Harmonix Music VR (VR) Reviews

Harmonix Music VR (VR) is ranked in the 5th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Ryan McCaffrey
Top Critic
3.5 / 10.0
Oct 5, 2016

Sadly, even loading an MP3 of ‘90s favorite “Mr. Jones” by Counting Crows didn’t make any of these four music mini-games and passive experiences any less boring or more bearable. If my friends came over to check out my new $400 VR headset, Harmonix Music VR is the last thing I’d want to show them.

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5 / 10.0
Oct 5, 2016

If Harmonix Music VR sounds like your jam, it probably is. Plopping on the helmet after eating your favorite comfort food can make for a really relaxing afternoon, but the other modes aren't even worth the time of day.

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4 / 10.0
Oct 16, 2016

Harmonix Music VR feels like it should have been a part of the PlayStation VR demo disc, or at least part of a compilation of VR experiences. By itself it lacks any real compelling reason to buy it. When I listen to music, it’s usually while doing something else. The idea of listening to Finch’s Say Hello to Sunshine through Harmonix Music VR doesn’t strike me as the best way to experience my favorite album. Getting past the reloads after each song, the lack of streaming support, and relatively limited overall scope, Harmonix Music VR is a mildly interesting virtual reality music player, but it’s not going to become a staple in either my gaming or music listening life.

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4 / 10
Oct 19, 2016

Harmonix Music VR somewhat justifies its existence. Having a drawing app available for PlayStation VR out of the gate is nice, but everything beyond that is kind of pointless. 'The Trip's' kaleidoscope visuals are great for a couple of songs, and it's a wonderful starting point for VR beginners, but the remaining two experiences are redundant and unappealing. This is something that will be nice to have at launch for a few people, and for anyone that wants a drawing app now, but a year or two – maybe even sooner – from now, this will be a long forgotten relic of the peripheral's launch.

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35 / 100
Oct 27, 2016

Music VR isn’t so much a game as it’s more of a music visualizer with a focus on letting you experience your music in a way you haven’t before.

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3.5 / 10.0
Oct 9, 2016

There’s little value and almost no substance in Harmonix Music VR. Its drab modes and environments fail to add anything interesting to the music listening experience.

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Oct 17, 2016

Harmonix Music VR is a half-hearted compilation of four tech demos that are interesting for less than a minute apiece. With so many other things to try on PSVR for a similar price, you’ll feel short-changed if you waste your money on this.

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6 / 10
Oct 12, 2016

What you’ll get out of Harmonix Music VR depends on whether you really enjoy listening to music while shutting your mind off in various types of visualizers with different levels of interaction. The Dance and The Easel are clearly going to be the most attractive and are ideal for group settings, while the strict visualizer ones -- The Beach and The Trip -- are meant for only the person in the HMD.

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Top Critic
9 / 10
Oct 16, 2016

Ever wanted to see an anthropomorphic lemon do a jive? Or see a robot twerk hard enough to make Miley Cyrus blush? Well, your dreams are now a reality.

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66 / 100
Oct 18, 2016

Harmonix Music VR accomplishes exactly what it sets out to do – a straightforward music visualizer with minimal gameplay elements to showcase the basic possibilities of PlayStation VR to absolutely anyone.

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3 / 10.0
Oct 18, 2016

While Harmonix Music VR lives up to what a launch game for a new platform or peripheral should be. A tech demo. While neat to see what Harmonix has created for the virtual world, this seems like a small project for a few team members that could've had a lot of potential in the end. Loading MP3's struggled big time even when using something as powerful as the all mighty PS4 system.

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