Rain World Reviews

Rain World is ranked in the 30th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
5 / 10.0
Mar 30, 2017

Developer Videocult took a brave chance with Rain World.

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80 / 100
Apr 6, 2017

The moment you accept that you’re just another critter trying to survive and hopefully reunite with its family, is the moment you’ll be able to enjoy the title properly. As long as you can push through the frequent setbacks that death brings with it, Rain World will be a great experience of survival and discovery in a world that’s quite unique.

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Apr 10, 2017

Graphically the game is nothing out of this world, but it fulfills its mission for what it wants to present to us. The feeling of being lost in hostile territory and only in the face of danger transmits it very well, which is why the artistic part excels. However, I am afraid it is a game that, in time, will end up being the meat of PlayStation Plus.

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8 / 10.0
Mar 29, 2017

To me, Rain World is an example of how independent projects can progress some of our basic conventions of fields like animation, design, and world-building, but also how sometimes they can ward off some players with their quirks as well. It is a game that instigates you all the time to experiment but also reminds you how risky your mistakes can be, keeping you always aware and focused. At times I was extremely pissed at the game and even though sometimes it was justified, I often saw that I was guilty of my deaths and realized that I could abstract knowledge from my mistakes to conquer this world. Its subjectivity and brutality will for sure be problems for many and they have been for me too at various times, but in the end I feel that experiencing Rain World is not so much about progressing in this world to get a conclusion (something I didn't come across after spending 15 hours on my playthrough), but is about understanding how this world works and make yourself the king of it, well, at least until the next time you die.

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9.5 / 10.0
Apr 21, 2017

Big survival metroidvania

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3 / 10
Apr 11, 2017

Rain World is so very close to being something special. Its aesthetic is haunting and its dynamic AI creates a world that feels real, as opposed to one that exists purely for you to overcome its challenges. Unfortunately it’s a game undone by poorly implemented controls and a series of strange design decisions that undermine the type of game it wants to be.

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May 14, 2017

Rain World isn't a game that everyone will enjoy unfortunately, and that is a shame. Rain World is brutally gorgeous and an unforgiving world that continues to amaze and throw surprises at you along your journey.

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7 / 10.0
Apr 28, 2017

I wanted to love Rain World. It’s an admirable game that tries many interesting things, but it also puts up too many barriers that deter gamers from truly enjoying it. There’s an interesting world to explore, but most will lack the patience to do so.

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7 / 10.0
Apr 6, 2017

Sticks and stones may break my bones and the rain will totally kill me. Like every other thing in Rain World. If you are up to some challenging puzzle-platformer with extreme survivor elements, Rain World is what you are looking for.

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7 / 10.0
Apr 16, 2017

Rain World is difficult and unrewarding unless you’re willing to persevere through unforgiving trials of time and sheer luck, then you’ll likely find a plain frustrating experience. That said, those who don’t waver are bound to find a gem within the rough.

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6.5 / 10.0
Apr 1, 2017

In short, we can say that Rain World offers a platform adventure that also introduces some aspects of survival; However, if the game offers good ground on the card, in the realization we encircle some aspects that do not convince us too much.

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8.4 / 10.0
Apr 20, 2017

Taking everything into perspective, I found Rain World to be an absolute gem. There's not much of an explicit story, yet the world is spelled out all around you with your experiences in this ecosystem personalizing each encounter. The difficulty can be a nice throwback however, the fact that your progress can be so easily lost is going to be a 'make or break' point for most gamers. If that's something you can't deal with, I strongly emphasize my caution to you to stay away. For those who do choose to press on, you're in for an incredible journey through a world that's truly unique every time through.

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7 / 10.0
Apr 18, 2017

"Rain World was definitely not what I was expecting and it’s not going to be what a lot of players will be expecting either. It subverts your expectations and delivers something different and unique but not very approachable. While it looks amazing and is originally animated, your exploration and desire to delve into it might be seriously hampered by its crushing difficulty and unforgiving failure penalties. It could have been an indie darling, talked about in mainstream gamer communities but the developers wanted to deliver another experience entirely. The end result is a solid piece of video gaming, lovingly crafted and with a lot more depth than it may seem, but it will probably remain a cult classic, bearing the tried and true “not for everyone” label."

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Mar 31, 2017

Throughout it you can see the hard work that the team put in. From the weird physics engine to the character designs, and all the way to the pixel art, the game comes across as a labor of love. But somewhere it lost touch and decided to focus more on aesthetic than on the actual game design and gameplay. The game gives me a sense of defeat because there's such a beautiful and fun world that has been held down with the cumbersome controls and overbearing difficulty. Rain World is a game that will end up breaking you emotionally, not because the main character is cute and dies every five seconds, but because game forces you to submit to its rules without any form of consent.

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Mar 28, 2017
Rain World - Logic Review video thumbnail
8 / 10.0
Apr 5, 2017

While working on my own review, I knew that the game received a lot of bad reviews. I did not want to read other reviews because I didn’t want my review to be influenced by others. Most people hate what they cannot understand. But for me, you can’t just hate a game simply because it’s difficult (what about Dark Souls?). When you’re playing to have fun, you need to give Rain World plenty of time to get the best out of it.

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7.6 / 10.0
Mar 26, 2017

Rain World manages to create a big, scary world for you to navigate but it doesn’t really put much in that world besides its visuals. You’re not given much instruction, and after a while it can feel boring and frustrating to get through. The game does offer quite the challenge, but with no real reward or sense of progression, it’s not a challenge you’ll feel like taking on.

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9 / 10.0
Mar 31, 2017

For an Adult Swim game, I didn’t expect much. That’s still true. There isn’t much to this game, except for what there is. If that makes any sense? Rain World is an excellent piece of art; however, it leaves the story very ambiguous as far as I can tell, but the 2D side scrolling stealth platformer is not a game you want to miss.

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3 / 5.0
Mar 27, 2017

I wanted to love Rain World, I really did, but in the end I couldn’t. Although it starts out strong, and boasts a variety of unique gameplay features, it ends up coming out a bit muddled due to the abusive limits it places on players and overbearing confusion.

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7 / 10
Jan 23, 2019

GOOD - Rain World is one part cute, one part creepy, and another part frustrating survival game. The controls are not easy to master, and some will no doubt find the punishment of death in this game unforgiving. Still, those that like a challenge are sure to find something to like!

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