime, possibly the best since the name change from Smackdown Vs. RAW to just WWE/WWE 2K. The changes made to Universe and MyCareer were needed, and are welcomed changes, though both modes still have issues. I can't explain how happy I am that free roaming/backstage brawling is back in WWE games, and I've had a blast brawling all over arenas. There's still issues like commentary and bugs that really need to be fixed hopefully in the next game. If you are a fan of WWE games then this is your ultimate wrestling sandbox.
All in all, WWE 2K17 is a wrestling game for wrestling people. If you know your suplexes from your DDTs this is pretty much the only game to sate that need for you, but it’s also thankfully a decent one. If you’re just looking for a new brawler for a short blast but you think the idea of men in pants pretending to hurt each other is silly (because it really is), then you’ll probably find this too slow and detailed to do much for you. As I’m in the former camp, I found a huge amount to enjoy and interest me within WWE 2K17. Not quite a Stunner, but definitely getting there.
WWE literally puts on a show that is mostly about presentation, yet somehow WWE games are always lesser in presentation quality than NBA 2K.
A definite step in the right direction. A sense of nostalgia with it's Here Comes the Pain style backstage action, with RPG style elements
Terrible controls and mismatching quality difference between models and backgrounds aside, WWE 2k17 is (dare I say it) a pretty excellent game. With a little work on those controls and spending a bit more time on bringing the full experience to bear, I could actually see 2k's WWE franchise becoming one of the best sports franchises period. Until then? It is a solid title with just enough familiarity for an old codger like me to be able to pick up and play, and just enough new for veterans of the franchise to be able to justify picking up yet another annual sports title.
WWE 2K17 shows great potential, and when it gets it right it’s fantastic to play, but its undercooked features and lack of visual polish stop it from getting the 3-count it so desperately craves.
WWE 2K17 bietet viele Neuerungen und ist in Sachen Gameplay durchaus zu gebrauchen. Einige der wesentlichen Spielmodi leiden jedoch unter der Menge an Ergänzungen und der damit verbundenen Vernachlässigung des bereits vorhandenen Gameplays . Schade ist auch, dass es die etlichen großen Veränderungen, die WWE inherhalb der letzten Monate durchgemacht hat, nicht in das Spiel geschafft haben, was das ganze einfach veraltet wirken lässt. Was jedoch gesagt werden muss ist, dass auch WWE 2K17, gerade gemeinsam mit Freunden, nach wie vor Spaß macht und Fans der Reihe sicherlich auf ihre Kosten kommen werden.
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