Torment: Tides of Numenera Reviews

Torment: Tides of Numenera is ranked in the 83rd percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
7.5 / 10.0
Feb 28, 2017

Numenera is so deep and heavy that it’s liable to change the landscape of console RPGs forever

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Feb 28, 2017

Torment: Tides of Numenera is mostly a well-done spiritual successor to Planescape: Torment that's gonna satisfy old-school RPG fans, even though it doesn't have much to offer for modern gamers and doesn't measure up to its legendary predecessor.

Review in Slovak | Read full review

May 25, 2017

As with Planescape, Numenera is not a perfect game. It is, however, a unique game, brimming with weird tales that will take some 30-40 hours to explore on the first playthrough. The game's appeal is largely predicated on how much you enjoy falling into the rabbit hole, but fans of a more traditional RPG experience, or indeed, fans expecting a yarn to surpass the original Planescape might find Numenera wanting. Stick with it, though, and you will be rewarded with an highly unusual experience.

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8 / 10.0
Feb 28, 2017

Torment: Tides of Numenera is one of the most engrossing storylines I have ever experienced in gaming that is just a little let down by dodgy frame rates and a little TOO much going on at times but if you are looking for something to truly sink your teeth into then I 100% recommend picking this up.

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9 / 10.0
Feb 27, 2017

Insgesamt macht Torment: Tides of Numenera einen sehr guten Eindruck, man sollte sich vor dem Kauf aber ein bisschen darüber informieren. Der Fokus auf die massigen Dialogtexte im Spiel sagt sicher nicht jedem zu, heutige RPGs wie Mass Effect sind da doch eindeutig actionlastiger. Fans der RPGs aus den 90igern können hier bedenklos zugreifen und auch Leute, die Wert auf eine stimmungsvolle Science-Fiction/Fantasy-Welt Wert legen sollten sich den Titel mal ansehen. Torment muss sich absolut nicht hinter seinen Vorgänger verstecken, die Charaktere, die Welt und die Story sind alle überaus interessant und motivieren zum Weiterspielen.

Review in German | Read full review

Mar 13, 2017

I started Torment: Tides of Numenera blind to the existing fiction and games on which it was based, with a vague understanding that it would be somewhat “unusual.” This would turn out to be an understatement in the extreme, easily being one of the strangest experiences I’ve had in gaming. There are some minor design issues, though they aren’t game breaking and could be seen as non-issues depending on how familiar you are with the tabletop version of Numenera. What matters most, however, is the narrative, which starts out confusing for newcomers and slowly morphs into a mystery that wholly engulfed my attention. I daresay another playthrough would bear a different experience entirely, something I’d happily sink another forty-plus hours into.

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7 / 10
Mar 20, 2017

There’s some major inconsistencies in terms of quality in certain companions, certain portions of the writing, and definitely in the overall pace of the game. This is completely outweighed by the ludicrously interesting world in which it’s set. If you can forgive the above flaws, and are prepared to read a novel’s worth of text in its 30-35 hour run-time, you’ll end up like me – playing until 3am, doing just one more quest and revelling in navigating the ridiculously wonderful Ninth World.

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8 / 10.0
Feb 28, 2017

Torment: Tides of Numenera is a huge plus in my book for narrative storytelling, world building and more, so get out there and try it for yourselves.

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8.5 / 10.0
Mar 6, 2017

Despite this, the game is really well structured, rich and exciting; offers a lot of unique details especially in this era of games where the story leaves time to find, so let me strongly recommend it to all old style RPG lovers, it really is worth playing!

Review in Italian | Read full review

Mar 29, 2017

This will take some time to play through and the options to replay it with different character types as well as gender will have you coming back to it. Try playing through it with a different character class, influence different people and see what happens the next time. This is NOT easy and you will find it's a long journey but with patience and perseverance you will get through it and on the way will be surprised, maybe even shocked a little.

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IGN Middle East
Zia Murad
Top Critic
8.5 / 10.0
Feb 28, 2017

For a game claiming to be the "spiritual successor" of the popular 1990 RPG, Torment does not only capture the soul of Planescape: Torment that made us feel nostalgic, but it also managed to get rid of the old cliches and add enough new ideas to be a great game on its own. Even though some of the new systems aren't ideal, the right mix of a charming world, an epic story, interested characters, and surprising plot twists puts it on the list of the greatest modern RPGs.

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