Rain World Reviews

Rain World is ranked in the 30th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
6 / 10
Mar 30, 2017

Too often in Rain World, death does not feel warranted, as the ruthless creatures make any attempt to advance truly punishing. I felt that many times that there was simply no way to avoid dying, which in turns sets you back in your progress to locate new areas to explore. There are thrilling moments in the game, but the poor design decisions in the game hamper any enjoyment.

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Top Critic
5 / 10.0
Apr 15, 2017

Become a slugcat and don't let him drown or be eaten. Classic mix of platformer and survival, but only for persistent players.

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8 / 10.0
Mar 31, 2017

Despite how much I enjoy that kind of experience on a conceptual level, it definitely isn't my favorite kind of game to play, and I generally felt like I was solving puzzles with half of the pieces. Rain World is a beautiful, forward-thinking game that points to a form of game design that I want to see more of. I just wish it made itself a little more accessible.

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Mar 25, 2017

Among this year's many exciting triple-A games, Rain World holds its own for being original, exciting, and addictive. This beautifully animated indie title keeps players on their toes by facing them with threatening creatures, each with varied tactics, and imminent storms. Mechanics can be mildly frustrating at times, but there is certainly a learning curve. All in all, Rain World is delightfully weird and should not be overlooked.

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8 / 10.0
Mar 27, 2017

Think Limbo, but more haunting and with better controls, and you'll have a basic idea of what Rain World is about.

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6.5 / 10.0
Jan 24, 2019

Rain World is a fun game with a lot of fun survival mechanics and beautiful art style. This title is held back by its own level design that felt confusing at time.

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7 / 10.0
Jan 4, 2019

If you're looking for a slightly different 2D platformer that provides a challenge then Rain World is a great fit

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8 / 10.0
May 8, 2017

In the end, Rain world is a 2D crowd funded game by an independent studio and it does what it intends quite brilliantly: Showing the players the survival of the fittest. Not minding the extremely hard gameplay and puzzles, Rain World is one of the few 2D indie games that brings a new experience for platformer lovers

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9 / 10
Mar 31, 2017

Rain World is an incredible adventure and rewards persistence while being an extremely aesthetically pleasing game. Paying homage to older games with its design, it still feels like its own entity. To me, this is nostalgia done right.

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6 / 10.0
Apr 1, 2017

Incredibly difficult but nicely drawn, atmospheric and surprisingly deep platformer about long and rough journey of one small slugcat. Rain World don't really have enough mercy, the game doesn't forgive the slightest weakness or inattention, and it's rules can remain misunderstood for a very long time. To go through it, you need an iron will, perseverance and aspiration. If you've got what it takes, it could be a lot of fun.

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Top Critic
5 / 10
Apr 15, 2017

Rain World has so much potential, it's infuriating to watch it crumble under the weight of trying to be difficult. There seems to be a new mantra in gaming that the game's not good unless it's brutally hard, and this is clearly misguided. If it controlled better and gave the player a bit more sympathy, Rain World would have been sublime. As it stands, though, Rain World is just an angry experience, yelling at gamers for every little mistake.

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7.5 / 10.0
Apr 10, 2017

Despite my grievances with the unfair difficulty of Rain World I did enjoy my time with it but not as much I had hoped to. It's massive, interestingly, designed world begs me to explore it but the unfairness of it all pushes me away. Rain World has so many things going for it like an awesome enemy AI system, great animation, huge world and more but the other lesser done well things like the way too slow movement speed and the moments of unfairness keep it from being truly great. I do think it is worth checking out though and judging for yourself as it is unlike most other games out there.

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69 / 100
Mar 27, 2017

Do not be fooled by the serene music or a cute protagonist, Rain World is an extremely difficult and highly frustrating survival game. You will become part of the food chain from a hostile environment with deadly rains. Death will constantly follow your steps and progression will have a slow pace. Several secrets await to be uncovered, including game's own mechanics and objectives. If all of this enticed your competitive spirit, go for it; buy the game and be happy. Otherwise, stay away from all the stress. Above all, have in mind that you may face technical problems that may corrupt your save file.

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8 / 10
Apr 4, 2017

Rain World might suffer from poor controls, challenging difficulty level, and some bad gameplay mechanics, but if you are patient enough, you'll enjoy it.

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7 / 10
Apr 5, 2017

Rain World is certainly one of those “love it or hate it” type of release where the premise is either going to strongly resonate with you, or you’re going to abhor it and not want to play it again. The game’s presentation is top-notch, and its gameplay mechanics feel tight and to the point, but this might not be enough so save it in your eyes. Did I have fun with it? Yes. Is it a flawed release that could have been made a tad less difficult? Definitely. Is this a must-have game on PS4? Hard to say. But I’m sure that if you play the game you won’t forget about it anytime soon.

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Mar 30, 2017

Even though the game frequently gates off my progression, I can't get enough of Rain World.

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Top Critic
7 / 10
Mar 29, 2017

Rain World is a surprising fun game when it manages to click together. However, it also suffers from some frustrating design choices that makes it difficult to enjoy the game. Despite its flaws, the game offers a solid experience if you can overlook some of the difficulty spikes.

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9 / 10
Mar 27, 2017

Not since Mark of the Ninja have I played a stealth game that felt so impactful, lingering in my thoughts long after I put the controller down.

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6 / 10.0
Jan 17, 2019

The main appeal I saw in Rain World was in its art style and the design of its enemies. Its mechanics need some fine tuning for it to be the masterpiece it has the potential to be. If you're looking for a game that'll really try your patience and give you a good challenge, then I'd absolutely recommend adding this to your library. Otherwise, I'd recommend you look elsewhere.

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Dusk Fox
Jan 3, 2019

While this game is a port to Nintendo's hybrid console, it has seen some major improvements to controls, balancing and even added features, such as new modes to play as and a local multiplayer option, which definitely adds to the experience of playing on the Nintendo Switch when compared to other consoles. Rain World is a challenging experience, to say the least. If you are looking for a new game to really test your skills, a game with little to hand-holding and lots of exploring or a game that has a little of all your favorite genres, you have to give this game a try. However, do keep in mind that the difficulty can be a bit stressful at times, making you leave the game to cool off for an hour or two… or maybe a few days before you're ready to try and take another stab at it.

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