Semispheres Reviews

Semispheres is ranked in the 48th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Feb 16, 2017

I completely love it. This is such a smart game, cleverly delivered both in style and execution, taking familiar puzzle ideas and making them feel bewilderingly original via its split-screen single-player co-op. I

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7 / 10
Sep 19, 2017

Overall then, Semispheres is a wonderful puzzle game with some incredibly clever level designs that will leave you stumped at times, a tricky but enjoyable twin-stick system, and a beautifully designed world with pleasing visuals and sound. A couple of things let the experience down slightly and the whole thing can be completed in under three hours, so it isn't a bargain for the asking price, but you'll definitely find enjoyment in getting to grips with the puzzles and character movement. A great buy for puzzle fans and a potential pleaser for everyone else too, Semispheres is certainly one to consider.

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8 / 10.0
Feb 14, 2017

There are plenty of puzzlers out there, but there’s just something special about the way this implements such a peaceful, meditative stance.

8.5 / 10.0
Feb 19, 2017

Semispheres is a smart, relaxing, and challenging puzzler that brings fresh ideas to the genre.

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75 / 100
Feb 21, 2017

Eventually I would love to see a timed mode added to this to make it even more challenging.

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Top Critic
8 / 10
Feb 15, 2017

With all advantages Semispheres has a significant drawback – the game is too easy even in the later stages, and a combination of different skills rarely can be quite a serious challenge even for a beginner. The developers simply do not use a whole range of mechanics to make the game harder and more interesting. Still there is some hope for a DLC, which has not been even announced yet. However, as a means for relaxing before going to sleep or an opportunity to rest between big projects this game from a small indie-studio is almost indispensable.

Review in Russian | Read full review

6 / 10
Oct 21, 2017

Semispheres is a short but sweet title with a simple aesthetic that belies a surprisingly complex set of puzzles. Controlling two characters simultaneously takes a fair amount of dexterity, which can at times be more of a challenge than the puzzles themselves. Despite this, there is some clever design on display here with some devilish levels and multiple abilities to utilise. You'll likely be done with it within a few hours or so, but if you're after a neat little game to play in short bursts on the go, Semispheres is worth a look.

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6 / 10
Sep 25, 2017

Semispheres promises quite a lot but doesn't deliver the whole lot. That doesn't mean it's not a competent work, far from it – it's a very relaxing game with a fine difficulty curve and for those looking for a quick break, it will seem even better...but it could go further and bring a greater, more rewarding challenge and that's what's missing here.

Review in Portuguese |

7 / 10
Sep 15, 2017

Apart from unnecessary narrative and simultaneous action-oriented stray deviations, Semispheres deploys its half stealthy / half puzzling mechanics to their full extent, more easily experienced with a second player thanks to the Joy-Con.

Review in French | Read full review

4.5 / 10.0
Feb 14, 2017

Two thumbs, two analogs, two characters. Sadly, there are far better games which utilise that kind of premise.

Review in Polish |

7 / 10.0
Mar 15, 2017

A unique and well-crafted opportunity to test your grey matter.

Robert BaddeleyRobert Baddeley
Top Critic
8 / 10.0
Sep 18, 2017

The bottom line is if you are looking for a game you can pick up when you have 15 minutes or two hours to spare, look no further.  There's no gear grind, there's no falling behind if you don't play for a day or a week and the mechanics are easy enough that you don't have to start over if you take too much time off.  It has become part of my evening routine before going to sleep and with plenty of levels to burn through, it's safe to say it's there to stay.

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Top Critic
8 / 10
Feb 14, 2017

The dual reality premise makes Semispheres distinctly unique in its gameplay and is a clever mechanic that other puzzle game developers would do well to take note of.

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Feb 20, 2017

I enjoyed the relaxing pacing and feel of the game. While writing my Semispheres review, I continued to play the game even after I had drafted this review. When a game does that to you, you know it’s doing something right. The fact that there are no timers rushing you to beat a level as fast as possible, not to mention that there’s no “game over” of any sort as you play make this a very great pick up and play release that quickly puts you “in the zone.” I highly recommend Semispheres to puzzle game fans as it will provide you with many hours of fun before you manage to finish the final puzzle.

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9 / 10
Feb 13, 2017

Semisphere is a solid puzzle game, and it’s worth your time and money, It a relaxing experience that is perfect after a lousy day at school or work so that you can kick back and relax as you play to your heart’s content.

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Renan Fontes
Top Critic
8 / 10
Sep 14, 2017

What Semispheres lacks in quantity it more than makes up for it with quality. It's entirely possible to get through every puzzle in just a few short hours, but a reasonably high skill threshold and thought-provoking design ensure the experience remains memorable from start to finish. By having each Joy-Con correspond with each sphere, multiplayer is incredibly natural and comfortable. For that alone, the Switch port comes off as the definitive version. With a truly meditative ambience and stellar puzzle design, Semispheres can be enjoyed in blissful solitude just as much as in the company of a good friend.

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7.5 / 10.0
Sep 13, 2017

Still, if you want to sit back and relax with your Switch, Semispheres is an enjoyable and serene puzzler that is both soothing and tough. The lack of overall meat to the game is a little disappointing, but the ride is very much worthwhile as long as you're okay with a shorter-than-expected time.

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5.7 / 10.0
Feb 13, 2017

Semispheres is a clever blend of stealth and polarity-based puzzles but the content is severely lacking.

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8 / 10.0
Feb 13, 2017

"Semispheres is a short, sweet, and succinct puzzle game. It's not too hard and the learning curve is fairly kind so non-puzzle gamers have nothing to fear here. The last few stages and levels will make you think though unless you exploit around them. Most will certainly appreciate the art and music which are arguably the game's best features. Hell, you could legitimately meditate to the tunes if you truly wanted. I can easily recommend this title to fans of the genre, just understand how long the experience will last."

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4 / 5
Feb 13, 2017

Semispheres’ puzzles are really fun to get into and you will definitely find yourself wanting more once they are complete. The intrinsic nature of the game really is it’s drive. It was a shame that although the story was quite interesting to go through, it just seemed like a byline to the puzzles. This was the only thing stopping me from giving this game top marks.

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