FIFA 18 Reviews

FIFA 18 is ranked in the 91st percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Top Critic
8 / 10.0
Sep 22, 2017

FIFA 18 may take a few steps back in the gameplay department but the well-written, multi-layered story that deals with Alex's life on and off the pitch is one worth experiencing.

9 / 10.0
Sep 21, 2017

FIFA 18 is a very good football game, probably the best coming out this year.: with a new gameplay, more slow paced and giving more space to players with great technique. The IA is eventually more Human, but the keepers are worse than the previous year. FUT is great as usual, and The Journey two brings the new mode of FIFA to a whole new level.

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Sep 29, 2017

All in all, this year's FIFA has something to offer soccer/football fans of every type if you're not too disappointed by its lack of new features.

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9 / 10.0
Oct 18, 2017

FIFA 18 is a great follow-up to last year’s game, adding and changing just enough to feel worth the purchase with the blemishes being slight enough to be mostly overlooked.

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8 / 10
Sep 22, 2017

With an improved story mode, polished visuals, and fluid gameplay, FIFA 18 is a solid upgrade over FIFA 17 and even its rival.

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Oct 19, 2017

FIFA 18 has already made me experience immense highs and depressing lows, just like football in real life. The gameplay takes a lot of getting used to, however, the changes have mostly been for the good and the A.I. is a lot smarter.

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7 / 10
Oct 31, 2017

Looking at and playing through FIFA 18, you'll always have mixed feelings about it. The game is still very fun, but there's almost zero improvements from the last year's release. FIFA needs new blood, and needs it now, as PES is improving fast.

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8.5 / 10.0
Oct 30, 2017

FIFA 18 is the most gorgeous-looking soccer title to date. This is the second time the Frostbite engine has been used for the FIFA games, so the change may not seem as dramatic, but the development team has been able to achieve what it wanted with the engine. The title features tight and responsive gameplay as well as better visuals. Additionally, the Ultimate Team mode is by far one of the most interesting and encouraging ranking systems I've seen in video games. For those looking to dive head-first into a soccer game, FIFA 18 is your best choice.

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8.8 / 10.0
Oct 12, 2017

Fifa 18 is successfully the best simulator of the entire series. It’s the best thing for the fans of this popular and lovely sport. Effective improvements in the gameplay and the special attention the developers gave this game have made Fifa 18 the best game of this series. Thanks to the pile of features and different modes Fifa 18, as a sports game, can keep you entertained for hours. Fifa is getting better and better every day. It’s been changing a lot, but the gameplay has always been stable which made the yearly improvements work and the developers managed to keep the game fresh throughout the years.

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7 / 10.0
Oct 23, 2017

FIFA 18 is certainly an upgrade on FIFA 17 and undoubtedly the franchise is going in the right direction, but with the same flaws still remaining it is hard to solely focus on the positives. The game needs balancing out as far too much of the game is focused on attacking, rather than the grittier and more tactical side of football. FIFA 18 is superb to look at with the slick menus, pre-match changes, vast licences, wonderfully represented stadiums, and player images, but changes to its gameplay are a necessity for me. Having played PES 2018 and FIFA 18 this year, I can comfortably say PES takes the award for being the best football game, but FIFA still has the greater depth to it, and is the more sociable game of the two.

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Shayan Ziaei
Top Critic
90 / 100
Sep 30, 2017

The thing is that even after all these years, EA Sports hasn’t find its ideal gameplay for FIFA series; so every two or three years FIFA is going through some radical changes that are not always necessary. But FIFA 18 is different, changes are blessing from god and gameplay’s compactness and freedom has made this game a truly joyful experience and at the same time, a great football simulator.

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88 / 100
Oct 10, 2017

FIFA 18 still reigns as the best soccer game of this generation (depending on who you ask). Although The Journey mode does not bring the same impact from the previous installment, FIFA 18 is a great sequence and delivers the best addition of the last few years: the possibility of experiencing Alex Hunter's life out of the soccer field, showing more of his human side facing the difficulties that a player's career might present. FIFA 18 repeats its formula, with subtle improvements on gameplay, and brings what was already good (and bad) in FIFA 17, and fells much more like an update than a full game.

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84 / 100
Oct 12, 2017

FIFA 18 is a solid continuation of this authentic and highly polished sports franchise that still manages to make meaningful strides forward.

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Digitally Downloaded
Moshe R.
Top Critic
Oct 9, 2017

FIFA 18 is not the video game manifestation of the beautiful game I would have liked it to be, but as general entertainment, it is still pretty good.

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Tommaso Stio
Top Critic
9 / 10.0
Oct 4, 2017

EA is famous for making incredible progresses every year on new chapters: game modes and technical side of FIFA 18 are amazing. This game is the top football experience that every fan should play!

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Oct 4, 2017

"FIFA 18" would make for a great entry point to the series for those thinking of picking it up for the first time but also should prove satisfying to those passionate fans who purchase the games annually.

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8.5 / 10.0
Oct 6, 2017

By keeping the same old structure and applying some random changes into the gameplay, FIFA 18 has succeeded in offering a new experience. It may not be so flawless after all, considering it as a Football Sim, instead, the fast-paced gameplay and the exciting modes, make FIFA 18 one of the best sports video game one can afford to buy that'd entertain you for at least a whole year.

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8 / 10.0
Oct 4, 2017

FIFA 18 on Switch does what it does very well, but it's hard to ignore just how much is missing. This really is the best FIFA on a portable there has ever been, and the most full featured, but compared to other console versions, it is lacking. Hopefully EA will continue the series on Switch and add some of that content back in, but for now, whether this game is worthwhile will depend on how you like to play it.

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Top Critic
8.5 / 10.0
Oct 1, 2017

FIFA 18 is by no means a perfect game and there are problems in areas like defending. besides scoring with crosses is very easy and unbalanced. but despite all these problems, FIFA 18 has a great story mode, amazing atmosphere and in general represents football in a very beautiful way which makes it hard not to love this game.

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8 / 10
Oct 1, 2017

FIFA 18 offers a great story mode this year with the return of Alex Hunter, but when it comes to improvements to the general gameplay, there is not much to gain here.

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