Dragon Quest Builders Reviews
While the gameplay, levels, and locations are something that everyone will experience by the end game, how players build their towns and help the townsfolk is what will give each person their unique experience.
Dragon Quest Builders is an excellent role playing game which masterfully blends crafting and JRPG mechanics to offer a very addictive experience. The humorous and witty writing, the scope of the game's world, the charming presentation, the quest variety and the balanced difficulty level are just some of the things that the game gets right. Whether you are a long-time fan of the series or a newcomer, the unique charm of Dragon Quest Builders will grab you and will only let go once the game's four chapters have been completed.
Dragon Quest Builders gives the genre's heavy hitters a run for their money with its charm, character, and accessibility. A streamlined crafting experience that's always happy to provide you with purpose, it offers a delightful adventure that's packed with discovery. Even though a couple of wonky design choices prevent proceedings from being totally watertight, this is still one of the most downright addictive titles available on the PS4.
Square Enix has taken its well established roots in the Dragon Quest realm and blended it with the likes of Minecraft or Terraria to create something both new and familiar.
Taking a formula made famous by Minecraft and refining it in every possible way is what makes Dragon Quest Builders a fun and enjoyable experience through and through. The only thing holding it back is your own lack of imagination.
Dragon Quest Builders is every bit the captivating building adventure on the Switch as it was when it first released. It's strong sense of progression, charming aesthetic and easy mechanics make it great for casual play, while its robust worlds and interesting characters make for a charming tale. It takes a misstep or two along the way, but Dragon Quest Builders isn't an adventure you want to skip out on.
Dragon Quest Builders on Switch brings near-PS4 quality graphics with the portable aspect of the PS Vita. If you're going to play it anywhere, I recommend the Nintendo Switch.
Dragon Quest Builders is an interesting object, one that does not fully venture into its main series' territory but which puts the players in its world and which can keep their attention for some long, fun and involving moments, not to mention that it keeps the mind well entertained until the next chapter in the Dragon Quest series arrives.
Review in Portuguese |
Beyond the obvious Minecraft inspiration, Dragon Quest Builders is based on a solid, subtly ironic narrative which creates not only reason for these building tasks, but also life into this 3D rendition of Alefgard. And it gets sharper on Nintendo Switch with the Great Sabrecub that literally cuts through the potentially more pixel arted Terra Incognita mode, even if such retro nostalgic additions can't counterbalance the limited sharing options and the lack of multi player, thus consolidating this fundamentally solitary experience as a whole.
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Dragon Quest Builders is a motivating build-up game that skilfully combines block building with RPG elements.
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Dragon Quest Builders is exciting, relaxing, simple, intuitive, and will never leave you alone with your creativity.
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Dragon Quest Builders is a superb game, appealing to both fans of the series and newcomers alike. Don’t think of this as a Minecraft clone, but rather as a good Dragon Quest game with crafting and building elements.
Dragon Quest Builders is an entertaining RPG, a marvellous builder, and simply a tremendous game all-round.
Dragon Quest Builders could have easily been a lazy Minecraft ripoff. Instead, Square Enix does a great job in adding compelling mechanics that make this a breath of fresh air for the genre that can stand on its own. The game’s greatest strength lies in its campaign, which makes it a bonafide action-adventure game with enjoyable combat and great boss fights while still incorporating the fun elements of building. The camera, admittedly, can be a pain at times and the lack of fleshed-out multiplayer and co-op is an unfortunate missed opportunity. If you’re looking for a solid crafting game and are intrigued by the addition of RPG and action elements, however, Dragon Quest Builders is a fabulous construct that fans both young and old will enjoy.
Dragon Quest Builders continues in the series' tradition of being slightly cumbersome and unpolished, but getting lost in its toybox pleasures is easy and extremely fun.
Dragon Quest Builders gives players the freedom to do whatever they want, while making sure they don’t get bored of that freedom too quickly by restricting how they get materials and recipes. This smart concept, mixed with the villager management and RPG elements make this one of the freshest experiences in the series.
Overall, Dragon Quest Builder's gameplay plays to the strengths of the Nintendo Switch's intended purposes. There are countless hours to be had here, and players with extra creativity will find reasons to come back even after the land of Alefgard has been restored.
Dragon Quest Builders for the Switch is a straight port of previous versions, but the flexibility of the Switch itself makes this the definite way to play.